
Saturday 18 July 2015

Time for a little break

With the welcoming of Tia and the new routines this bundle of joy is giving us, along with the onslaught of a draining summer (I have S.A.D syndrome - Summer Absolute Dislike), I feel it is time for a blogging break along with a little revamp of my pages here.  I do love to change things around and have a little tidy up, don't you?  So for next few weeks I'll be recharging the batteries and looking forward to sitting under my pergola with the nights drawing in and the cooler evenings to come.

I will still be going on my little trips, including the real Downtown Abbey (Highclere Castle) in a couple of weeks, but I want time to write posts more leisurely and with more feeling.  I have been a little rushed of late which explains my absence from visiting you, comments and writing.  Summer is full of cheerful happy faces, but this eludes me.

I am drained and in a season that I never enjoy, do you get like that?  Maybe I should live in Australia or New Zealand for the Northern Hemisphere's summer months!  How I envy you at the moment.  Reading through past posts of this time of year, I have surprised myself at how much this season saps my energy and any inspiration.

It is a temporary glitch I assure you, and one that usually lifts as soon as the nights draw in to about 8 in the evening and the temperature drops to give a nice steam cloud when breathing outside.
Mojo, I know you are there somewhere but I don't want to play hide and seek for the time being!  So I will plod along with the walks in the Fens...

... and enjoy the Lincolnshire skies (or any other skies I come across!).

The summer bridge that I have to cross will be achievable soon and then I will have an autumn spring in my step.  (Sorry to those of you who love summer).

Enjoy your summer and the testing time of busy school summer holidays.  Have lots of fun and enjoy every moment.

I will leave you with news of Tia.   Our Tia now has her own Facebook page (here) which keeps her rescuers and people that are just wanting to follow along with her new journey updated.  She is coming along in leaps and bounds, so please follow her along and show your support for this precious little dog.  Maybe even post photos of your own fur babies.  All are welcome - it's just a bit of fun.

 Until next time, have a wonderful summer and I will see you again when the bugs have died down and I can sit in the garden and breathe again!!


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  1. Enjoy your time off, Chel. See you when you get back! :o)

  2. Have a good break and look forward to seeing an autumnal you - and how cute is Tia?! X

  3. Have a nice rest and come back when the spirit moves you.

  4. Beautiful Lincolnshire pictures Chel and the best is of course Tia with her funny face.
    Take your rest and enjoy your summer break! Cannot be too difficult with that cute doggie with you.

  5. Living in SE Georgia, I detest summer. It's always hot, humid and full of biting bugs. Yuck. At least it only lasts 3 months or so. I am so ready for Fall. That aside, YOU'RE GOING TO HIGHCLERE CASTLE!? I'll be right there ... *lol* Huge fan of Downton Abbey here. That's another good reason to be anxious for January and the new season. Well, enjoy the time off. We'll all still be here when you return. Enjoy the new "baby" and I look forward to your new look. ~:)

  6. Nice pics! Yeah, summer isn't my most favorite month either. Not a fan of the heat. Enjoy your break, and I look forward to your return to blogland.

  7. "Summer Absolute Dislike"... LOVE it! I'm from Tennessee in the US... it has now started to have regular temps of mid 90s F (35 C) with heat index of 112 F (44 ish C). I loathe summer. Enjoy your break!

  8. Oh, dear lady...I hear you and am thinking of the same thing. Maybe just one very edited post every three weeks for now. One has to live right? And relax and not b e grabbing that camera or phone. My arm and cast gets in the way and of course many ask, "How do you do it?" Well, "it's effing hard!" And right about now I'm ready to throw in the towel!!

    Cheers...have a lovely break, dear.


  9. Enjoy your break and we'll see you in the autumn.


  10. Have a wonderful break, Chel, and enjoy the new furry addition to your family! I'm with you on the summer heat - quite exhausting because it saps all my energy. Our heatwave, with temperatures varying from 30-38C is the most exhausting one I can ever remember! Roll on September!

  11. Have restful break.. I must admit summer isn't my favourite month either as I don't like the heat and this year we have extraordinarily high temps of high twenties and dipping into the 30's.. much prefer Spring and Autumn. See you on your return, take care :o)

  12. Beautiful photos you really have captured the essence of Summer in your pictures. Such a shame the season doesn't suit you. Enjoy your break and trip and have fun with your new addition.

  13. Hope you have a lovely bloggy break, I'm an autumn girl so in some way know what you mean about summer dragging you down x

  14. I wish you well on your summer break and hope you are back soon filled with inspiration and energy, there is nothing worse than feeling flat... love all your images, take care.
    Amanda xx

  15. You have my sympathies. I don't like the heat either and much prefer the spring. Have a good break. xx

  16. Hope you have a lovely, restorative break Chel, I'm the same but in the bleak winter months when all is dark and grey. Take care:)

  17. Lovely images and what a cute new pup! Enjoy your break!

  18. It's not my favourite season either (prefer autumn and spring)! Enjoy the break and quality time with Tia xx

  19. I hope that you and Tia have a wonderful time together!!! We will all look forward to your return when the cooler weather arrives! I am not the greatest fan of summer either! Drives hubby mad as I stay indoors away from the bugs and sunburn! Have a great time! xx

  20. Totally in agreement with all you say here Chel! Growing up by the sea in England I did still enjoy summertime - it was never too hot that I can recall, but here in the southeastern US it's just miserable. Temp. right now is 96F but officially the weather guys says it feels like 107F with the humidity - you bet it does! Garden chores cancelled for today! Staying in to make a big cool salad, bake (yes that's hot too, but at least I'm in air conditioning!) fresh blueberry muffins, and keeping the Limoncello on ice!

    Stay cool, calm and collected - look forward to seeing you back here later as always.
    Hugs - Mary

  21. Chel,
    Everyone needs a little break in life and you certainly need one too. Enjoy your down time. Life is too precious and a gift not to get full enjoyment out of each day.

  22. I hope you'll find some nice moments during your summer break even if it's not your favourite season.

  23. We're all so different, aren't we? I'm energized by summer, except for the very hottest days (like today), and find my creativity blooms along with the flowers. I wish you a good rest from blogging and look forward to seeing your changes when the temperatures cool and the light fades.

  24. I just arrived home from a holiday that included a very hot London so I really appreciate what you are saying. Unfortunately you won't enjoy the Summer months in Australia or New Zealand either I'm afraid - just as hot, possibly more so. I also suffer from SAD so I am enjoying our Winter at the moment. Enjoy your blog break :)

  25. Beautiful photos! I hope you have a good break and feel refreshed when you return to blog land.

  26. I love your photos! Hope you have a great time!

  27. I love summer but can't sit in the sun nowadays, I prefer the shade of a tree or the gazebo. Enjoy your summer break and time with Tia x

  28. I understand your need for a blog break ~ my blogging enthusiasm is at a low right now, too but for several different reasons. I do love summer though! So you got a new pup? I will have to take a look at the Facebook page!

  29. Hi Chel, I will miss you blog posts and wishing you a wonderful summer and blog break!

  30. Gosh I've never heard of anyone who had Summer Depression. I must admit it's not my favorite season but then again I don't think I have any seasonal problems. Winter is my least favorite of the seasons though. - I do understand about how summer can sap one's energy though. We've had a very HOT & DRY summer here and quite frankly I barely want to go outside at all so like you I'm looking forward to Autumn. - Enjoy your blog break. - You had some wonderful photos here today and Tia is just so sweet and cute.

  31. A break is a delightful thing. I enjoyed mine in May and consider another in August, but I like the slower pace I am taking right now, so we will see. Lovely to see that Tia is adapting well to her new home. Fun how you hate summer and I hate winter here, thankfully the seasons do change eventually. Enjoy your time away.

  32. Hi Chel, enjoy your break and your new little friend! Such a dear little face! I got a little laugh out of your SAD syndrome. Everyone is hot and cranky here....Autumn is my favorite season, so something to look forward to. Until then, stay in the shade with a tall, cool drink! xo Karen

  33. Glad to hear that Tia is settling in well, I hope you enjoy your much-needed break and return feeling refreshed :)
    Cathy x

  34. Awww, sweet little Tia!! Summers are bad there? I've only been there in March and November of the several times I've visited, so no experience with summers. I only see photos of how beautiful it is. Hope you have a nice break. Lots of time with the puppy.

  35. Have a great summer, Chel, and enjoy the break.

  36. Your pup is so adorable, Chel! I hope you are enjoying your break and that your summer dislike lifts soon. Sometimes summer doesn't last that long.

  37. Wow, what beautiful pictures! I can only hope to visit someday. And Tia ..... oh. my. word!! The cuteness!!!!

  38. My apologies .... I was looking at your "Downton Abbey" pictures ..... but somehow I ended up on this page & I thought your dog was part of that same post LOL .....Is it Friday yet?


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x