
Sunday 29 November 2015

A Visit to Burghley House and The Ha Ha (Part 2)

A Visit to Burghley House @

The day continued to smile on us at Burghley with its blue skies and perfect sunshine to show off the glorious landscape surrounding the house.  It doesn't matter how many times we visit here, it always shows us something new.  This time around it showed off the beautiful gardens of Capability Brown in all its glory.

Autumn was in full flow and this meant camera overdrive for me.  The large space is so welcome to walk and take time to enjoy, especially when I have Mr Teen with me on a rare trip together, just relaxing time, mother and son.

I can't tell you how much I dream of these moments where I can walk amongst the leaves and see avenues of trees and luckily he wanted to do the same.

The house itself sits in the middle of its estate in absolute splendour, surrounded by the most exquisite park land and gardens.

The feast of colour made me smile.  This time of year is magical.

Usually we are followed by the deer that reside here, but with the rutting season most were behind fencing.  One or two were free though just relaxing in the brief sunshine.

The day was perfect to capture autumn and this house through the trees.

I have always wondered what this wall was that surrounds the inner sanctum of the building itself.  Apparently it is called The Ha Ha and was constructed by Capability Brown as a sunken wall in the 18th century to keep the deer herd out of the park while maintaining uninterrupted views across the from the west front of the house.  The renovations were completed in 2012 after 300 meters of limestone wall were replaced.

And so, thoughts now start to focus on Christmas and from looking up at the trees, they were thinking this also with the round balls of festive mistletoe ready to be farmed and displayed in strategic parts of houses.

With the wind blowing outside as I type this and the tree branches naked from leaves, I think we were lucky to capture these moments while we could.  

So that's Autumn and November nearly over.  Now the countdown begins to the big day!

Have a wonderful week!

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Friday 27 November 2015

An Autumn Trip to Burghley House (Part I)

An Autumn Trip to Burghley House (Part I) @

With most of the leaves now fallen it is a joy to go back a month on my camera card and seeing some more autumn happiness on our travels.  Burghley House is a regular visit for us, and we absolutely love this place with its deer park, sculpture gardens and of course the tudor mansion.  So let's just park the bike and spend some time around this wonderful place.

The tree lined avenues were cloaked in gold before the inevitable high winds came along with incessant rain, so I was so happy to catch this moment.

An Autumn Trip to Burghley House (Part I) @

Of course it is rutting season, so most of the deer were behind protective fencing but there was still plenty of opportunity to capture these gentle creatures.

An Autumn Trip to Burghley House (Part I) @

However, I must stop diverting from what I wanted to show you this week.  With Burghley House you can walk around the grounds for free, but to see the Garden of Surprises and sculpture gardens you need to pay.  Most of the time we are blissfully happy with the freedom of the park, but this visit was going to be spent having rare moments with Mr Teen and I was most certainly going to make the most of it!

I have always wanted to eat lunch with the view over the lake (for years!!), and today was going to be it.  So, with Halloween just around the corner (can you believe that was nearly a month ago!), off we went to explore and capture the beauty of autumn in this place.  We were having more than a pumpkin punch, so the wicked witch's offering was not going to be accepted!!

An Autumn Trip to Burghley House (Part I) @

The changing leaves were spectacular and did not disappoint.  So let's go on a quiet walk around the gardens.

An Autumn Trip to Burghley House (Part I) @

An Autumn Trip to Burghley House (Part I) @

An Autumn Trip to Burghley House (Part I) @

An Autumn Trip to Burghley House (Part I) @

An Autumn Trip to Burghley House (Part I) @

An Autumn Trip to Burghley House (Part I) @

And so to lunch!  A very sturdy and comfortable seat awaited.

An Autumn Trip to Burghley House (Part I) @

And a very welcome bagel on the spot that I have yearned to look out on while we ate.

An Autumn Trip to Burghley House (Part I) @

A beautiful view...

An Autumn Trip to Burghley House (Part I) @

Right by the boat house.

Next time I will take you back onto the main park and the views of the wonderful Burghley House and more of the autumn leaves and deer.

Thank you for your good wishes for my surgery.  Just two more weeks and the bunions will be bunioffs!!  The Christmas shopping is in full flow while I am still mobile, but will give Black Friday a miss!

And, a very Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating this week!!

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Wednesday 25 November 2015

The Extraordinary in the Ordinary #4 - Looking Through the Window

The ripples of the ancient glass wash over the view beyond the window.

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