
Tuesday 29 December 2015

2015 Review of Sweetbriar Dreams

I don't know about you, but once the last roasting tin, wine glass and gravy boat was put away, I breathed a sigh of relief!  Another Christmas over.  Another year now draws to a close and what a quick year it was.  Each month passed with disbelief that the next one was about to start.  With the unusual weather of extreme mild temperatures for December, floods throughout the country and stormy winds, it feels more like April.  Maybe that's why Christmas didn't feel like Christmas and it had nothing to do with my post op recovery!

There were lots of trips taken in 2015 to places I haven't seen for a while or totally new.

Highclere Castle - (The Real Downton Abbey)     Norwich

There was however a very sad point of the year that fell on us at the beginning of April when our darling dog Coco was lost to Syringomyelia.  The life was sapped from us and will never be the same.  But one day as I was looking through some favourite pages on Facebook, a little face shone out at me. I showed the family and everyone was in agreement that this poor little rescued dog was going to come home to us.  After a while, operations and assessment, little Tia came to live with us and it was plainly obvious that she just wanted cuddles and to please.  She has now settled in, has her own Facebook page and believe me, guards my feet as if her life depended on it... well, her walks on her favourite Fen will!!

What I have enjoyed this year is escaping from everyday life and playing with my camera, both my bridge and my new mobile one, and that is one of my hobbies that I will be enjoying every moment.

Crafts once again were on the back burner, so next year I plan on getting myself organised to do more.  My fingers need to be busy!

So, what will 2016 bring?  Hopefully it will be a happy and healthy one (especially feet wise!).  I can't wait to be able to ditch the crutches and oh so beautiful sandals and be able to walk normally once again.  Don't get me wrong, I am so glad I had the operation on both feet, but for someone who loves to go walking and being out of the house, these last three weeks have been incredibly hard.  How I would have loved everyone to rally around but I am a control freak so why ask for something to be done when I clearly enjoy the pain to do it myself!  Yes, my own worst enemy!!  Bunion removal, two broken and pinned toes and the removal of arthritis is not going to stop me.

So, here's to a wonderful 2016.  I wish you all a very Happy New Year and incredible health to you and yours.



  1. I like the way you have reviewed your year and highlighted a couple of those special moments. Hope 2016 is a good year for you and your family with lots more wandering and adventures on two brand new feet.

  2. I was happy to see this side of Christmas too, wishing you a happy,crutch free New Year.

  3. Thank you for sharing your highlights of 2015. It sure did feel like a short year! A new year is coming with new adventures and new feet! Have a blessed day.

  4. What a whirlwind of a year and good to reflect with you. Wishing you a happy new year filled with lots of good things!

  5. Hope you are soon recovered....a year to contemplate..but when your sweet girl passed another sweet girl was just hoping for a new mummy like you...I never understand these things, yet to bring happiness to another despite a broken heart is a true sign of courage, love and strength and looking at Tia , well her beautiful face says it all. Have a wonderful New Year..xx

  6. Another year and so nice to see the journeys you have taken. A sad loss of your beloved Coco, but now a new love in your life to help ease the pain. Glad that you are on the mend and looking forward to more adventures. I look forward to your sharing these and hope your New Year is a good and happy one!! xo Karen

  7. I love Christmas but, after the big day is over, I just want to get back to normal again. I do hope 2016 is a good year for you and your family! :o)

  8. Hello Chel,
    I have enjoyed visiting your blog every week and thank for your lovely day trips. Hugs to Tia from Bosco. Wishing you and the family a Happy New Year.
    Hugs, Julie xo

  9. Wishing you and yours a happy 2016!
    With lots of trips you can share.
    I had my feet fixed back in 1987 and still doing good.

  10. Loved reading your lows and highs of 2015 in this post and always enjoyed reading your blog. Wish you and your family with Tia a Happy New Year!

  11. Highs and lows seem to be a part of every year, don't they? It's good to look back, to remember, and then move forward with confidence (and no crutches) into the future. Looking forward to more of your lovely photography and commentaries on your walks and outings. Happy Christmas and a Happy 2016 to you, Chel.

  12. That was an enjoyable review. I remember all those stories.
    It's not fair that y'all got to see Downton Abbey before us. [pout ... lol] Well, come this Sunday evening, I will be glued to the TV in anxious anticipation of Season 6.
    Hope you're healed and back to walking soon. God bless. ~:)

  13. Oh crumbs Chel, I am just the same. I'd far rather do things for myself than be waited on. We are gluttons for punishment are we not? Take care now.

  14. A great tribute to 2015. i know you miss your've been strong. Here's to a wonderful 2016!

    Jane x

  15. Love your photo collection from 2015! Good luck on your feet recovery. I had the same thing done to my right foot last year, so I know exactly what you are going through. Hang in there, it will be worth it!

  16. It has indeed been a fast flowing year, and you have certainly done some interesting visits. I'd love to see Highclere.
    Thank you for visiting me in Cornwall, and for following.

  17. Here's to a blessed new year filled with love, joy, lots of laughter and the best of health!
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  18. Dear Chel, wishing you all the very best for 2016, the TV says England is getting some bad weather. Be safe and well. yvonne

  19. Hi Chel,
    I've just found your blog: it's so cute.
    Wishing you a peacefyl happy new year.

  20. It is sooo hard to lose a beloved pet. I've enjoyed the posts of your new pup and of course your beautiful photos of magical England. Have a wonderful new year, Chel.

  21. Happy New Year to all of you. It has been a pleasure to follow along with you this year (and the other years too). I especially enjoyed seeing your new little dog this year, she is adorable and sweet. I hope you have a wonderful 2016!

  22. Hello! I'm so glad you found my I could come over here and meet you!
    Lovely photography....looking forward to getting to know you better in 2016!

  23. I've enjoyed your wonderful, stunning photographs so very much, as usual, your collages and the last three ones, well, they're all masterpieces, dearest Chel !!!
    Have a very Happy New Year, filled with love, health and joy,
    sending blessings to you

  24. Hi Chel! I've been missing out on your posts, but I put your blog on my blog roll (I'm not sure how I managed to omit it earlier!) and now I'll be a regular reader. I hope you have happy feet all during 2016.
    Thank you for hosting old Badger!

  25. You've experienced loss and pain, but thankfully you've also had a year exploring the beauty around you and sharing it with us. Keep the photos coming, Chel! Happy 2016 to you!

  26. Hello Chel, I'm sorry I've missed some of your posts, I didn't even know about your op, glad you're making a good recovery. I've got a bunion that will need treatment one day but I keep putting it off because a specialist told me that you have to decide beforehand whether you want to wear flat shoes forever after, or heels!! Did I imagine that or was that the case with you Chel? I like your 2015 collage and agree about the Christmas stuff, at first its nice to have tins of biscuits, bowls of nuts and boxes of chocolates hanging around, but after a while it all has to go. Hope you will soon be out and about again with your lovely Tia. Happy New Year.

  27. Play is always wonderful therapy...wishing you a wonderful 2016!

  28. I haven't been by for such a long time chel, but it was wonderful to catch up with your recent posts, and may you have a speedy and complete recovery! A Happy and peaceful New Year to you and yours.

  29. Happy New Year, it has been fun to read your posts. I enjoyed getting to know you.
    Sending best wishes on the recovery.
    Looking forward to 2016!

  30. That was a beautiful post, combining the joyful and sad moments that make life. Happy New Year!

  31. What a lovely blog you have...I am looking forward to getting to know you in 2016.
    Happy New Year!


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