
Friday 20 November 2015

Autumn Smiles

As I type this post, I have butterflies in my stomach and shivers down my spine.  Not in a bad way you understand, but in a very happy, skippity heart beat, content way.  My love for Autumn has never been a secret and I live for this all too short season.  The warm richness of colour, the fresh air and the peek a boo of the sun through the canopy.

It has been a mild November until this point, and a joy to see the dragonfly wings against the yellow and brown forest floor.

The sycamore wings droop from the tree tops in groups, waiting for the strong winds to ask them to dance.

The crispy leaves wait for passing boots to compose a symphony as they walk by.

Amongst the yellow and browns, the luscious red shines through with the beckoning berries.  Ready for the wildlife to fill their bellies.

With the strong winds, the leaves have now fallen and joined the now soggy ones on the forest floor.  I was so glad that we took this walk before the short season's colourful beauty was lost again.

I apologise in advance as my camera is full of autumn splendour and I just have to share more posts before I get to the inevitable Christmas sparkle shots!

Thank you so much for your visits and comments.  Life is a bit manic at the moment with trying to get through lists before my surgery, and as many trips as I can before I am housebound.  I really appreciate your good wishes.

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  1. A lovely post and beautiful photos! You certainly have captured the essence of the season. As much as you probably really need your surgery, I'm sure it will be very frustrating for you to be housebound. But, it won't be forever! Have a blessed day.

  2. Now that was one very seriously beautiful post, capturing the very essence of the season. Stunning!

  3. Absolutely gorgeous, Thanks for posting your beautiful autumn.
    Hoping you will be well soon after your surgery.

  4. That dragonfly was a good find. Fabulous colours and sights. I fear this weekend will bring the first days of winter.

  5. You and I share a passion for the same season, Chel. I absolutely love fall and wish it lasted twice as long as it does. We are moving into winter at a rapid clip here now-they are promising 6" of snow in the morning....ugh!!! xo Diana

  6. Chel I totally understand your sentiments! Autumn is my favourite season, and I've just posted some sunny shots in my new summer house. I can't believe how lucky we've been with the weather this autumn, though we are promised a big change next week. Ah well. You've taken some stunning shots, great pictures! Lxx

  7. Autumn is beautiful, and you've definitely captured it! Best wishes as you go through your surgery, and hoping for a swift recovery! And I hope life is full of Cavalier cuddles on both ends!

  8. Autumn is my favorite time of year too. Even my house reflects these colors with rich browns, greens, yellows, and so forth. The photos are lovely. We've kinda skipped the usual pretty colors this year in SE Georgia. It's remained too warm so the leaves just turned brown and fell to the ground. We even still have butterflies.
    Hope you and family and Tia are all well, happy and safe. ~:)

  9. Lovely photos...the trees are now stripped bare here in my area. We're due for 8-10" of snow overnight! I was behind on reading your blog so I was surprised to hear you're having surgery. I scrolled down and see you're having surgery on your feet. What are you having done, and when? Surgery of any kind is nerve-wracking. I'll be thinking about you!

  10. Beautiful, Chel! I am sad to see my favorite season come to a close, also. Take good care. x Karen

  11. Oh, I just love your first photo!

  12. Beautiful Autumn shots Chel. I too was out today taking a woodland walk, surprised to get some photos with trees still showing color even though leaves are falling fast and furious now. We have a cooler weather pattern coming in this weekend and may get our first night below freezing. I don't mind as it should finish of the mosquitoes! Sadly the plants may get zapped but that's Nature and we have to take what comes with each season.

    I too am sorry to hear of your impending foot surgery - when will that happen? I hope so much all goes well dear - know I will be thinking of you when the times comes, and then wishing you a quick recovery. . . . . . I want to see you back walking with your camera!!!!

    Warm hugs - Mary

  13. Oh, don't apologize. It's still autumn and I don't want to hurry the season along. It's so beautiful. We've had sunshine and chilly temperatures and I'll take that over dreary rain any day. I love scuffling through the leaves at this time of your. Your photos show the highlights of this lovely season so well.
    Do take care as you approach your surgery date. I hope everything goes well and you heal quickly. Have a good weekend.

  14. Lovely Autumn colors and criso leaves, Chel! Fall is my favourite season as well ... The light is also very special and sharp in autumn. Thinking about you and the surgery~ the waiting position can feel as a very long time.

  15. So beautiful Chel. Our Autumn left us last night. We have over a foot of snow and it is still coming here in Chicago area.
    So no leaves here anymore. Enjoy your beautiful colors.

  16. Lovely shots of autumn, Chel. We have had it so good over here too! During lunch we got snow flurries today! Quite exciting, but it didn't settle well, the earth is still too warm!

  17. Chel, I love autumn too. Your photos are just beautiful. We've had very mild weather here too but today we are getting our first really cold snap. You are in my prayers for the upcoming surgery and recovery.

  18. such vivid colour contrasts..... great!!!!
    happy weekend, xxxxxx Ale

  19. Chel, Your autumn smiles post made me smile. Especially your comment "very happy, skippity heart beat, content way". Love the skippity heart beat phrase!

    Your joy in the season makes me laugh with glee. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  20. Beautiful images Chel, it really feels like Autumn now after the cold weather has arrived in Torbay even if it is brief it changes the seasons nicely.

  21. Chel, your photos are really beautiful. I love the golden days (ours are past now) of autumn. To me they are the best part. We are dull here now and our first snow is coming tomorrow. Take care of yourself and be rested for your surgery. Blessings,

  22. What a gorgeous post, my sweetest, your photographs always leave me in awe !!
    Thank you for sharing such a Beauty of Autumn's Nature I love so very much,
    with dear love I'm sending blessings on your start of the week,

  23. It's my favourite season, too, and you are so good at capturing its essence. I am always happy to see photos like these. Thank you. x

  24. Ahhh Chel...beautiful beautiful pictures and your words full of love for autumn enrich the pictures even more. Praying for you as you try to get through your lists.

  25. You photos are always so lovely. What camera/lens do you use? xx

  26. What a beautiful post, glorious photos, the dragonfly is striking. Hope you don't mind me asking Chel, how did you create the gallery?

  27. Fabulous wishes for your surgery.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x