
Sunday 28 May 2017

Time to Say Goodbye

Five years ago, I ventured into the Blogosphere, tentative steps at first and then gaining confidence along with changing directions as I went, from crafts, day to day life, recipes etc.  Then as my photography gathered pace and trips to various places were enjoyed (especially my very much missed home town of London), my blog's journey changed again.

My little corner of blogland began to gain momentum in followers, comments, emails and  was incredibly rewarding and a joy to get to know those who were reading me, asking questions and giving support.  Bless you all for that.

My writing and photography helped me through the stressed years of parenting with  mid teenage angst and exams and Sweetbriar Dreams was my escape from the negativity that surrounded that time.  Now, all that angst is behind us and both Miss Teen and Mr Teen are venturing out into the big bad world themselves and making me proud.

In these five years I have rediscovered my love of photography that  I had many years ago and the confidence to go out with the camera and see the world rather than just look at it along  with my writing, to write the book rather than just read it.

I have made some wonderful friends along the way who share my interest in historical places, the pressures and loves of blogging, photography and the weekly catch up with each other.

And so after months and months of fighting with my thoughts, it is finally time to say goodbye to Sweetbriar Dreams.  It has been a wonderful journey and one that has made me look at things in a different way.

Believe me, it wasn't an easy decision and it will be something in my life that I will miss, but as bloggers know, to write a post, insert links and relevant content and edit photos takes up a huge chunk of time, which with a very busy and demanding job, along with being a parent and running a house, is time that I have less and less of unfortunately.

And so, I would like to say...

T H A N K   Y O U

Thank you all for your support, encouragement, comments and emails over the years!  Thank you for making me laugh and cry!  Thank you for being that virtual shoulder to rest on.  Thank you for being there!

It is now time to say goodbye and please take good care of yourselves!

ps.  Thank you all for your amazing comments and emails.  I will be carrying on microblogging through Instagram for a little while but I thoroughly recommend a truly inspirational blog by Mike at A Bit About Britain.  Another blogger who loves to visit places and tell the story behind the site. You can visit him here!


  1. Good luck as you move on. I have enjoyed your posts and the views of your beautiful part of the world. Thank you!

    1. Thank you Pondside! I have loved getting to know you through the years. Take care xx

  2. I'm so sorry to see you go. I'm disabled and live in a lovely little village in Norfolk. But your blog has brought so much joy to me, being able to 'visit' places I can't physically get to. I have a lot of friends in the States and have told all the Anglophiles amongst them about your blog, and they've derived so much pleasure from it too.. I wish you all the best, whatever you do in the future. Peace and Blessings

    1. Lesley, thank you so much for your lovely comment. This has made me really happy that you have enjoyed the trips as much as I have, and enjoyed the endless photos on occasion when I had got carried away! Take care xx

  3. I couldn't have said it better than Lesley UK. You have given people an invaluable insight into the history, beauty and mystery of this island we call home. You have so beautifully illustrated the wonders of visiting places so many will never get the chance to experience. Thank you Chel. I wish you well on your next adventure...... S x

    1. Thank you Sharron, and for your comments in the past. I will never stop loving life and capturing the extraordinary in the ordinary. Take care xx

  4. So sorry to see you go, Chel. I have loved visiting all these different places through your blog entries. I DO know all the hard work that goes behind a single blog posting and I see more and more people discontinuing their blogs.
    I shall continue my blog for the time being as I still enjoy posting on it and have more time on my hands since I stopped working. I also love the contacts it gives me.

    Thank you for all the sharing and lovely photos. Take care!

    1. Thank you Sandra and your lovely comments over the years. It is such a huge chunk out of a couple of days isn't it, and those chunks are harder and harder to find. I have loved posting though and capturing and will miss it! Take care! xx

  5. Thank you and take care, Chel.
    I'm going to miss your wonderful photos and fascinating texts.

    1. Thank you Sara. I'll miss the routine but will still enjoy reading blogs. Take care xx

  6. God bless you as you journey forward, Chel. We never really know where life is going to take us--or how much time we will have to devote to any one thing--or for how long that will last. It looks like you have loved blogging and, who knows, maybe at some point you will find your way back to the blog world...or maybe not.

    I have enjoyed your photos and your writings and will miss them. I hope you find the perfect outlet for your artistry. xo Diana

    1. Ah, thank you Diana, I have LOVED your visits! Indeed, life deals us many hands, and I have enjoyed this one VERY much! However, it is time to let go and concentrate on my photography in my spare time in more detail. I will still read your blog and catch up though. I'll miss you! Take care xx

  7. I have enjoyed so much your photographic journeys in a country I always wanted to visit and where my late husband was born. I will miss you but I certainly understand that things sometimes come to an end. My thoughts and prayers go with you. God bless.

    1. Thank you Melanie, and your lovely comments in the past. My photography will continue but in more detail, and of course, how can I not still write, but again more detail along with concentrating on my Grandad's research. Take care xx

  8. I also will miss you but I wish you well in all that you do.
    Kay G.

    1. Thanks Kay, the camera will still be clicking but not every five seconds! Take care xx

  9. Thank you, I'll miss your blog

    1. Thank you Angela, and for your visits. Take care xx

  10. How sad I am to see you go. In my short time, I have thoroughly enjoyed your blogging. But I'll always have my teacup! Blessings to you and thank-you for the time I have spent here.

    1. Thank you Andrea, and enjoy having those cups of tea and chocolate digestives!! Take care xx

  11. I wish you the very best Chel. There is a season for everything, and this is a different season for you. Enjoy life.

    1. Thank you Sarah, I will be stopping by to visit you and your gorgeous blog and amazing photography. Thanks for your visits and support along the way. Take care xx

  12. I feel as if we have just met. I'm going to miss your lovely, informative posts and the absolutely gorgeous photography. I hope your love and talent takes you very far and away on new adventures! You are remarkable and I admire you for looking forward with such surety.

    All the best,

    Jane x

    1. Hi Jane, it was always lovely to receive a comment from you. I'll still pop by to see how you are doing over the pond! Thank you for your lovely comment once again! Take care xx

  13. Wishing you all the best for whatever the future holds. As a fellow Londoner it has been a pleasure to get to know you via your blog

    1. Thank you Gina, and for your visits. We're very lucky coming from such a vibrant and amazing place. Take care xx

  14. Wishing you everything you wish for yourself, hope all goes well. It has been a joy going on your tours with you, especially around London as it brought back so many memories of my trips to visit my daughters, you will certainly be missed.

    1. Thank you so much, it has always been lovely to receive your comments. Take care xx

  15. sorry to hear this. you've got a wonderful blog. all the best! X

    1. Thanks Tanja, it has been lovely to have you here! Take care xx

  16. Sad to see you go, but I understand. I wish you all the best for whatever the future brings, and I hope that life will be good fun for you with lots of wonderful times ahead! Thank you for a great blog and being a friend over that time too!

    1. Thank you Amy and for all your lovely visits, comments and emails over the last few years. It has always been a pleasure to hear from you. Take care xx

  17. Chel, I am so sorry to hear of your news to retire your wonderful blog! I have thoroughly enjoyed every post and appreciated all your hard work to produce such an interesting and entertaining piece. I have always wanted to visit your wonderful country and although I doubt that will ever happen, living vicariously through your lovely words and pictures makes me feel as if I am indeed there with you sharing, learning and living in your beautiful country. Thank you again for all the wonderful trips you have brought us along with you! All my very best to you!

    Pat Frank
    Las Vegas, NV

    1. Thank you Pat for your wonderful words. I have been truly blessed with the comments and emails I have received and humbled by such appreciation for the work behind them. Bless you. xx

  18. Ahhhh Chel, how much we will miss you here sharing your beautiful photos of city and country. You brought us to places in London we may never never have known about - even those of us who have visited there often - and of course the beautiful countryside near your home, and the exquisite cathedral 'visits' you shared, have all been more than lovely. You write so well and it's obvious you have put heart and soul into your wonderful posts. Yes, they are time consuming to construct, especially to those of us who admit to taking perhaps too many photos (I'm guilty) because we truly enjoy sharing the world with others.

    However, all you have written and posted over the years will not be in vain - they will be there to look back on, memoirs you will love to view and your personal 'diary' for your children, perhaps some day grandchildren, to enjoy. I too sometimes think of closing down and using time pursuing perhaps another creative avenue - but right now I will keep going while so many bloggers are leaving. It's my only foray into the world of media - I don't do FaceBook or Instagram - and I must continue with something creative - what the heck would I do with all those photos anyway, haha!

    So my dear, know your blog will be missed much, but knowing you are out there with your camera doing what you love and makes you happy is good. I owe you an e-mail too - will get to that later. Stay well and be happy - hopefully you will take a little time now and then to stop by and let us know all is good with you and the family. Don't 'close' your blog please - I for one will always enjoy looking back and reading your posts!

    Happy day - Mary x

    1. Mary, I can't thank you enough! I remember when first blogging and visiting yours with your amazing travels around the world and capturing icebergs...icebergs!! I will most certainly be keeping in touch via comments and emails. You are a true friend! The blog will remain up for indeed the very purposes you mentioned, a diary of five years in my little life. Take care xx

  19. Take care! All the best to you.

  20. That's a shame.... but if it's the right thing to do, it's the right thing to do. Good luck & good fortune with the next big adventure! x

    1. Thank you, and thank you for your visits. Take care xx

  21. I totally understand Chel. And it's rather ironic that I posted a similar thing today on my blog as I take the summer off and maybe longer. I do understand the amount of time it takes to keep at it so I wish you well. It has been a pleasure to visit you on your tours of London town etc. with your informative posts. Thank you!! Have a wonderful summer. Blessings.
    Pam xx

    1. Thank you Pam, for your comments and visits and also your wonderful blog that I have always loved visiting. Summer always drains me anyway so I would have taken a long break as usual over August, but after a long time of thinking, it's time to look at other avenues. Take care xx

  22. Really sorry to be saying goodbye. I completely understand how much time you have to devote to blogging to produce such quality posts as you write. Best wishes for the future.

    1. Thank you so much and I will be popping over to you to read your wonderful posts on the different stations in London, reading them has been so much fun and raised so many happy memories. Take care xx

  23. I struggle with the same things as you, and so I totally understand and respect how lives can and do change and admire you for doing what's best for you. I know I was not a frequent commenter, but I was a stalker, and will miss your posts. Thank-you for taking me along to places I will probably never get to see. All my best to you and your family!

    1. Thank you Kim, oh I do love a stalker!! It was a hard decision and one that wasn't taken lightly, but the time for the posts was a luxury that I don't have right now. I'll miss it, but will continue the photography and the visits to places I love. Take care xx

  24. So sorry to be saying goodbye, I have popped in to your blog so often, I loved your trips to London!! I wish you well for the future, and hope you may put the odd picture on Instagram occasionally!!! Wishing you love and luck for the future. 👋👋

    1. I loved your visits and coming over to visit you too. Yes, Instagram will continue as it is such an easy way to microblog and allows me to keep track of where I've been. Bless your heart. Take care xx

  25. I've popped in and out over the years. Just saw your 'goodbye' post pop up on my sidebar. Wishing you all the best in this season of your life. Bren xox

    1. Thank you Brenda, I have loved following you too! Time for the next challenge in social media! Take care xx

  26. I've so enjoyed your photos and writing, Chel. You will be missed. But life takes us in different directions at different times. May you find new joy as you move forward into a new stage of life. Wishing you all the best, Lorrie.

    PS Will you remain on Instagram?

    1. Hi Lorrie, I have really loved getting to know you over the years! Yes, I will remain on Instagram so will be posting microblogs from time to time to keep myself 'out there'. Take care xx

  27. Best wishes to you as you move on. You will be missed. I so enjoyed traveling through your blog.
    Here's to new adventures!

    1. Bless you Cecilia, it has been lovely getting to know you. Take care xx

  28. I just happened on your post and site after a time away and see you are "leaving". I too, have struggled with what it takes to keep up with a blog - even a non-daily-now-and-then kind! Happy Trails with your new endeavors.
    Blogging and reading blogs really is enriching, thank you for making the world so.

    1. This is really sweet of you. Yes reading blogs gives the true meaning of places and lives and is incredibly enriching because it is real. Take care xx

  29. Have a wonderful life Chel...

    Linda :o)

  30. Sorry to see you go, Chel. I always love your posts even if I don't always comment. Like you I'm finding writing and preparing photos etc for posts hard going at the moment so quite understand why the blog has to take a back seat. I wish you all the best with everyhting you do:)

    1. Thank you Rosie. I have always loved your posts and equally places that are such a joy to write about. Take care xx

  31. Aww Chel I wish you a lot of happiness in your life with your job, kids, and home life. You were my very first blog friend and I appreciate all of the help you gave me with it. You will be missed as I love going on those wonderful trips with you. Take care and all the best in life.
    Hugs, Julie xo

    1. Awww Julie, all those years ago! Feels an age doesn't it! I have loved watching you grow your blog and will no doubt dip in occasionally to say hi. Who knows, one day may see you in New York blogging buddy!! Take care xx

  32. So sorry to see you go Chel - must have been a difficult decision but once you start getting more of your time back you'll know for sure it was the right one. I will miss your blog and your gorgeous photos - good luck with ventures new xx

    1. Thank you so much for your visits and your lovely blog. Yes, hard decision but to be honest was thinking about it from when I took photos of the Cathedral during their night time photography evening, so quite a while ago. Sometimes a hard decision has to be made, but I'm looking forward to really concentrating on my photography without words. Take care xx

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Oh my another great blogger leaving the blogosphere. Seems like it's an epidemic lately. - I have so enjoyed all your lovely photos from around the world. You touched a lot of people's lives (even if you didn't realize it) and you will be missed. - I understand we all have to make choices for what is best for our own lives and I wish you well in your endeavors. Perhaps someday you may be back. Peace & Joy to you.

    1. Thank you Ida, and thank you so much for your advice early on regarding cameras. Take care xx

  35. Having been through my own angst recently about keeping the blog going I do know exactly what you have been going through. It takes a huge amount of work, enough to take over a life. Your trips out and about will be more relaxing now they're just for you and yours. I'll miss them though! Enjoy and take care xx

    1. Thank you so much for your visits, and I have loved (and will continue to love) your beautiful photography of your home and how the garden is developing. Take care xx

  36. I am so grateful for all the time and trouble you've put on the blog over the years. It was a true pleasure to follow such quality content. I wish all the best to you and yours!

    1. This is so kind of you Teresa. I have been blessed with the comments and emails received. Take care xx

  37. I have so enjoyed visiting you over the past few years. I will miss stopping by even though my visits have been fewer and farther between as of late. I don't have as much time to blog and visit others as I used to so I totally understand your decision. I do hoe you will still be on Instagram and Facebook so I can keep up with you. Have a lovely weekend sweet friend!
    Hugs from across the pond....Vicky

  38. Hi Vicky, yes I'll still be on Instagram and of course you are a friend on Facebook so we will be in touch my lovely. Take care xx

  39. Chel - I have just seen this and am really sad. Sweetbriar Dreams is an inspirational site, particularly its photography. I hope you keep it going and perhaps just post less frequently. I fully understand the difficulties. Hope you will keep in touch!

    1. Thank you Mike, this is praise indeed! I am going to add your site to the end of my blog post as those who have followed me need to read your blog and the fantastic places you go to along with the brilliant humour you fill your posts with! I will keep in touch and look at places I want to visit next through your eyes! Take care xx

  40. I will sure miss your posts about all those wonderful places in England I love, but I wish you good luck with all your new projects!

  41. Aw, sorry to hear this, Chel. Coming along with you on your wonderful journeys was my virtual travel log. I will miss you and your lovely walks along the fens with your little pal. Take care and I wish you and your family all the best. Hugs xo Karen

  42. I will miss seeing your wonderful interpretation of life in your neck of the woods. Always so enjoyable to see from the other side of the world. I wish you well in everything you do in the future. Keep on taking those wonderful pics, if only for your own enjoyment.

  43. I’m so sorry this is late, and I’m sorry to hear your news, I will miss your amazing photography. I understand how you have arrived at your decision. I had lost interest in my blog, preferring to do other things. I’ve just posted but I’m not sure how long the enthusiasm will last! Good luck in all your future ventures.

  44. Prayers for you journey ahead and hope life is kind to you and yours. Loved your photos and may all your dreams come true!

  45. Enjoy the stop. (Blogging can pull you back again - beware!) You take some wonderful pictures. I'm leaving you on my reading list so if you return, your post 'll pop up in my sidebar. (Though, as you will realise from the date I'm writing this, I don't always keep up with my reading!)

  46. I'm still thinking of you Chel and missing your lovely posts and pix!
    Hope life is good for you and the children. Perhaps you will return here some day, which would be lovely.
    Hugs - Mary

  47. Sweet Chel, I JUST saw this post....5 months since you posted it. I am so sad to see you have left the blogging world, but please know that I completely understand. Oh, how you will be missed. I am so glad I was able to "meet" you through blogging. You are a beautiful, kind, and gracious lady.

    Love and hugs to you!


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x