
Saturday 4 February 2017

The Flirtation of Spring

As I type this post, the sun is streaming in, something that I haven't seen for days!  The sap has been rising, the birds are starting their dawn chorus again and the morning's light greets me a little earlier.  Spring is making an appearance after a very dark and damp winter however, winter's bony fingers still clutch for a little longer making me impatient for that magical turn of the month.

The camera has been quiet again this week with the greyness of the season which is never a good thing to capture.  How I wish there could be two doses of Autumn rather than the plain and emptiness of the last throes of Winter.

Winter's veil is slowly rising, the mist gradually revealing the light brown sap in the established trees branches.  The wildlife opening one eye very gingerly, then pressing the snooze button for a little longer.

Spring is deliciously close, flirting with me and less than a handful of weeks away.  The camera card will need to be emptied and a new season to capture with new places and experiences to explore!

If you are in the Peterborough area next week, the Cathedral have an event that you may be interested in (the link is here).  This is the launch of the latest BMW 5 Series and the new Mini Countryman.  For car lovers this will be a fantastic event with the portico doors being opened earlier in the day for the cars to drive into the Cathedral.  There will also be a rooftop tour if you have a head for heights!!  One for my camera I feel!

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Cold and blustery here. No spring for a few months, unfortunately.

  2. Lovely post and photos , I to am soo ready for spring bring it on ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good week !

  3. I wish I could be there! I drive a BMW 3 series but how amazing it would be to see these new cars! Enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane

  4. Lovely to see the wintry scenes, Chel. This time of year does seem to drag on and on as we anxiously wait for spring. I'm sure the BMW unveiling will lift the spirits of quite a few winter-weary souls. My son has a little BMW roadster convertible. He took the Ramblin' Man on a little road-trip around Mt. Rainier last summer:) I have yet to be invited.....Lol! Possibly because I might be a bit of a road-nag. Hope the weather lifts for you soon. Here it is very wet and dreary, but warming a bit. Sending hugs xo Karen

  5. Your pictures are magical, Chel! I hope spring arrives soon for you---I want to see more of your pictures.

    Jane x

  6. Looks like a great event my husband would love it. Spring is definitely teasing us with little shows of green poking through the soil, tantalizing us with her beauty. Then we woke this morning to drizzle and heavy fog.

  7. We've just had the weirdest weather. One moment it's mild wet and very windy, then at night the skies have cleared, the moon is shining and the temp is just above freezing. Yesterday a terrific storm passed over with thunder and lightening after a lovely sunny day. Has been good to see the sunshine after a week of wet and windy weather.

  8. You captured the bleakness of winter perfectly. Spring has been flirting with us as well. One day warm and sunny, the next grey and cold. I'm with you...two autumns in place of bleak winter, please! I can see the leaf buds starting to swell on the trees. Come on, Spring!

  9. I like the images evoked by your words "Winter's veil is rising." Yes!

  10. What a charm, darling Chel, thank you for sharing, sweet friend !

    Hope your week is off to a good start,
    I'm sending hugs and more hugs to you

    XX Dany

  11. Looks lovely, Chel ... the dried hydrangeas turn to most beautiful lace!
    I'm trying to see the first signs of spring here as well :)

  12. Beautiful, Chel. Here it is practically spring already, blue skies and the wild flowers in bloom.

  13. I uncovered the first daffodil buds yesterday as I was picking up some dry leaves... Spring is on its way!


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