
Saturday 14 November 2015

Snippets to Come

With an impending operation on its way to deal with my hobbit feet, I have been very busy snapping away capturing as many trips and things so that I can busy myself for six weeks writing and editing posts as I won't be able to walk any great distance for a while.  I'm excited at the prospect of looking down at my feet and not thinking I am the twin of Bilbo Baggins! But at the same time, nervous of the aftermath of the surgery on both feet and how walking on crutches will affect my shoulder.  I'm afraid it is totally my fault through thinking that my feet could fit into tight stilettos in the 1980's!!  And so, the last couple of weeks it has been a blur of camera and phone shots and ones that I will eventually share with you over the next few weeks, especially when I am laid up in a month's time.

So where have we been on our journeys? ... We have visited Chatsworth House...

Snippets to Come @

... with their stunning Christmas decorations...

Snippets to Come @

We've popped by Burghley House...

Snippets to Come @

and captured the stunning colours of autumn...

Of course I have been capturing the beauty both in and around Peterborough Cathedral along with anything else that catches my eye (the link takes you to their new 2016 calendar, guess who took the photo for November?).

But for now, and especially after last night's horrific attack on Paris, I feel that this weekend's post needs to be short while I collect my thoughts for the poor families and emergency personnel who are dealing with this aftermath.

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  1. Wonderful photos! What are having done to your feet? I had bunion surgery on my right foot a year ago and had the left foot done 8 years ago. Foot surgery has a very long recovery (as I'm sure your doctor has told you) but I'm happy with the results and glad I did it. Good luck to you!

  2. Amazing post, my darling Chel, I'm sure you won't forget such wonderful places !
    Have a beautiful end of the week and take care, sending dear love and my best wishes for your surgical intervention,
    with dear love

  3. Such beautiful places and photos to capture their beauty. Will be in prayer for you and your upcoming surgery and a quick speedy recovery. Praying for those in Paris. What a tragedy! Have a good weekend.

  4. Oh Chel, thanks so much for sharing the places you have visited and the pretty photos. Sending prayers your way for your upcoming surgery. I hope you have a quick recovery. Take care. Julie

  5. Chel, I hope your surgery goes well. I'll look forward to seeing more of these wonderful places that you've visited, especially Chatsworth at Christmas! Yes, today is a day to reflect and to pray for the people of France and for those who have lost loved ones.

  6. Lovely to see photos of all these places that you have visited and shared here.
    My thoughts also go to the victims and their families after the bombings and shootings in Paris.
    Good luck for your foot surgery.

  7. Oh I can't wait to see your upcoming posts of these recent places you've visited however, I'm sorry that you have to go through a surgery on your feet soon. The situation in Paris is on my heart today. I can't imagine the terror and aftermath that those involved faced. Take care Chel. I hope all goes well with your surgery!

  8. Good luck with the surgery, Chel. If only we knew back then what we were doing to ourselves, eh? Take care of yourself. :o)

  9. Praying all will go well and you will be back out taking us on more fun tours.

  10. Beautiful places, beautifully photographed!
    Hope all goes well for your surgery! Take care!

  11. Good luck to you during your recuperation. You always have wonderful photos to share!

  12. How magnificent, to say the least. Stay safe over there across the pond. I very much fear that England may be next on the terrorist list.
    Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

  13. I thought that picture was chatsworth! Look forward to kore detailed posts, and good luck with the surgwry.

  14. I pray that everything will go well for you with your surgery, Chel. Looking forward to all those pics you've been snapping. :) I also clicked on the link to see November 2016's picture! Great...and thank you for sharing that with us.

  15. I pray that everything will go well for you with your surgery, Chel. Looking forward to all those pics you've been snapping. :) I also clicked on the link to see November 2016's picture! Great...and thank you for sharing that with us.

  16. Hope all goes well with your surgery. You certainly captured some beautiful photos. My thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by the atrocities in Paris.

  17. Beautiful places Chel. Keeping good thoughts for you as your surgery approaches. Hoping for a speedy recovery.

  18. Paris is very much on all our minds and our thoughts are with our French neighbours. I don't think I have visited a stately home at Christmas time and viewed the decorations. What a good idea. Chatsworth is a beautiful place and I look forward to seeing more of your travels. I don't envy you having to have surgery and the recuperation will no doubt be a painful period but oh the joy of having painfree feet at the end. London Marathon 2017?

  19. Sorry to hear that you have to go through surgery for your feet, but pray for a fast recovery and happy outcome. We too are praying for the people of Paris, for the victims, for their families, and for those who are now living in fear of the 'What's next?'

    Thank you for the link to the cathedral calendar and your contribution to it. Beautiful. You know I can't get enough of cathedrals. We'll be visiting St. Mark's Cathedral in St. Paul over Christmas, but coming from a nation that wasn't founded until a couple hundred years ago plus, it's not at all the same.

  20. I am working on a post for tomorrow or later in the week on our visit to Chatsworth in September, it is incredible isn't it. I am sure that you enjoyed it. I hope that all will be well with your operation and that you will be able to make the most of the rest afterwards and that you will be well cared for. Take care of yourself too. I don't know what to say about Paris, so sad and so terrible. xx

  21. Love those Christmas decorations. Those places will be on my to see list for next holiday there. Paris is the only thing we are thinking and talking about at the moment.

  22. Good luck with the operation, dear Chel. Sending you a big hug.

  23. I wish you lots of luck and a speedy recovery from your operation. Take care, Chel.

  24. Good luck with your surgery, Chel! I, too, am paying the price for years of heel-wearing! Hope your recovery goes well. Praying for peace and Paris, and all the world.

  25. Wishing you all the best with your upcoming surgery, Chel! Lovely scenes today. My heart is broken for the people of France and am praying for peace. xo

  26. Wonderful, wonderful photos, Chel!
    What gorgeous architecture - I'm trying hard not to be too envious. :)
    Very best wishes for your surgical intervention! xx

  27. I hope everything goes really well with your surgery.

  28. I hope your surgery goes well and that you recover easily and quickly However, not too quickly so that we don't get to see these "day-out" posts on your blog first! Hugs and smiles! B.


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