
Saturday 26 January 2013

A Bit of Blue Sky Thinking

Today we saw the first signs of a blue sky.  It seemed so strange first thing in the morning looking out of the window as the sun shone on the snowy rooftops.  It made me realise just how monochrome the world had been for the last couple of weeks.  It had snowed again in the night leaving a lighter dusting on top of what remained of last week's pounding, but thankfully this didn't last too long.

The lanes around here are never gritted so to get to my parents, we took the long way round onto the main roads, however we did have to go past Moulton Mill as it's sails were turning.  We couldn't miss that!

The fields were still white, but again the blue sky was peeping through.

After a lovely visit to my parents, we headed down to Baytree (the local garden centre).  Now, one of my projects this year is to revamp my kitchen window baskets.  They are bare...I mean REALLY bare!  The birds last year used all my coir lining for nests and subsequently everything fell out, plants died and with the one day of summer we had, I thought better than to waste time trying to do anything with them.  Don't they look awful?

So, with my order for coco fibre lining arriving I just needed some compost.  Well, am I glad we went!  They had a bulb sale, and not just a little bit off...a whole load off!  Bags of bulbs for 40p, and £1.00!!  Just look at my bargains...£4.20 for the lot!

I know that I won't see their cheery faces until next year, but I am determined to be totally prepared this year.

Also, I have a Ta Dah moment!!  The baby girl pram blanket has been finished.  I'm ok with it, I just think it may be a little too pink.  What do you think?  The brighter shots were taken outside (remember I said there was blue sky?!).
I've now put away the pink and bought some gorgeous stony toned wool to make a more 'grown up' blanket which I'll post on my progress when it really gets going.

But, I will leave you with a couple of photos I took in the garden today with my new camera (I was at last able to play a little with it).  It was nice to see the snow melting, but also lovely to see the last bits of ice that had settled on the trees.

And as winter starts to turn a corner to head into spring it was beautiful to see that Mother Nature was still in control with the bulb shoots peeking out through the snow.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and thank you so much to my new followers and lovely people that leave me comments.  You all brighten my day.

Take care.

Today I'm linking up with:


  1. Chel your blanket is beautiful - I think the deeper colour stops it being too pink - it makes me think of raspberry ripple ice cream! Well done on your bulb bargains - please don't be like me and put them in a 'safe' place and then find them next December!

  2. The first photo of the windmill is outstanding...something I've never seen! And I love the pretty blanket you've made. The shades of pink are very pretty. Stay warm this weekend! I live in a warm climate so it was nice here today. Sweet hugs!

  3. Hi there! A lovely post - the windmill is gorgeous and well done on your ripple blanket!! I have to get crocheting soon as we've got 3 baby cousins being born this year! J9 x

  4. Wow I love seeing that wind mill and the quaint town setting. That's amazing the the birds ate so much of your coco-fibre lining! I've never noticed mine being eaten away at except for a mouse that decided it was a nice place to live one year! Are you planting the bulbs in the planters? That does look like quite a bargain on your purchase! The blue skies are fabulous! I experienced that this past week and loved it. Love the detail on the picture of the ice laden branch and the tulip leaves popping through the snow!

  5. Your blanket is lovely, I'm just finishing up a round ripple.
    I see you are thinking spring with all those bulbs.

  6. I'd say if you're going to knit with pink for a girl then there's no such thing as too pink! The blanket is lovely, as are your snowy images :D

    Thank you for the get well wishes Chel, much appreciated.

  7. You have just brought some sunshine and a smile to me with the photo of emerging leaves through the snow.

  8. I'm sure you'll have fun putting those planters back into full bloom... love the windmill too! I'm your newest follower and rss subscriber...

  9. You are ready for spring; we are still snow bound.

  10. Hi there. I love the first photo with the windmill. Beautiful. I was surprised to read the the birds took the coir from your baskets for their nests. I hope you have better luck this year. Enjoy the nicer days. Pamela

  11. I think that you can never have too much pink for a little girl.

  12. Hi Chel, Nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by and your nice comment.
    Your first photo with the windmill is gorgeous with the bright blue sky. And you have green leaves merging from the snow! It will be a long time before we see that here.

  13. The windmill, snow and blue sky is a magical scene! And your crochet is simply lovely!

  14. What a beautiful pictures! I love your blanket, nice colours!! Else X

  15. Everything looks a little chilly.
    Good luck with the bulbs

  16. Oh your garden is going to be gorgeous with those new bulbs you picked up. I love to divide mine each year too for more color.

  17. You did get some bargains at the garden centre. Like the photos with your new camera.

  18. Hello, Chel

    Thank you very much for sharing your photos at Sunlit Sunday. I enjoyed seeing the blue skies (loved your post title), the vibrant colours of the blanket, and signs of planting! Those bulbs will brighten up many days!


  19. Hello! Thank you for visiting That Old House -- I love to visit new followers, and see what you are up to, also.
    I LOVE the look of your "bare" window boxes -- they are gorgeous.
    And the pictures you took as you played with your camera are wonderful -- especially that one with the rim of ice, caught just at the right moment.

    I wish you a wonderful weekend, and more blue skies!


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x