
Wednesday 23 January 2013

Charcoal Trees and Beautiful Ice

I'm sorry for another monochrome post but I just couldn't resist.  The long difficult journey into work, the sense of achievement I felt when driving under the Cathedral barrier...I was here, I had arrived, I hadn't had any scrapes along the way.  Yes because I love my job, but also because of the visual delights that awaited me.  I knew the Cathedral and grounds were going to be spectacular and they didn't disappoint.  I promise this will the last of these majestic building photos for a while, but I just had to share the winter wonderland with you.

The trees were so magical, it felt as though an artist had made a charcoal drawing with the trunks and branches and nature had done the rest.

My walk continued around, along with other people taking advantage of the fresh snow and untouched look to take as many images as possible.  All commenting on how beautiful it all looked.

Narnia was well and truly here!

I took so many photos until my fingers couldn't feel the shutter anymore.  They were frozen through!

When I got home that afternoon, Mr Teenager was really excited about something he had found in the waterbutt in the garden.  Now, I was a bit trepidacious (is that a word?) following him outside, he does like to shock me with spiders and such like but this time I was very impressed.  Look at what had formed inside the edge...

Aren't they amazing!

Now then, no more monochrome, let's have some colour starting with my gorgeous Coco by day and by night.  During the day she has been surveying the garden, eating bits and pieces left out for the birds (really annoying!) and getting suitably mudded up!  By night, well, butter wouldn't melt would it (I can you hear you...'ahhhh') as she cosies up in her bed and snores  sleeps to her hearts content.
My wrist warmers are now finished!!  Ta Dah! So warm, so cosy, so don't want to take them off!  The pattern is here.  Have a go...they took me a couple of days and I am a novice at crochet.

The pink baby ripple blanket is almost there.  In fact I think tonight is the night of the bobble stitch around the outside and it will be another 'Ta Dah' moment.

Did you catch it?  Yes, a shot of pink in this very plain post!  Here's another pink moment for you.  Whilst composing this post there is a heavy scent in the air from one of my hyacinths.  I leave this beauty with you and I hope the rest of your week goes well.

Take care.

I'm linking up with Weekly Top Shot


  1. Your snowy moments are beautifully stark, the snow really does show everything off at its best. Love your apricot hyacinth I didn't know they came in that colour. One to look out for next year I think.

    1. I think it is more apricot because of the lighting in my study, and maybe because I am trying out a new camera (without reading the manual!). Take care. Chel x

  2. Those photos were well worth getting cold for. The cathedral looks absolutely beautiful - as do the trees.

    I am impressed with your wrist warmers and the blanket! I won't try making any myself though - I don't know about monochrome - the air would be blue if I were to attempt anything that complicated!

  3. That ice is incredible - I must admit when I first scrolled down I thought it was an old landscape - pine trees in front of mountains in front of a white sky. Hope your wrist warmers are keeping you nice and warm x

  4. Such pretty landscape photos. Thanks for baring the cold to take the photos.....the cathedral looks so majestic!
    Coco os so cute. I love dogs!

    Linking from Share Your Cup Thursday,
    Ricki Jill

  5. Magical photos of the cathedral and snow! Lovely and thought provoking!
    ~Tanya linking from Share your Cup Thursday

  6. Hi Chel, your photos are beautiful. I love the magic the ice and snow brings. We got 18 inches of new snow just today. Crazy! More than we've had in years. Your wrist warmers are so fun and I loved the shot of the Hyacinth. Love how they smell! Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup. Now following you.

  7. Do not apologize for posting what you want on your blog!

    I love monochrome shots, especially those of winter. Yours are lovely.

  8. Gorgeous wintry scenes, love those of the cemetery... I'm so glad you came by to share on Weekly Top Shot #68!


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