
Wednesday 9 November 2016

The Romance of an Empty Chest

The steamer trunk, well used from the 1890's going on wonderful journeys, filled with glamorous gowns and jewelry, exquisite artifacts on its journey home, always robust, sturdy and ready to protect its contents.  Passed down through family members, through generations and the chimes of Big Ben announcing new centuries.  I imagine the romance of the 1920's and 1930's, the harshness of the 1940's, the freedom of later decades.

 Sadly the romance of this empty chest had been lost on its owners and it was listed on Ebay for my Dad to find.  Now in 2016, it has traveled to my home where it will spend its retirement sitting at the top of my stairs, pride of place and perfect proportions to be treasured. 

This beautiful piece of furniture could probably tell some wonderful stories, but for the beginning of this post, let's just look at the interior.  

Sad and forlorn isn't it?  But, this sadness and deterioration is beautiful in its own way.  Some would restore it with jazzy papers or rip it back to the wood, but I'm one that respects history and what an object has to tell. 

Of course there has to be a secret compartment which is now quite obvious.  I wonder how many little hands were told about this little space and immersed themselves for minutes trying to find it.

So, what do I have to offer this delightful new addition to my home?  Well, after planting the acorns from Greenwich Park last week in memory of my Grandad, I thought the time had come to seriously sit down with my Grandad's papers that are dotted around the different rooms, and put them altogether in one place.

It seems appropriate to have them in a chest that was well used during the time he was a child and one that when you open the lid, has the exquisite smell of old mustiness mixed with old papers.

The moments that I will want to immerse myself in history will be in two flicks of old catches, the lid will open, the smells will remind me and the writing will take me back to his arm chair in the back room where I would sit on the floor beside him and listen to the historical facts.

As I spent this day looking through the folders, notebooks, maps and pieces of paper, it was time to let go of some where his history had repeated itself, time to be ruthless but, look what I am left with...

The Empty Chest is now Grandad's Chest.  Full to brimming with historical treasures and family memories, a true heirloom.   The Victorian linen tablecloth passed down through the generations and only used on very special occasions, can now be safely stored on top of the papers.

Heartfelt ribbon separating the different parts of history, London Docklands, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, Ministry of Works, Family History etc etc.

Nostalgia is a big thing with me and I have been throwing up some surprises lately!

An old typewriter in the downstairs study next to the computer...

The Singer Sewing Machine in the dining room...

The old rotary dial phone in the hall...

And now a robust chest containing the thoughts of a very, very dear man to me.  It's been a long time since his death but I now feel strong enough to do this and the sense of achievement of condensing the enormous amount of boxes into one chest has consumed me today.  A productive and happy day spent with my Grandad!

But now, the house is full of people again and the sun is beginning to set casting a golden glow to the buildings we can see from our home.

... and little Tia has been very patient today, watching me go from room to room emptying shelves, cupboards and drawers, but I think she's ready for a walk now.

Enjoy the rest of your week.


  1. Such a gorgeous chest and cute doggie♥

    1. Thanks Summer, so glad it has a good use now. Tia says thank you too!

  2. That is just fabulous. I love old things and it is lovely how you are keeping hold of such a treasure. Tia is adorable xx

    1. It's great to find something that you know will protect the contents no matter how old it is xx

  3. Chel such a heartfelt beautiful post. The trunk was a real delight to see.

    1. Thank you. It was a draining day but I walk past it now and it brings such a smile to my face.

  4. The chest is wonderful and that's such a good idea to put your granddad's things in it. Lovely post. Ending it with that face is too cute!

    1. Well, she had been so patient I just had to include her in the post somewhere :) xx

  5. I love those old trunks! When I was a child, there was one in a musty dark old out building where I lived with my grandmothers. Sometimes I would go in and kneel down in front of it and look through the old photos.

    1. They just don't make them like that anymore do they Brenda. I can imagine in years to come that new members of the family will sit next to it and take some time getting to know their ancestors.

  6. Beautiful photos . The history with in some of these old trunks are amazing . They are rustic yet beautiful . Lovely post . Thanks for sharing , Have a good week !

    1. I think the older the item is, the more it has to tell. Just the way it has been made and decorated makes me wonder who decided they way it was going to look. xx

  7. What a gorgeous old chest, no longer empty, but filled with memories and love. It's a beautifully made piece, Chel.

    1. It certainly is Lorrie and now I will see if I can fit some more items in there as I opened another cupboard and found more papers in there! xx

  8. Treasure chest of fabulous proportions - and perfect to store both your Granddad's and your family's treasured history Chel.
    Enjoy these Autumn days with the sun low in the late day sky.
    Such a sweet pic of Miss Tia.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Thanks Mary, I certainly am enjoying the low sun on these autumn days - makes my heart sing! Take care my lovely xx

  9. Look carefully around the bottom corners of the chest. I have one too, although not as characterful as yours, and I found a tiny stud gold earring. I have tucked it safely back inside the lining so it stays with the chest. But lovely to imagine who owned it and the sort of life she had. Or could it have been a token carried by a secret lover? Sadly I'll never know.

    1. What a wonderful story, one that makes you think of the past and respects the owner of the earring. Sadly there was nothing in this chest apart from obviously a lot of love. Take care xx

  10. What a fabulous old chest and now it has a found a new purpose. Wonderful!

    1. Thanks Anne, it is absolutely beautiful! I'll have to look at your shop to see if there is something that I can adorn it with :D xx

  11. What a lovely post Chel. I enjoy treasures kept in boxes and chests and I think it is wonderful you have sorted your grandfather's papers and mementos to be stored in this lovely old trunk. The secret panel is interesting to see too. Tia is so cute!!

    1. Thanks Pamela. Memories are so much better kept in boxes to look through later aren't they. It's taken me many years to do this and for some reason, this week was the time! xx

  12. How wonderful to bring that chest back to life again. A perfect home for all those special memories.

    1. The papers will now be kept safely in one place instead of me saying 'where did I put...'!! I feel so much more calmer now :D xx

  13. What a wonderful post, Chel. I totally get it. Thank you for sharing this tale with us. x

  14. Oh that chest! Definitely don't change the inside, and such a fitting place for your granddad's treasures.

  15. Hi,
    I know I shared with you in my last comment the best friend relationship I had with my grandpa, I just loved this post even more. So wonderful. My mom just gave an envelope with letters my grandma saved that I wrote my grandpa. I shared them with my husband yesterday.
    xx oo

  16. What a fabulous old chest and wonderful to fill it with memories. A real heirloom.

  17. I loved reading this. As we grow older, this is what we all want---those we leave behind to care about who we were.....our lives, what we did, our thoughts and dreams. You have honored your Grandfather and I know he is proud of you. Thank you for such a touching post.


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