
Saturday 9 May 2015

A Date With Dracula in Whitby, North Yorkshire (Part One)

Well dear Readers, where do I start?  Don't you hate that with a new blog post?  Trying to get the right words to start off the journey.  Let me just say this is going to be a long post this week so I think it best that you get yourself a lovely bottle of wine, some nibbles and a necklace of garlic before I begin - Dracula may be lurking in the shadows!  So, following on from Wednesday's post, where did those steps lead?  Here's your answer...

The beautiful North Yorkshire coastal town of Whitby with its Abbey ruins on the hill, its layers upon layers of buildings and the fishing port is simply stunning.

The port was busy with fishermen preparing their boats for the next catch of the sea's precious bounty.  The nets were all primed and ready...

... and the lobster pots were set...

I was in a very happy place here, with the tactile materials that had been skillfully woven to stand the roughness of the sea and its hopeful inhabitants.  Just capturing the moment was enough for me.

Both me and Mumsy had taken another coach trip so it had taken a little time to get here, but to see Yorkshire's rolling hills and stone walls from the coach was incredibly satisfying.

Then, coming into Whitby, it became apparent that after last year's Tour de France, they were having their own Tour de Yorkshire!

Our first stop was of course to Magpies for their fish and chips.  I took a photo believe me of this fantastic lunch but it was so blurry due to these little wotsits who were determined to divebomb and snatch as much food as possible.  The seagulls are a menace  here and very, very cocky!  We saw one walk into a fish and chip shop to terrorise the staff!  A word to the wise, if you are here cover your food and then head to the bandstand to eat - less chance of being divebombed!  I mean, even this one was dribbling!!

We then grabbed a ride on an open top bus to head up the hill to the Abbey.  We could have climbed the 199 steps, but not today!

Instead, a nice leisurely climb on the bus through the town until we got to the top.

And listening to the brave and breathless coming up the stairs, all counting, and all saying that the sign was wrong!

The view from here was breathtaking in itself.   Windows and buildings all in view of the Abbey...

The harbour ferrying people to show the Abbey from the sea...

Let's get closer...

Yes, Pirate Teddy is off too...

The cliff tops and sea were beautifully married against the steely grey sky.

No wonder that Bram Stoker was inspired by staring up at this place and wrote Dracula!

The wind whips up an icy blast from the North Sea and howls through these ruins and amongst the graves of people departed from life centuries ago.

The waves crash against the shores below the cliffs, giving a real feel of anxiousness.

And no wonder, look who was crawling down the abbey ruins next to me...

Dracula did make me shudder, but he was part of a play that was being acted out around the ruins.  The actors were extremely entertaining and I thoroughly recommend following them as they tell the story of Bram Stoker's Dracula.

What an amazing stage to work from!

Of course I took hundreds of photos of the beautiful aged stonework which I am still working through and will share some with you next week (you know what I am like with architecture!!).  Until then, after my date with Dracula, I will return to my slumber and join you once again as I take you around the ruins with the howls of dogs and icy winds singing through the voids of the Abbey.

Keep eating the garlic!!

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  1. WOW! Gave me a chill but can't wait for more to come.

  2. Yorkshire as darkest Romania! Love it.

  3. What a wonderful visit through your photography and words and Dracula too all in the same package! I loved the fishing port and the colourful houses! Those seagulls sound like a real menace and that one you photographed has a cruel glint in his mean little yellow eye!

  4. Fantastic impressions, Chel! Thanks for sharing :-). Happy weekend! Nata xxx

  5. Beautiful photographs. I can't believe I didn't recognise the steps! xx

  6. The garlic necklace worked! My neck is still intact so I was able to enjoy the outing too. Beautiful photos. I felt like I was there.
    Have a blessed day. ~:)

  7. Very interesting post Chel, and great pictures, Whitby is another place on my “to visit” list, it looks lovely. Your photos of the ruins and headstones are very atmospheric. I’m sure Seagulls are getting bigger, probably from the food they steal from us and scavenge from our leftovers!

  8. It is just so SO beautiful there. I don't think anything in the states could ever compare to the beauty that surrounds you.

  9. Excellent post, Chel! Your narration was so fun! The pics...gorgeous, I especially like the ports, so colorful and exciting. I would be hard pressed to choose just a few photos for a post. I've always wanted to visit England and now I'm even more anxious.

    The seagulls. We have problems with pigeons here, at least in the city.

    Thank you so much for your comment today on my pup. I know you are feeling a lot of pain in your heart right now so it is especially lovely to hear you cheering us on! Love to you.

    Jane x

  10. I have fond memories of Whitby - and some lovely Whitby jet earrings. Looking forward to Part 2, Chel. x

  11. thank you for sharing these pictures and your words : such a lovely place to visit, one day!!!!
    xxxxx Ale

  12. Looks like fun day out. Looking at your photos taken from the abbey, I didn't realise that Whitby was so big.

  13. Lovely to see Whitby in the sun shine, we live about two hours away and had a day there last year when we were staying at Robin Hood's Bay for the weekend, we did walk up and down those steps, by the end of the day we had walked just short of ten miles looking round, slept well that night... You have taken some lovely photos glad you had a good time.
    Amanda xx

  14. Whitby is such a lovely town with various different charms from the sea to the top of the hill. You made me feel like visiting in person and it will be one of the must-go places when I have chance to travel to the UK. Thanks for sharing.


  15. Hi Chel,
    Love where those steps lead. Oh the history and beautiful pics. I enjoyed coming along with you. Great tour.

  16. Fabulous!!! It looks like a fantastic visit was had by you and Mumsy! I love all that you shared, but Pirate Teddy has my heart! You know that I love architecture too, so I look forward to seeing more!! xx

  17. Such a wonderful post, Chel. What a great visit. Beautiful, wild views, delicious fish and chips, cheeky gulls, old ruins and Dracula! I felt as though I were there with you!

  18. I really enjoyed this as we visited Whitby a couple of years ago and fell in love with it. There was a feature on the Whitby yards on Secret Britain recently which I found fascinating, not having been bold enough to wander into them! Looking forward to the rest of your photos. x

  19. Wow Chel, what a wonderful little sea village to visit. I love it with all the houses the sea the ships and the old buildings. Thank you for sharing part one with us. I can't wait for the next! Hope you have a wonderful week. Julie xo

  20. How fun, I loved taking this trip with you. :-)
    Great shots of the actors expression.

  21. A day in Whitby was a highlight of my trip to the UK in 2012. I enjoyed seeing it all again!

  22. All of these are incredibly gorgeous. I would certainly have a field day there with my camera.

  23. I did enjoy that trip and story

  24. Such contrasting parts of the city - the colourful houses near the waterside and the cold, stoniess of the abbey and surrounding tombstones. A perfect day out... where to next?

  25. A great post and brilliant photos (and that seagull has a bit of an evil look in his eye, just to add a little extra menace to the mood of the place!)

  26. I've never been to Yorkshire, though I dream of it, so thanks for taking me!

  27. Your images of this stunning place are just amazing and I shall put it on my list to visit, if not this time then next! A wonderful post which I enjoyed so very much Chel! Thank you!

  28. Beautiful images of Whitby, a place I had the pleasure of visiting when we lived 'up north'

  29. Oh my gosh, your photos are stunning! I loved taking this virtual trip with you. So beautiful.

  30. Gorgeous shots of the town. And wow - the Abbey is gorgeous!

  31. Ooh spooky Chel! You've taken some very atmospheric shots of Whitby. And it's the best place for fish and chips! xx

  32. beautiful little town! THanks for the ride!

  33. A very atmospheric post! We have been to Whitby a few times, and it's one of our favourite places. The town is so full of character, and the abbey very windswept and exposed. We got very cold up there with a picnic lunch once - brrr, it was freezing! Your photos perfectly capture the spookiness of the place :)
    Cathy x

  34. Oh my Chel! Your photos always leave me wanting to see more! What a lovely place. I especially loved the port with the boats and colorful surroundings. I look forward to seeing more. Have a wonderful week!

    Hugs, Vicky

  35. A part of the world I haven't found my way to yet! Interesting day out. X

  36. What an interesting post. You set the stage for this drama very well in your photos and words. Thanks for the great tour of this town.

  37. I love this place, Chel - the colorful village, the seaport, the strange and ghostly abbey....wonderful photos and what a lovely trip to make with your dear Mum. The photo from the top of the steps is my favorite today. Thanks for taking us along! xo K

  38. Whitby's a great place, Chel; so much to see and do - and so much history (particularly the Synod, remember?). As usual, you've captured some stunning images. PS I think gulls should be culled!!

  39. What a gorgeous place, Chel! I'm fascinated by all things Dracula, so this was particularly wonderful for me :)


  40. What a fantastic post, Chel. It was almost like being there, someplace I've never seen in person. Would love to visit those coastal towns someday. Great photos!

  41. What a fantastic post, Chel. It was almost like being there, someplace I've never seen in person. Would love to visit those coastal towns someday. Great photos!


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x