
Sunday 4 September 2016

Passing Time

During my comforting walks with little Tia, I pass an old tree along one of the many paths.  Each season its branches reach up to the sky with different colours clothing its limbs and its growth takes on different twists and turns.

The surrounding fields change colour each year, sometimes with wheat, sometimes with onions, sometimes Gladioli!  The tree stands, looking at the changes around it and smiles gently.

Occasionally the tree's sturdiness takes a knock and wounds form.  The cracks start to show, some within and hidden, others for all to see.  But still it stands tall, and the knocks make the tree unique offering more to those who choose to visit it.

The rings of time begin to show and the tree ages.  Each day the sun rises, the sun sets, and in between the world continues its routine.  Some stopping by to smile, some needing shelter, some passing not noticing any more, some visiting to sit in the shade, but all in the knowledge that the tree is there.

There's a birthday this week, and seeing this tree has made me think of my own life with its knocks, turns, happiness and tests.  I now have a year to think about my 50 before 50.  Why is it the '0' birthdays always fill my heart with dread?!  I'm not thinking of parachuting, running a marathon or travelling the world, these simply would not be practical in my life right now (plus strangely enough, I am not a lover of heights unless my feet are touching wood!).  So I'm wondering if you have any suggestions?

Any ideas for my 50 B4 50 list??

Please let me know either by comment or if you want, by email (in my side bar - Email Me Privately), or over on any of my other links.  I'm struggling a bit to think of some unique ones and ones that I will actually do!!

So, let this week begin and a new list start.  I feel excited already!!

Have a wonderful Sunday (and Labor day!) and an even better week.


  1. Chel, I'll be thinking of what you could do. What is in your heart? what have you always wanted to do but thought it was frivolous or just not practical? Something that makes me feel that 50 is just a number (which it is!)

  2. You're talking to someone who forgot his own 21st birthday here (I was in the middle of Uni exams) so I'm not sure any suggestions from me would carry much weight!

  3. You're talking to someone who forgot his own 21st birthday here (I was in the middle of Uni exams) so I'm not sure any suggestions from me would carry much weight!

  4. My 50's were the best time of my life. Success in my job, secure in my marriage.
    The children were less rebellious and more responsible.
    Enjoy your 50 because at 60 there will be a big curve in life.

  5. Hi Chel, happy birthday! The year before I turned 50 I started "52 Weeks of Adventure" as a way to set some goals and be intentional about doing things I enjoy. My goals were simple things to encourage me, body, soul and spirit. They included trying a new recipe each week; increased physical activity, such as walking and bike riding; and exploring my own area as a local tourist. We took a big overseas trip that summer which I considered a capstone adventure to the year. Good stuff! I am enjoying this decade and season of life. Do what you love, with those that you love! Melanie (@momlady60)

  6. You are so YOUNG! I hope that you can spend some time alone, possibly a little trip by yourself (maybe to a spa), and reflect on your life. Give thanks for all those years and the lessons you've learned. Be grateful and happy and serene. When you reach my (much older) age, your 50's will seem like part of your youth!

  7. Happy birthday, Chel. As for being 50 - you've a year of being 49 to enjoy first! :o)

  8. I love the idea of a 50 B4 50 list! I will only be 49 next year, but it would be fun to start thinking about it. I can't wait to see what you come up with. I know that there are some places that I would love to travel to before 50 or during the year of 50. Maybe I could come up with a list of 50 places I would like to visit before I turn 50. A lot of them could be in my own area, and a few could be farther away. Oh and I have always wanted to rent a convertible for a week, or a little mini-cooper, rent an electric bike. I guess you get going you could come up with a lot of things.

  9. Happy Birthday Chel. Pick up an acorn from one of your walks and start a new tree?

  10. Happy Birthday, Young Lady! [I'm 65] Hmmmmm, as to the list. Find a journal with at least 50 beautiful pages of paper...handmade? cotton? Find a desk tucked in a quiet spot with sweet gentle cozy light, looking out on a lovely view. For at least one hour each week sit at the desk and fill a page with words, photos, drawings, or paintings reflecting on where you are in anticipation of where you will be at 50. xx

  11. Happy Birthday sweet Chel. Seeing the beauty in the old tree and how much that tree has seen and how many have gotten shelter under her is a parallel to your life too. Reflect on your life thus far and what a better place this world is with you in it. People live way into their 90's now so 50 is only your half way point in life. Reflect on how much more living is ahead for you. Enjoy this special birthday.

  12. Oh well, um...I'm not good at thinking of things to do...they should be things you've always wanted to do - for me it was when I turned forty and lost my mom shortly afterwards that got me started on my bucket list...I took horseback riding lessons, watercolor painting classes, started taking better care of myself, going to places I always wanted to get the picture! Have fun and remember some dreams then go for it! (I'll be 55 and I'm still adding and doing things on my list!)

  13. Interesting idea. I hope you're celebrating a wonderful birthday... And then, if i had a year over there, I'd visit every cathedral for Evensong service. And maybe you could climb to the top of some of them. ;-). xo

  14. Interesting idea. I hope you're celebrating a wonderful birthday... And then, if i had a year over there, I'd visit every cathedral for Evensong service. And maybe you could climb to the top of some of them. ;-). xo

  15. Chel, I'm 60 next year and have started a 60 before 60. Like you they don't all have to be life changing events, just things I've not done or tried before... It all started because I said I'd never been to a festival before ( and I'm not likely to either!) my list includes eating things I've not tried, walking new places, baking new things, meet a new blog friend, nominate someone for an MBE... And indoor sky diving!

  16. 50 before 50 is on my mind as well.... I have 18 months to go, but I always need to start early. I'm thinking some physical challenges and some mental ones as well.

  17. Loved reading your thoughts today ♥ Beautiful photos ♥

  18. Happy Birthday!!! Have fun coming up with your list of 50 things! xx

  19. What a lovely post Chel. I wish I had a suggestion or two for you, but I can relate to that dreadful feeling pre-decade marking birthday. In my 39th year, I lost weight. I vowed to do it before I turned 40, because 40 years old was bad enough without carrying 40 extra pounds. I did it! And I've maintained it. I'll be 41 in March. I'm setting Ireland as my goal for 50.
    And my goodness, I love that first photo!

  20. We are the same age and I'll be reaching the same milestone only a few weeks before. I think I've been putting my head in the sand about it other than a vague idea about going back to see my penfriend in America (which I did when I turned 40 too). I think I'm always trying new things anyway (belly dancing is the latest!) but maybe I should reflect on it more - lots of food for thought here. x


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x