
Friday 8 March 2013

Maybe It's Because I'm a Londoner!

Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner, that I love London town!  Yes, I harp on about it all the time after upping roots and moving to Essex and then Lincolnshire.  My accent is east end though and not the posh part, so imagine someone from Eastenders speaking and you've got me!  From nine years old (yes 9!).  I used to jump on a double decker bus with the open door and a 'clippy', sit on the top deck and go to St Paul's Cathedral, Oxford Street, Westminster, on my own!  I could never get enough of the place.  Further down the river, I would go with my Grandad to Greenwich, mainly because they were redeveloping the Docklands, so you had to be  a bit more savvy in where you went.  This week though it was up river and opposite the Houses of Parliament to have a meeting and lunch at Lambeth Palace.  Unfortunately the weather was not kind to me with a heavy misty rain and very grey (I have tried to brighten the shots a little for you and promise to return soon on a more cheery day).  So as promised last week, grab yourself a cup of rosie lee (tea) and rest those plates of meat (feet) and I will take you on a very little tour of my 'manor' (home town)...

Let's start with the reason I was here, Lambeth Palace.  This is the gatehouse to the precincts of the Archbishop of Canterbury's residence.  Notice the Houses of Parliament to the left across the River Thames.
This was the view from the south bank, you can just make out Westminster Cathedral to the left of the shot (the white building).
Once we were approved to go through the gatehouse the 'inner sanctum' is a group of old buildings, this one is the library. Just look at the fig tree in front of it. Goodness knows how old that is!

Then this building next to it contains the Guard Room.  I have put a link here so that you can read further on the different rooms within Lambeth Palace. (When you look at the link we had our meeting in the Guard Room, we sat for lunch in the State Drawing Room and I had an additional meeting in the Pink Drawing Room.  We also went down to the Crypt Chapel, such a beautiful peaceful place)

On the shot above can you see the third arched window from the left?  Can you see the light?  Well this is where we had our meeting and this was what was above our heads....
I only shot above as the room was full, however apart from the wonderful lighting, you can make out the oil paintings of the 15th and 16th century Archbishops.  This room was used when the new Archbishop of Canterbury was recently announced to the world.

This is the entrance into the Palace, when through the door you are faced with the most gorgeous staircase which takes you to the state rooms.  This farcade was built in the 1840's due to the fact that there are so many medieval buildings behind it that they wanted to give it a more uniform character.

Once the meeting was over and the networking had finished for the day it was time to head home before the awful London rush hour began.  I was hoping the mist would have cleared for you, but I'm sorry to say it hadn't.  However, I have managed to edit the following photos to get through the mist.  Here is the view of the Houses of Parliament with Lambeth Bridge standing impressively across the River Thames.  Now, just to the left of shot can you make out a very strange looking building in the mist.  This is the old Post Office Tower.
Getting closer so the mist isn't so dense...
This was looking back towards Lambeth Bridge from Westminster Bridge.  THAT's how misty it was, just awful.
A bit closer, such a shame it was so dark!
On the other side there is the fabulous London Eye.  If ever you!  BUT pick a very clear day.  The pods look empty as the view would not have been good at all.  Also if you do ever go on here make sure you have one of the guide books as you will then know where all the famous landmarks are.

The day was so dark that even the street lamps came on early.  What a shame.
So, for some of you this will be what you would expect of 'Good Old England', rain, fog, grey.  Honestly, it is not like this all the time and I am planning my next trip very soon to give you a better tour of the place.  Until then, the last shot, black and white, think of Sherlock Holmes and all those old films.
I hope your part of the world is a lot more sunnier than mine was!

Take care.

This week I'm sharing with:


  1. I too love London. Samuel Johnson was so right!
    "Why, Sir, you find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."
    Despite the weather you have captured some wonderful sights there! My heart always skips a beat when I see the Houses of Parliament. And Lambeth Palace. I'll put up with the rain and fog (which in fact I secretly like) to keep these sights. Minerva ~

    1. And he was absolutely right! I keep saying, you can take the girl out of London but not London out of the girl. I am so at home there and miss it with all my heart. x

  2. London is my favourite city in the world! I have been 4 times and I love every second I spend there. I've never been to Lambeth, but would love to see it one day. The fig tree in front is pretty impressive. I wonder how long it has been growing there.... I was lucky to have a perfectly clear day the time I rode the London Eye. Quite the views form there! Thanks for sharing your day in London with us. Hugs, B.

  3. Thanks soo much for taking us on the tour - I'm not a traveller - so I get to see the world via blog tours.
    Sure looks grey and cold. Here in New Zealand we have plenty of sun.
    Love Leanne

  4. Stunning pictures! You did a wonderful job even in the mist. London is such a fantastic city. I have only been twice, but loved it both times! I hope I can go back soon with the kids. Boy, this makes me want get tickets now!! I'd love to go on The London Eye. It was such a great idea to build that! Thanks for the tour!

  5. Hello fellow east London gal! Although, I'm not from the east originally (from the south west in fact), I've lived in east London now for longer than I've lived anywhere else! Plaistow, Upton Park, East Ham, Woodford and now South Woodford. What about you?

    Fabulous pics, Chel, and it's still a grey and rainy day here. xx

  6. Lovely photos Chel
    definitely makes me want to visit and to shop too of course!!!

    I have only been to London once but definitely need a
    return trip - it's been too long.

    Weather here is gloomy too.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Fiona x

    1. Thanks Fiona, oh yes the shopping!! Don't get me started! I introduced Miss Teenager to Oxford Street shopping a couple of years ago. She was one very happy girl! Take care. Chel x

  7. Is that just one tree?!?! Incredible! My eldest (Big Sis) is studying at Kings on the Strand at the mo and in halls at Southwark - I'm pretty sure she walks over Westminster Bridge on her daily commute ( does that sound right? ) Haven't been to visit her yet but you've inspired me - just need to wait for some nicer weather! x Jane (P.S. what a fantastic job you have!)

    1. There are so many ways to get there, I still lose myself! Yes it is a job that I often have to pinch myself that I was chosen to do it. Rare you hear that someone is actually happy with what they do! Definitely wait for better weather, London is beautiful! x

  8. Chel, thanks for sharing those lovely pictures of your day spent in London. I went to visit London in the early 90s when my husband was on a business trip and I did all the day tours while he worked and I absolutely loved it. I do hope to go back and visit again sometime soon. Take care, Julie - USA

  9. What amazing places, London and Lambeth Palace. I've never visited London, but it's on my list of places to one day get to.
    Watery sunshine is the weather here today, but that's better than just water.

    1. If you go to Lambeth Palace you will need to book the tour first as it is not open all the time due to it being the residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury. However, it really is worth it, especially the crypt chapel which is the oldest part of the building. x

  10. I have only been to London twice, but I do love it, really want to go back soon. I really enjoyed that post and you take the most wonderful photographs.
    M xxxx

    1. You're very kind as I was disappointed with my 'Flo' yesterday, even though it was the weather and not her. (I call my camera Flo!). X

  11. I've never been to London, but his beautiful pictures make me want to go on a city trip!! Liefs Else X

    1. June is usually best Else, not so much rain! (well, hopefully!). xx

  12. I love London too! I was last there 3 years ago and am visiting again in May for a friend's special birthday ... great pictures Chel, loved this post.

    Thanks for popping over to me and for your kind comments

    Love Claire xx

  13. Oh my!! Your photos make me long for London. I haven't been there in about 3 years. And I miss it so much. I used to live in England for a while, but WAY up north. And I'd visit london and like it for a just a little bit of time. But your photos make me wish I was back there NOW! Mist and all...

  14. Great photos - even in the mist. We had rain all day here today and the forecast is for worse over the weekend. Let's hope they got that wrong!

  15. I've been fortunate enough to have visited London a couple of times, but feel that I have only scratched the surface or your city, Chel.

    1. Thanks for your comment, I think I'll have to do a London page on my blog to keep my 'London fix' going. Take care. Chel x

    2. Thanks for linking to "Sunlit Sunday" today, Chel!

  16. Fabulous photos - I love the history of your country - the old buildings and palaces and all. Thanks for taking us along.

  17. SO beautiful I will sight see through your blog... keep sending the pictures from far away... to a reader in Oregon.

  18. Gorgeous views of a beautiful city. I hope to see it someday! Very pretty even in the fog. xoxo

  19. Lovely photos Chel! It's been a long time since I last visited London but your photos have made me want to visit again :) Have a lovely weeekend, Elisabeth x

  20. awesome shots of the city. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Beautiful photos. Thank you for visiting mu blog about the chickens, I am your newest follower.

    1. Thank you, it was hard work with the weather I was dealing with, but hope to have better shots in a few weeks. Take care. Chel

  22. The scenery is unbelievable! I would love to visit one day. Can you believe I have never been out of the United States? Sad, really.

  23. Loving that last black and white shot!

    Lambeth Palace ... you do move in exalted circles. And isn't it just the most incredible building :)

  24. Hello Chel,
    I have enjoyed your tour so very much. I am amazed with the age and history of the many beautiful buildings, cathedrals and establishments of London. Your history is so rich and lengthy. I live in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The state of Oregon (where I live) became a state in 1859 so it's quite young compared to England. My gggrandparents traveled in the covered wagons to the Oregon Territory in the 1800s and settled here. I grew up on the Coast of Oregon right on the Pacific Ocean.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and chatting.
    Have a blest day,

  25. Wow, that was a great tour and wonderful photos! I've never been abroad but London is one place I want to visit if I ever do get over to Europe. My husband was there a few times in the 70's on business and always loved it. The giant London Eye, ferris wheel is impressive but I get scared on them. That one is unbelievably huge! There are so many details I love about London- even the cabs are neat looking!

    1. Thanks for your comment Liz. Believe me the eye is so huge that you don't even notice that you are moving. Each pod is enormous with a seating area in the middle, the 'ride' is smooth and I have been on with someone who was claustrophobic and she didn't even flinch. Even me who is scared of heights, didn't even think how high I was off the ground! It's well worth the visit and you will be so glad you did. With London there is something for everyone from East to West but if you do come over for the first time, head for the 'square mile' as we call it which has all typical tourist places such as Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Houses of Parliament etc, and you will find some other gems along the way. Also take the open topped tourist bus as you can get off and on as often as you like. Take care. Chel x

  26. Wow, what beautiful pictures - the mist and rain makes London even more beautiful! I have never been to England and hope one day to be able to visit. I found your blog from Madge at "The View From Right Here" and look forward to looking through past photos. Thanks for sharing!

    Pat F.

  27. I'm so glad I found your blog. I enjoyed that day in London with you very much, mist and all! I'm off to check the inside of Lambeth Palace thanks to your link.

  28. Thanks for the tour!
    One thing I love about blogging is that I get to see places that I'll never be able to visit. You are a great tour guide!
    Lea's Menagerie

  29. Wonderful, wonderful photos. This former Londoner, from the east end and then Essex, really appreciated seeing them. London is always in my heart.

  30. Oh your photos make me want to go back to visit London!!! Gorgeous gorgeous photos!

  31. Wonderful pics! We were there in 2010 and took many pictures from those same places. Yours brought back lovely memories.

  32. The photo with the bridge is brilliant. The lamppost were very unusual and fascinating to look at - the regular tourist probably misses all that. I've been to London once and would love to visit again.

  33. I'm so glad you came by to share on Weekly Top Shot #73!

  34. The day may have been over cast, but I thoroughly enjoyed my tour. Hope to see it for real some day! What a brave little 9 year old girl you were. Love all of the historical buildings! Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

  35. Hi Chel, thanks for visiting me. I really enjoyed your photos of London, even in the mist. We were there in July, 1992 and experienced all kinds of weather but it was mainly sunny and hot. We didn't get this close to photograph the Parliament building but we got to Buckingham Palace and St. Paul's etc. It was the best vacation ever as we were there a month and drove up to Scotland and points between. Blessings, Pamela

  36. What a beautiful post!!!
    I do a series each Wednesday on real estate and did one once on London - we used to go to Yorkshire every year where Hubby is from and made it one year to London - such a gorgeous city!
    Definitely your newest follower!!!
    Big hugs,
    Suzan ( from Montreal )

  37. Thanks a lot for sharing all these wonderful pictures! Would be great if I could visit London also some day.

  38. I too love London although I know it only as a visitor! I have been on the London Ey several times and it is spectacular. Of course we always hit the tourist destinations, but we also try to explore different neighborhoods and ride the buses. Thank you for the tour. I would love to go to Lambeth. Linda

  39. ohhhh it's so nice to have someone from Europe to follow.....I am from Germany follower and thanks for stopping by Little Brags

  40. I'm in love with London too. Cant wait to visit again.



Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x