
Wednesday 16 December 2015

A Victorian Christmas Fayre in Melton Mowbray

I warn you now, this post contains a Christmas Tree overload!  I'll be taking you around a church that contains hundreds of them!  But first, let me take you around our trip to Melton Mowbray and its Christmas Fayre.

The Victorian period is my favourite, especially at Christmas.  Imagining Dickensian Britain and the Scrooge outlook always makes me feel happily fuzzy inside, but to actually live it would have been so incredibly hard.  The local Bobby would have been more of a regular sight compared to nowadays.

It wouldn't be a market without the sound of the jingle jangle bells of Morris Dancers and the Molly Dancers.

This group are the Red Leicesters!

Of course a visit to Melton Mowbray means Pie!  They were selling them everywhere, but we had to go to a proper shop to buy our purchase.

Looking inside the shop window I felt like that Victorian child, drooling at all the contents of the shop.

Pork Pie and Boxing Day Chutney... delicious (and didn't last long!)

Of course, there was some Christmas shopping going on and some pretty and delicious shops to look into.

This florist really made me smile, I love the whole look.  Christmassy and yet shabby chic.  Gorgeous!  I was so, so tempted to buy the hyacinths, but by Christmas they would have grown and died back.  No, I'll have to get these locally I thought.

But enough of sitting around Queen Vic, where's the church of Christmas trees?

St Mary's Church in Melton Mowbray looks from the outside as just 'another church', but the queue outside was telling us something else.  This church has an annual event of displaying hundreds of Christmas trees.  Now, when I first wrote this post I thought it was 900 trees, but apparently they have beaten their record to over 1,200 trees.

So, let's go inside and let you feast your eyes on all the trees.  A Christmas Tree overload!

My favourites had to be this one (I wonder why?!)

Oh and of course this one!  It's Christmas, and a drink is necessary!

So how is your Christmas shopping going?  I am literally itching to get out again and join the crush, but have a few more days rest before I can venture out and have my bandages removed.  Very frustrating.

Once again, thank you for your visits and comments.  I am feeling a little improved and now weaning off the pain killers, so there is light at the end of the tunnel.

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  1. That is quite a place! So many beautiful Christmas trees. It sounds like a lovely day!

  2. Chel, You've made my morning - maybe my whole day. Everyone looks so happy. What wonderful Victorian costumes and setting. I can't even fathom the 1,200 trees. Glad you will soon be fully recuperated. I can't believe you've had pain this long! Poor gal.

  3. I loved all your photos and stories about Christmas in your country. What fun - I'd love to come and see the market! Someday! Glad your feet are feeling better.

  4. I so enjoyed this great post, Chel! I've only heard about the Morris dancers, never have seen them in person. Looks like fun! And the Red Leicesters...are there also Yellow Leicesters? The church is beautiful and of course the photos all look like they're from a fairy tale. Just enchanting.

    Hope you feel better soon and can enjoy being out and about.

  5. Oh Chel:
    This was a delightful series of photos and I so enjoyed the journey with you and all those various styled Christmas trees. All very festive!

  6. 'Tis the season to be jolly and they all look jolly jolly indeed.

  7. Traditional Christmas is very reminiscent of Victorian days isn't it? When I was teaching we had a Victorian Christmas Fayre every year when my class and I dressed up in Victorian costume and it was something they all looked forward to.

  8. What a gorgeous post! One can't ever see too many Christmas trees. I wish there had been more photos of them! :)
    And I so wish we had churches like that.
    Enjoy your Christmas preparations! xx

  9. So glad to hear that you are feeling better. Itching to get out is always a good sign! The trees are incredible aren't they! I cannot imagine what it must be like to see that many trees in one place! Imagine the creativity!!! Happy Christmas! xx

  10. Glad to hear you are on the mend. What a wonderful visit and an amazing sight with all those trees. I love the tree festivals, always such a great part of Christmas.

  11. I have never been to Melton Mowbray but I have heard of the famous pies and that one looked delicious. 1200 trees! Incredible and very imaginative interpretation of the Christmas tree. Pleased to hear you are on the mend.

  12. It looks like a great place to visit, Chel. Glad to hear you're getting better. :o)

  13. Too cool!!! One day...glad to read your getting better. I love the church and all its trees. Many Holiday Blessings to you.

  14. Y'all have way too much fun at Christmas! (I'm jealous ... *lol*) Thanks for sharing the cheer. Still praying that you are healed soon and back enjoying the Holiday 'crush'. ~:)

  15. Love the Christmas Post and happy your feet are feeling better.

  16. Oh, I hope you are out and about before Christmas is over, what a pity if you miss the 'rush'. I love getting out in the crowds at this time of the year.
    What a great idea for the church to put on the display of trees and i enjoyed our tour around the market as well.


  17. Oh, I meant to say I liked the steampunk lass at the top, is she a mime?


  18. I hope you are feeling much better now. I've enjoyed all of the photos. Definitely different from the more traditional things we see here. Happy holidays, Diane

  19. I loved the church photos ... beautiful stained glass. What a lovely outing!


  20. I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better, Chel. I can only imagine how frustrating it is.

    Thank you for all the lovely tours :)


  21. Oh Chel what a great and fun place to visit. Love the trees inside the church. How beautiful. That pork pie looks yummo. Glad you had a great time.

  22. Looks like a wonderful time to be had and a bit of steampunk going on in the first photo

  23. Glad to hear recovery is going well. What a lot of Christmas trees, and all decorated so creatively.

  24. Hi,
    I always enjoy tagging along with you.
    The pork pie looks yummy. :-)
    Merry Christmas,

  25. Such a fun day, Chel - love those raggedy dancers and the pie shop window. Such a lot of trees, I had trouble decorating my own - I can't imagine the work involved! I am glad to hear that you are on the road to recovery and will be out and about soon. xo Karen

  26. What a brilliant Christmas market, you can't have too many Christmas trees xx

  27. What a fun and festive post, Chel. I adore the Victorian vintage vibe.

  28. What a gorgeous post filled with a deep inner joy !
    Thank you my dearie for sharing such a gladness, you know that I love everything which belongs to the Victorian Age and these wonderful pictures of your made me jump back in time !
    Have a most beautiful weekend, my sweetest Chel
    sending tender hugs

  29. what a beautiful and interesting post! great photos, too.

    have a merry christmas!:))

  30. I'm glad to read you're feeling a little better. This post was full of the joy of Christmas spirit!

  31. What an amazing day this must have been! I can't even begin to imagine 1200 trees in one place! I enjoyed all the photos- thank you for the tour!

  32. Now this is something I would thoroughly enjoy! Looks like an absolutely delightful place to spend the day! And I'm so curious as to what the pork pie and Boxing Day chutney must taste like!


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x