
Sunday 28 August 2016

Postcards of Summer

Hellooooo everyone!  I hope you have all had a good summer (and winter for those in the Southern Hemisphere).  It's the end of August... HaPpY sKiPpY dAnCe as I say to my good friends!

The lead up into September and then stepping into my favourite month is my time to come out of the doldrums and embrace each and every day of Autumn (I count 1 September as the beginning of my Autumn).  The trees start to turn, the conkers start to fall, the nights draw in, the shops are full of delicious orange from pumpkins and trick or treat goodies and I can start to enjoy the early evening sunsets once more.  A happy month indeed.

The trouble with having a blog break, and one that has been so long, is where do you start?  The organisation of a blog post and editing photos become a little out of sync.  You forget just how long it takes to post something, the nerves of "is anyone going to read this?" as you hover over the publish button and hoping that the content is true to you.  Well, after days of unbelievable humidity and me in the grumpiest of grumpy moods as a result of it, I now type this with thunder and lightning performing an amazing show outside, the air is cooler with a very welcome freshness and, I've just noticed, a welcome darkness outside (I do love a good storm).

So, what have I been up to during August?  ... Well, there's been trips to my London town...

... and the climbing of a very steep hill in Lincoln! ...

... a start of a new job (in the same place but different responsibilities).  The view is slightly different but still in a wonderful medieval setting ...

... catching up with family at the seaside ...

... and of course, walks with little Tia ...

... and enjoying capturing the growth and then the early harvest of the surrounding fields ...

... there's also been some creative crochet and I am sorry to say that I gave up on the CAL as the different patterns had different gauges from the variety of lovely ladies that wrote them.  I couldn't get on with it so had to frog all the squares I made and decided to use the colours in one of Attic 24's Cozy Striped Blanket patterns instead.  I do love these colours.

This summer holiday has felt different to ones of the past with me just having one week off and not being needed for the rest due to the Teens now older and having their own interests.  The new job has come at a good time as change is forefront in my life and I am embracing all that is new, so with the Teens doing their own thing, I am able to get my head around what I want to do.  (By the way, the GCSE results were magnificently positive for Miss Teen!!)

So, this has been my postcards of summer.  I know some of you will say, did we have one?!  Well, I certainly felt it and will be glad to start breathing cooler air on my dog walks with Tia and out and about with Big Bertha (the camera).

I have missed my little corner of Blogland and the connection with you all, I'm really glad to be back!

Autumn's nearly here and I am SOOOOO happy!!