
Monday 2 January 2017

My Word for 2017

2017 is going to be a year that I want to remember.  A year that I rediscover and push myself to the limit.  It's a tall order, but as the countdown begins to that day when I turn 50, I want to enjoy every moment.  I am looking forward to this phase of my life and have a lot more confidence to hit that day hard with a beaming smile on my face saying 'I made it'!!  Time to embrace life and be comfortable and confident enough to enjoy everything around me.  There will be challenges, things that take me out of my comfort zone, times when I will not be my usual self while I rediscover who I am, how I used to be before becoming a mother, connecting with friends again who are so far away, and those who I am so so grateful who are a lot closer.  So what would be my word?  It's been so hard this year to think of something appropriate.  New Year's Eve had me all of a tizz, words were spinning around in my head, enough to keep me awake well into the small hours, and then going onto the fen mid morning to listen to the rain pounding my car windows while I jotted down word after word after word.  

T I M E, M E,  S E L F I S H,  R E D I S C O V E R
C H A N G E,  H A P P I N E S S

As I wrote words in my book, they had a common theme - ME.  With my two teens fully independant it's MY turn to think about what is important to ME.  Am I being selfish?  Well, yes I suppose I am, and that's something that takes me out of my comfort zone, but as a couple of close friends said to me on New Years Day, it's about ****** time!  You see, I look for the good in people and get let down (a lot), this is what I want to get away from.  I want to be the person I once was and not be afraid to do that.  Believe me, the last 24 hours have been quite an eyeopener and nerve wracking as my mind tackles 'the word'.  So, what word have I settled on?...


This word encompasses all the others, rediscovering who I am, changing parts of my life that I no longer want to live, learn to be ME again , learn to be selfish in a self preserving way and enjoying any happiness that comes across my path, which I am hoping will be in abundance this year.

Have you discovered your word yet?

Take care.



  1. A great word! This will be your year to focus on what Chel. I think it's a wonderful word.

  2. My 50's were the happiest days of my life. Great job,loving husband,children
    on their own almost! ,Still happy but now retired.
    life has slowed down to a crawl. Enjoy the rest of your life.
    After 60 it is all down hill but happy.

  3. What a marvelous and challenging word . . . my wish for you is that next year at this time you will have a fresh and satisfying reflection back on your word choice :)
    Here's to the best year ever!

  4. A great word, Chel, as you approach a new decade in your life. I redefined my life in my 50s - children are grown and needs are different. This stage of life requires a definite reset, and it's great that you're anticipating that and not shying away from it. Change is challenging, but good. Best of wishes as you move forward.

    I've not thought of a word for myself this year. Still pondering.

  5. Good for you . As my mum always told us kids life is what you make it .This year I will be 51 and other then the odd ache here and there living the simple country life enjoying life and all that's around me , things are good . My word for this year as is every year (Just be happy with what you have) . Happy New Year .

  6. Good for you, a great word and a great thing to do focus on yourself. My word for the new year is Adventure, I will share my thoughts on my blog tomorrow. Happy New Year.

  7. Good for you. It is a time of change but so much to look forward to with the confidence and experience of a 50yr old. Enjoy your 2017

  8. I have been thinking on this for a week or so----but haven't clicked into the word that is 'just right' for me yet. Happy turning 50!! My 50s were some of the very best years of my life and I know you will love those years, too! xo Diana

  9. Great word...we could all use a little focus on ourselves, no matter our age. Happy Birthday!

  10. Happy New Year Chel. Wishing you so much happiness, lots of good health and lots of time to focus on you. Enjoy all the new adventures coming your way in 2017.

  11. Happy New Year,
    I will be cheering you on. I am looking forward to read about the adventure.
    xx oo

  12. Great word. I'm still figuring out what mine should be. Hm....

  13. A good word to focus on during 2017! All the best! Linda xx

  14. A great way to start a new year and new phase in your life. Happy journey.

  15. This is a perfect word. According to your post, it really defines what's coming for you in 2017... And come to think about it, I'm wondering if it wouldn't be a perfect word for me either... Have a great year!

  16. A great choice, Chel! I haven't chosen a word for myself - I'm tempted to just steal yours, lol!

  17. This is a great word for your time in life, Chel. I am a bit ahead of you, having passed the 60 mark, but I do remember feeling a bit disconnected from myself once my children no longer depended on me. I did go through an identity crisis of sorts and I can totally relate. Trying to remember your true essence and getting back to what makes you unique and 'you' is a wonderful journey. Wishing you all the best as you go forward on your exciting quest. xx Karen


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