
Friday 18 March 2016

Five on Friday - Unwrapping

I am so glad it's Friday.  The cork in the wine bottle will be released this evening and sipping the contents will be very welcome.  This time of year flies by to the extent that I haven't even opened by lap top to read and see what is happening throughout the world in blogland.  I have so much catching up to do!  My camera battery also expired after Mothers Day and the charger wasn't working so I missed out on so many shots including the group of twenty swans flying overhead, what a beautiful sight and very windy!  However, the camera is back up and running and I will be out and about this weekend catching up with my technical 'friend'.

So, my five this week has to start with a lovely little package from Amy who hosts Five on Friday at Love Made My Home.  Unwrapping the tissue paper revealed her crocheted hearts which are a joy and now adorn my dresser that has so many things that make me smile.  Thanks so much Amy, they will be treasured.

Mothers Day was full of surprises, and this one was very specially received .  Now that my camera is working again I will go into detail at the weekend and show off this beautiful piece of machinery.

 The weather has been differing each day but I have to say we had a real pea souper last week with the fog.  The Cathedral looked as though I was viewing it through tissue paper.

 Earlier that morning as I waited for the bus, I felt very aware of the eerie stillness of the morning as the fog cloaked the graveyard near where I wait.

Unwrapping the contents of an envelope and my first trip to London for this year has been booked!  Oh I can't wait!  I feel like I have a bungee rope tied to me and London is pulling me so hard to get back.  Those who have been reading my little corner of blogland will know just how much I love to get back to my home town.  This trip will take me to the Shard so that I can breathe in the missed polluted air, listen to the sounds of the City and marvel at the high vantage views across my City - let's hope it's not foggy!!  Then off to Borough Market for a bit of shopping and anything else along the way that takes our fancy. 

Unwrapping the mind with the Lily Pond Blanket that I am currently putting together (Janie Crow's CAL project last year).  It has been a little frustrating, but persevering to focus my mind.  I am getting there, but have seen her latest CAL which begins soon.  Hmmmm, shall I just have the Lily Pond as a WiP in the basket??! 

So that's my five.  Now, let's grab the camera and take a closer look at the Singer!
Thanks so much for your comments over the last couple of weeks, and in fact all the comments and visits I have received over nearly four years.  You are all a great comfort and deeply appreciated by me.


  1. what a magnificent cathedral - nothing is that old in NZ! Love the hearts from Amy and your crocheting too.

  2. Glad to hear you will be breathing in the asthma inducing air soon. If you Shard just look how London Bridge station is slowly emerging as a bit of a gem. Love the first photo. A delicious bouquet of flowers.

  3. A shame you missed the swans but what a wonderful sight hopefully committed to your mind. Enjoy Lkndon when you get there...

  4. A bouquet could not be lovelier! And the cathedral in the mist, wow. Enjoy your weekend and Easter!

  5. some fantastic photo's there Chel! Love the singer machine, back then things were built to be beautiful and last a lifetime, not like these days!
    have a wonderful weekend

  6. Gorgeous colours in your Lilly blanket, it looks worth finishing! My what an amazing sewing machine. I look forward to hearing its history. Enjoy your glass of wine tonight. B x

  7. Beautiful pics as always! I love Borough's a mix of colors and smells.
    Have a nice Friday

  8. Now that is an impressive singer, such beauty I LOVE it! I am looking forward to hearing all about it. Have a great weekend and enjoy your wine.

  9. Can't wait to read more about the sewing machine. It looks wonderful. Of course, I am a bit sewing-machine-ingly biased! :oD

  10. I love your old Singer sewing machine. My Mum used to have a beautiful one when I was a child with inlaid mother-of-pearl as part of the decoration. I just wish I knew what happened to it as I would love to own it now - I guess it probably just got thrown out which is such a shame. xx

  11. The photos are so magical, Chel. Blessings

  12. What a gorgeously creepy photo of the cathedral in the fog!

  13. Ah I love Amy's Hearts and such a great colour. The sewing machine looks like a beauty, my mum had a very old one like that when I was little, she could not wait to upgrade it at the time, but was later quite wistful about it. I love your first picture and the one of the cathedral, very eerie. Have a great time in London xx

  14. I just love the Singer machine! My very first sewing machine was a Singer treadle. It was virtually an antique then but it ran beautifully and I wish I still had it. Love the little hearts and blankets. It's always a joy to come visit here!

  15. Love your new sewing machine! Glad you and your camera are back in business! Enjoy your trip to London.

  16. The flowers are so pretty, and so are the crochet hearts!. I have vintage treadle singer sewing machine and I love it dearly, enjoy your weekend!xx

  17. I like the foggy cemetery / cathedral but I'm weird. *giggle* Lovely photos. Hope your feet are 100% healed and Tia is healthy and happy. Thanks for sharing your Five.
    Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

  18. Five lovely things to unwrap for us. A shame to miss the swans but the sound of them overhead must have been wonderful. I have my Mum's old sewing machine and it looks exactly like the one in your photo. Have a lovely weekend:)

  19. I hope you enjoy your glass of wine this evening :).

  20. What a fantastic Singer!
    You make London sound fun, Chel!

  21. All lovely and interesting pictures for Five on Friday. The sewing machine looks like an exciting addition. My favourite photos are the ones of the entrance gates of the graveyard and the Cathedral in the fog. Your writing about them sounds like the beginning of an intriguing novel! Enjoy your evening and weekend!

  22. London.... I hope to have the opportunity to visit my favourite city in the world this summer, as we plan to go to Portsmouth to check the university for our son Matteo .... will see!!!
    I love the cathedral in the fog!!!
    happy weekend, xxxxx Ale

  23. The cathedral and graveyard in the mist make for very brooding photos - eerily lovely. We'll be in London this summer, for the first time ever, and I'm eager to explore in the very short time we'll have there.
    The sewing machine is so beautiful and shiny - looking forward to hearing more about it.
    Happy weekend, Chel.

  24. Lovely old singer machine, takes me back to needlework classes at school. Enjoy your trip to London and have a great weekend :)

  25. Five lovely lots of unwrapping! Hope that you enjoy your trip to London, I know that you will and that you will love using your new old sewing machine!!! Glad you like the hearts, hope they bring you some cheer! Thank you for taking part in Five On Friday, hope you have a good weekend and a good Easter! xx

  26. A lovely 5 for Friday Chel. The pretty pink bouquet and hearts from Amy are so nice. The photo of the cathedral in the fog is really moody and spooky. Take care and enjoy the weekend. xx Pam

  27. I love everything, just everything you've caught with your camera and posted, but I have to admit that I'm so in love with old sewing machines, they're a dream of mine ... my great grandmother had one of them, of the early XXth century, but I was just a little girl when she died and i wonder where it is now, alas !

    With much gratitude I wish you a most wonderful weekend ever,
    sending blessings of joy to you, sweetest friend of mine,


  28. Lovely to discover your blog today Chel. I'm a Londoner too so I totally understand... you can take the girl out of the city but never the city out of the girl! I alweays love the buzz of going back. I've just bought the yarn for the next Jane Crowfoot CAL. I've never done it before but I'm a bit of a Frida Kahlo fan so I couldn't resist.

  29. Hi Chel, hope you're feeling tickety-boo. Sorry I don't pop by and visit as often as I'd like. Lovely shots, as always. Enjoy London - I've popped by twice this year already.. :-)

  30. Enjoy your trip to London, there's always so much to see - as long as it's not foggy! x

  31. Wonderful set of photos, great post for Friday..
    Amanda xx

  32. The cathedral really does look eery in the fog. Aw, a trip to London, my favorite city in the world, how I wish we lived close enough to visit more often.

  33. What beautiful pictures and I know different pics speak to different people but I have to say--- I just LOVE that old Singer!!! Those hearts are really cute, too. xo Diana

  34. What a gorgeous Five, Chel! Fascinating topics and excellent photos of all of them. Oh, that Singer machine is a beauty! :)
    Have a lovely weekend! xx

  35. Lovely five, Chel. Congrats on winning the hearts from Amy. Hope you have a great first week of Spring with Easter at it's climax!

  36. love that sewing machine, I have one in my garden shed that someone gave me it's a windy handle one and I've never used it but I can't get rid of it...!

  37. Fabulous photos. I have a sewing machine just like the singer you posted. I learned to sew on that machine and haven't stopped. Have a great week.

  38. Wonderful photos, Chel. I have a Singer inherited from my grandmother, it is one of my treasures.

  39. Can't wait to see more of that gorgeous sewing machine. Wonderful atmospheric photos of the fog. X

  40. Those hearts from Amy look really gorgeous and I just love black and white photography. Thanks for sharing.

  41. Fog in a graveyard - how perfect!


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x