
Friday 23 October 2015

The Beautiful Town of Helmsley, North Yorkshire - In an Hour

We had an hour!  Just an hour in this stunningly beautiful town of Helmsley in North Yorkshire.  Not enough time by any means!  We longed to have stayed longer to take in more, and I can't tell you how difficult it was to find my favourite capture of this town.  Every shot I took made me smile with how photogenic it was here.  In between roads and under bridges the babbling brooks busied themselves beneath us.

Tudor/Jacobean buildings overlooking the historic graveyard.

How I would have loved to stay longer and drink in the exterior with its Tudor beams and pan-tiled roofs.

The white picket fences with marguerites popping their heads through and waving at passers by.

I don't think this bank is in business any more otherwise I am sure the entrance would not look so inviting!

However this business is still trading along the most exquisite row of shops.

A bike, adorned with plants and advertising.  Such a lovely way to entice you in through the door.

If only we had enough time to have browsed and come away with some good honest Yorkshire produce.

We came away wanting to have bought one of these pies... and still are!

The beauty and thought that have gone into these shops was a joy to see and next time we will make sure we pay them back in kind.

All Saints Church was equally beautiful set within the town.

The interior was beautifully painted and so colourful.

Of course, after all, I do love a chandelier!

And the font, so polished and loved.

This outbuilding made me laugh.  I said to Mumsy that maybe this was where the dead used to be left in Victorian times and by the state of disrepair at the bottom of the door, this is where the un-dead managed to get back out.  Well, saves on putting a bell system in the grave as they did back in them days!!  I know, bad taste, sorry!

Well, she's laughing...

In the town square stands this amazing monument to Baron William Feversham.

The monument stands proud in the town square surrounded by the shops and loads of motorbikes.  Apparently they gather here and some of these were absolute beauties.  Mr Teen would have loved to seen some of these.

Our time was ending here but we did find a little road that took us over another babbling brook.

Over a cattle grid and into the grounds of Helmsley Castle.

We were so disappointed that we didn't have any more time to visit this place.  Take a look at the link above to see more and also pop along to the ever informative Mike at A Bit About Britain who never ceases to amaze me with his humorous history lessons on places he has visited.  Like I have already said, we will make sure we go back to take full advantage of this wonderful town.  

So, back we went to the town centre and waited for our next leg (which was Thirsk - last week's post!).  The Pickwick Bar - so frustrated we couldn't have just stayed here!  Apparently it is one of the oldest buildings in Helmsley and the Mouseman of Kilburn had worked his magic on the oak inside.  

And so, there we have it, an hour in Helmsley.  A teasing look at the beautiful town and one that we hope to visit again soon... for longer!

Goodbye Yorkshire, you have been stunning!

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Friday 16 October 2015

All Creatures Great and Small - Thirsk, North Yorkshire

All Creatures Great and Small @

I do love a blue plaque.  I see the striking blue and just know that there will be a little piece of history attached to the building.  The blue plaque here adorns the home of James Wight who was the author of the James Herriot books based on his own life.

The striking flowers, blue plaque and white cafe nets were enough to draw both me and Mumsy in.  So, a picture heavy post which means feet up, cup of tea and a victoria sponge while we take you around James Wight's home and workplace.

All Creatures Great and Small @

The interior was equally as welcoming.  The living room felt as though we were walking into my Grandparents' house with books, games on the floor and my Grandad in the corner reading his paper.  Even the French doors were the same.  We could imagine James resting here in between his visits into the Yorkshire countryside and tending to the sick animals.

All Creatures Great and Small @

The dining room all set for tea with its beautiful linen and cutlery.  Can you imagine the many interesting conversations that were shared around this table.  Some I daresay a bit gruesome! 

All Creatures Great and Small @

In the corner, a well equipped desk full of exquisite, historical memories.  I used to love seeing these spikes with bills and notes pierced and gathered by their bases.

All Creatures Great and Small @

Down the passageway there were many other visual treats to discover ...

All Creatures Great and Small @

... I did say 'visual treats' rather than 'delicious delights'!  (Glad I'm not cattle - a pint of Castor Oil, can you imagine?!)/

I loved the shelves full of colourful glass and different potions for different livestock ailments.

All Creatures Great and Small @

In the next room a small operating theatre that was used for the smaller animals.  With the surgery's success James was able to branch out to smaller pets.

All Creatures Great and Small @

And of course, the there had to be some feminine touches somewhere.  This was in the next room...

All Creatures Great and Small -

... with of course a wonderful Singer sewing machine.

All Creatures Great and Small -

In the passageway, it was explained to us that if the vets were out and busy, this cupboard would contain all the required medication for those farmers who couldn't get to the practice when it was usually open.  How trusting this age was.

All Creatures Great and Small -

Of course, during the War the vets needed easy shelter from possible bombings.  We loved the descent into the basement and the different partitions separating the living areas.  Very basic but safe.

All Creatures Great and Small -

But, the best room of the house had to be this multi functioning kitchen.  Everywhere we looked there were remnants of our grandparents' kitchens.  There were items that we still use today and also things that we were so pleased that kitchen appliances had been invented.

All Creatures Great and Small -

No words, just enjoy the memories!... (how I miss my Aga!)

All Creatures Great and Small -

All Creatures Great and Small -

All Creatures Great and Small -

All Creatures Great and Small -

All Creatures Great and Small -

The more I look at these photos the more I see and remember from years ago.  A lovely trip down memory lane.

Outside James' statue is this small and well kept courtyard.

All Creatures Great and Small -

And in another building, journals from the man himself.

All Creatures Great and Small -

Along with various pictures and autographs from cast members of the series.

All Creatures Great and Small -

The studios were towards the back in another building with the abundance of wires and cameras surrounding the sets for the series All Creatures Great and Small.

All Creatures Great and Small -

All Creatures Great and Small -

All Creatures Great and Small -

The car used in the series has been restored.  Wouldn't this have been so much fun to drive around the countryside back in the day?!

All Creatures Great and Small -

Trust Mumsy to lower the tone!!

From one of the windows upstairs you could see the church where he was married.

All Creatures Great and Small -

So that was our short visit to Thirsk.  I meant to post this last week but with life getting in the way, especially life with teenagers, parenting had to come first!

Next week I'll share with you the beautiful village of Helmsley, North Yorkshire.  After that we have a trip to London booked - at last I hear you say!  It's been a few months but I'll be so glad to get back on the tube now that the cooler months are back and breathe in the air of London - nothing beats the smell of home!

But I will leave you with this wonderful print that was on the stairs.  Goodbye Old Man.  What a lovely sentiment.

All Creatures Great and Small -

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