
Friday 19 February 2016

Five on Friday - A Finished Blanket and Starting in the Greenhouse

1. Yay! I've finished.  I have thoroughly enjoyed making the Painted Roses Blanket (pattern is with the fantastic Cherry Heart here).  Even though the colours are brighter than I would normally use it felt as though I was painting my own roses for a narrow boat.  It was fantastic to see the painted roses come to life and imagine the blanket being on my lap as I travel down canals... one day!  Those who follow me on Instagram would have seen my progress, so I am so happy that this is now finished.  My fingers are itching now for another project, maybe some scrap usage will have to be in order before I go back to the Wool Warehouse for more.

2. Last year I didn't have time to work in the greenhouse and so I really missed disappearing into this little corner with a salt cellar and picking and eating tomatoes straight from the vine - my little indulgence.  So, once again when I went in to see what seeds I had left over, I had to battle my way through tools, recycling bags and well, generally everything not associated with a greenhouse.  Yes, again the men of the house had decided that this was a see through shed and the subsequent shouting under my breath ensued!  With calm restored I set about visiting garden centres to get my imaginative juices flowing and trying to remember companion planting so that sprays weren't needed so much during the insect season (ooo I hate that part!).  It's a start, along with some outside vegetables such as runner beans, french beans, beetroot, and a lettuce garden.  Now, where's the sun??!!

3. Trips for the year.  I have been looking at places to visit this year and share with you as I go, so hopefully the list for 2016 will be the following (feet permitting)...

4.  Tia.  Oh how she is enjoying her walks back on the Fens again.  No complaints that she has to trudge through muddy fields and then promptly gets thrown into the sink to get the mud off her gorgeous paws.  She sticks with my slow walk and then gives me a knowing look before trotting off, but not too far ahead.  A clever and caring little pooch who's face says it all.  I keep imagining what her life was like this time last year before she was rescued and how she looks and is treated now.  Don't forget she has her own Facebook page.  If you want to follow her she's here.

Of course, when she comes home she is straight onto her chair and soaks up the rays!

5.  A special birthday for Mr Teen who is now an adult.  Yes, he is now 18 and can now go out into the world and do anything he pleases (he was pretty much doing that anyway!).  We celebrated with a family lunch in a local pub and he had his first official drink - it had to be Guinness!!  and then his day was his own. Where on earth did that 18 years go?

And so that's my Five this week.  Thanks so much to Amy at Love Made My Home for the link up each week and congratulations on your Five on Friday Anniversary!

Also, thank you all so much for your comments yesterday on my rather depressing post.  Your comments really do mean so much to me and I am sure this is just a February blues moment.  I'm getting there!  My London fix is hopefully not too far away and I will be able to see everything from the top of the Shard!  Happy Days!  Until then, let's see that Painted Roses Blanket again blowing in the wind...


  1. What a stunning blanket, you must be so proud of accomplishing something so beautiful. I can't wait to get into the garden either...mine is like a quagmire at the moment. Good question, where is that sun? x

  2. Fabulous, a lot of work in that blanket! You've chosen some great places to visit. X

  3. What a gorgeous blanket! I love colourful handicrafts!

  4. I love everything, everything in this post of yours, my darling !!!
    Your blanket is stunning, gorgeous, wonderful , and I'm looking forward to the new project of yours ... I love your Tia and your remebering the last year's trips ... and happy birthday to your boy !

    Sending blessings on your weekend
    with so much love and thankfulness

  5. Your blanket turned out beautifully, Chel! It's wonderful to see it blowing in the wind, too. I can't wait to follow you on your adventures in 2016. Now that your feet are fixed up, you are good to go! Have a wonderful weekend. XOXO B.

  6. Glad things are looking up today for you. Looks like a great set of places to visit in 2016. That blanket is so cheerful and pretty! Congrats on getting it done. 18! Hope life goes well for him. Have a great weekend.

  7. That blanket is seriously stunning!

  8. Wow you blanket is just gorgeous and the colors of it remind me of spring. Yes time does go fast with the kids growing up! I bet your son is happy to be able to drink legally as here in the states you have to be 21. I enjoyed your 5 and wishing you a wonderful weekend.
    Julie xo

  9. I am in love with your painted rose blanket! So beautiful! I hope you get your creativity going soon with your green house. I've been a bit down in the dumps this week too. Must be February. Have a great day.

  10. Hi sweet Chel! WOW! Your blanket is gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous! I just love the sweet flowers and the colors you chose remind me of the beautiful days of summer.

    Your Tia is simply precious. Enjoy the weekend! Love and hugs!

  11. Everything is so wonderful!! I adore your blanket, so beautiful!!! Happy Birthday to Mr Teen!! Hope you get to reclaim the greenhouse and eat some lovely tomatoes and salt, a real treat indeed!! Thank you so much for joining in the anniversary of Five On Friday, I really do appreciate it so much! Have a good weekend! xx

  12. Your blankie is gorgeous, Chel. It really does look like the roses you see painted on a canal boat! Lovely. :o)

  13. What a lovely blanket! Planning trips always makes me happier.

  14. Oh wow, Chel! Your blanket of roses is gorgeous! well done on finishing it! Love that shot of sweet Tia in the sunlight!
    Happy 18th to your son!

  15. Congratulations on finishing your blanket. The colours are just perfect for a narrow boat trip.

  16. Chel, your painted roses blanket is a stunner! What a lovely harbinger of spring. To see it swinging in the sunshine in defiance of winter grey does my heart good!
    Congrats to Mr. Teen!

  17. Painted! It's gorgeous! The colors are so vibrant and cheerful. I hope you continue to improve and feel better my friend. You've had a rough time of it this winter. Lots of hugs, Diane

  18. That afghan/throw is great fun! Love it!

  19. That blanket is beautiful! Even in the gloomiest winter days it will glow wonderfully wherever you put it. Well done!!

  20. What a wonderful Five, Chel! Your new blanket is gorgeous (and just look at those lovely colours!) and all the images are really beautiful and inspiring.
    Have a lovely weekend! xx

  21. The blanket is stunning! Truly. You should be jumping for joy. Shall look forward to your posts about all the wonderful places you will visit this year x

  22. Your blanket is just gorgeous - I love that combination of colours. I like to make lists of places to visit each year too. I've been to some of those on yours and you've got some real treats ahead :) x

  23. Your blanket is very pretty and you have chosen some great places to visit, some of my favourites are there, I'll look forward to following your adventures through the year:)

  24. Your blanket is stunning!!!
    I wish I could have it ;-)
    Have a nice weekend

  25. That blanket is so beautiful, love the pattern and the colors, congratulations you finished this beauty. You understand I admire your blanket but Tia is again my favorite, how she put her face up to the sunrays, so adorable and clever too.
    Wish you a happy weekend!

  26. A lovely Friday five! Your blanket is beautiful! Bright like the Springtime. Happy birthday to Mr. Teen. (Yikes, my boy will be 29 this year. How did that happen?!?) proud of the man he's become. Each stage is special but that step into official adulthood is monumental. Hugs,

  27. Chel that blanket is ABSOLUTELY wonderful! I LOVE your colour scheme…. I must check back and find out what the pattern is… I'm getting a little bolder with my crochet these days I'd love to give this one a go! Haven't blogged or read for ages as have been away in New Zealand but will be catching up. Lovely to read your interesting posts, as usual! Lxxx

  28. Oh Chel, what a stunning blanket! ♥ Great job. I find these canal boats fantastic, too. And just lately I got via Postcrossing a postcard from GB with pics from this wonderful canal art :-). * Your planned trips for 2016 sound great, looking forward to your photos! * And belated Happy Birthday to your son, they grow up so fast. * Tia is such a sweetie, how wise and knowing she looks! * Many thanks for your sweet comment on my socks & have a cozy weekend! Nata xxx

  29. The blanket is so bright and cheery. It's beautiful! And what a pretty girl Tia is. I like your destinations image - that's a good idea. I might make one to inspire me to actually go to those places I've been wanting to see. Happy birthday to your son! Time does fly by.

  30. Wow, you did a great job. I love the beautiful blanket. The colors are my favorite.
    Tia, what a sweet face and smile. :-))
    Happy 18 to your son. Wow! My oldest will be 16 in April. I agree, where did the time go.

  31. wow, that blanket is a thing of beauty! xxx

  32. I absolutely love your pictures and creative work. I'd love to be that talented.

  33. Such a beautiful blanket Chelsea , well done!
    Your list of places to see this year is great! I feel quite good as I could tick off six of them and I live in New Zealand! I'm an official UK lover!
    Oh to be 18 - wishing you son a wonderful life ahead of him!

  34. The blanket is lovely and would look so perfect in an old cottage ;) I'm sure Mr Teen who is all grown up and wise now, would agree with me.

  35. Awesome blanket! I can't wait to see where your travels take you and us this year. I have not made a list yet, I should probably get on it. Oh little Tia, such a lucky girl!

  36. What beautiful colors in your blanket, they truly are blooming roses. Congratulations on your son becoming an adult, isn't he in for a shock when he finds out what that really means.

  37. That new blanket is beautiful and such happy colours. You sound very organised in your greenhouse. Mine is waiting for a spring clean and declutter before I can get started on my sowing. Your list of places to visit looks very exciting. The Black Country Museum is only 3 miles from me. I have been many times but always find something new to see and I like to imagine living in the houses. I look forward to reading about your trips. Alison

  38. This blanket is amazing, Chel. I like everything about it.


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