
Saturday 21 January 2017


As much as I absolutely adore the Autumn and Winter, during the last days of January I begin to long for a change in season.  The days slowly start to lengthen again which means more of an opportunity to finish work and capture sunsets once more, my favourite part of the day.

Old Man Winter still has a little bit of time with us and no doubt he will be pinching our fingers, noses and toes on occasion, but Mother Nature has started to show her colours and orchestrates the slow bird song in the mornings.

With the busy week I have just had at work and the damp cold days, my camera has not been out with me unfortunately, hence the very short post this week.  Instead I have been planning some of my trips for the year as I do.  So where shall we go on our journeys this year?...

No doubt there will be other places to add to my list as the year grows older, but for now, the planning is in full swing and keeping me busy for the last month of official winter.  Spring is knocking on the door and I am embracing that light on the horizon.  I'm hoping me and my camera will be out and about once more next week, weather permitting!

Have a wonderful weekend and week ahead.


  1. Jeepers- I just lost my comment! Anyway- this is the worst time of year for me- that 'twixt Christmas and Spring. It is always our coldest months and I can't wait for the warmth of the Spring sun to come back. Hope you have a great night and Sunday- xo Diana

  2. It so nice to plan future outings in these first months of the year. I don't mind January because it's the month that I can do lots of creative things at home! I do love the lengthening of the days though and just hope that summer won't be as hot and as humid as it was last year! Lovely sunset, Chel.

  3. Yes, let's enjoy the magic of this charming season, darling Chel, I'm sure it's going to gift us still something spectacular !!!

    Enjoy your Sunday and your new week ahead with gladness

    Xx Dany

  4. Looking forward to seeing where you and your camera witake us.

  5. What an intense-coloured sunset! You are so lucky to have such straightforward definitions for the seasons. Here in the 'cold north' with greater temperature variations it is the temperature that determines the seasons. Spring, for example, will (officially) start only when the average daily temperature remains above the freezing point, which can be anything between early February to late April. I'd welcome your kind of winter any time!

  6. I'm not one for hot, sticky summertime - feel it really slows me down. But I do love the longer days and the change is quite noticeable at the moment, especially on the less cloudy days. There should be some good photo opportunities coming up with the frost, fog and low winter sun ...

  7. It's always fun to plan ahead! We went to a place we had never been yesterday and what fun it was...and I took SO many photos! Hugs!

  8. Hope you enjoy the last of winter while looking forward to the best of spring and summer!

  9. January and February are hard months for me. I long for Spring. Hope we get an early one. Your list of places to travel looks awesome. Beautiful photos.
    Happy Sunday.

  10. Hi,
    March is my hardest month. I call it MUD season. The snow is melting, mud is everywhere and I am busy cleaning. Ha!
    Looking forward to your posts.

  11. We have been in a very mild rainy January this year and a snowless one for us to . The 12th of March is our month for the daylight savings time to jump an hour ahead meaning early sunrises and later sunsets both my fave time of the day from spring through summer and then March 20th for the first equinox of spring and I cant wait . Your list of places to visit sound intreaging . Lovely photos .Thanks for sharing Have a good week !

  12. I ventured into my garden on Saturday and saw a few green things emerging - such a welcome sight. I look forward to seeing where you take your camera this next year. Thank you for sharing your outings with us.

  13. There are some wonderful places on your list that you hope to visit this year so I'm looking forward to seeing where you go and the creative photos you share. Wishing you a good week!

  14. I am still longing for some proper wintry weather - crisp, sunny, frosty days, even some snow, but I am enjoying the lengthening days. And I am looking forward to you sharing your trips with us here. x

  15. I can't wait to read your posts about your next day outs... And also to be back exploring myself. Winter is unusually cold here and I don't like walking when it's so cold!

  16. I'm ready for a new season as well! Looking forward to tagging along on your adventures this year! Have a wonderful Wednesday.

    Hugs, Vicky

  17. Such a lovely sunset, Chel and that carving is amazing! Sounds like you are planning some exciting trips and can't wait to come along with you! I am feeling a bit of spring fever here, for sure, but I know it is just one day at a time......Hope your week is lovely. x Karen

  18. I love that beautiful sunset Chel. I hope you are having a nice week! :)

  19. Haven't there have been some magnificent sunsets this year? I think it is my favourite January ever! There is plenty of time to plan and dream at this time of year. It is like the quiet before the storm. I'm grabbing the time to mooch around gardens before my own garden starts screaming for attention - I'm kicking off tomorrow by meeting fellow garden bloggers at The Chelsea Physic Garden. There will be snowdrops!

  20. What a lovely sunset, Chel. I haven't tired of winter yet, but it's been mostly mild. But as the days get longer it does start stirring the heart towards Spring.

    Wishing you a beautiful weekend...


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