
Saturday 11 April 2015

My Darling Coco

It is with an incredibly heavy heart that I have to type out these words.  Over the last couple of years I have mentioned my darling little King Charles Cavalier Coco, who recently was diagnosed with Syringomyelia which brings on convulsions and pain.  She has been a permanent fixture on my side bar and that photo has made me smile so much.  She has been a faithful companion, a comedian, a confidant and incredible friend.  This morning she was a usual self, happy to see me come down the stairs and get her medication but she then started convulsing and within minutes was taken from me.  I can't describe the words I am feeling right now so will just leave you with the last photo I took of her two days ago when she was playing hide and seek.

Understandably I will be taking a blogging break for a little while, but in the meantime, give your furry friends a meaningful hug, you never know when they will be taken from you.

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  1. Oh Chel! I am so terribly sorry to hear of your loss...I can understand how heavy your heart must be feeling right now...
    It is so painful to lose a precious animal!
    Sending big hugs to you...

  2. Oh my sweet, I'm so sorry for your loss xx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So sorry for your loss. Remember the good times.

  5. Chel, I am so sorry for your loss. I have gone through it several times, the latest with my Goldie Girl. I know how you feel, it is so hard to loose our fur-babies..Sending big {HUGS}

  6. Oh Chel. My heart is breaking for you! I'll be thinking of you and your dear, sweet Coco. Much love from here in Canada.

  7. oh my goodness, I so feel your pain. I am still mourning the loss of our Molly. Remember the good times and know we are thinking of you. God Bless.......

  8. I just read your Facebook post and was so shocked to read of Coco's passing. I am so, so sorry that this happened. I know Coco was such a sweet and loved member of your family and will be deeply missed. Try to focus on the good and happy times spent with her. I'll be praying for you my sweet friend across the pond.

    Hugs and Prayers,

  9. Oh Chel that's so hard. I'm so sorry. You must be in a lot of pain right now. Sending you hugs and prayers. Take special care of yourself as you grieve xx

  10. Nothing to say that will really add comfort to you at this awful time Chel. The pain is truly heartbreaking and I just send you hugs and tissues to wipe away the tears. I'm so so sorry to hear this news, and wish you strength through the healing process. Thinking of you xxx

  11. Oh dear Chel, I am so sorry to hear of this news of your sweet Coco. I can imagine your loss and grief. Sending a big hug to you. xx Pam

  12. Oh heart breaks for you! I know that lose all too well, and know that I will face it before too long again. Nothing can replace these precious creatures and the love they hold for us and us for them.

  13. Chel....I am so sorry....sending you tons of love and hugs. Blessings

  14. O Chel this is terrible, so hard to loose a beloved pet. Tears jump in my eyes when I see Coco playing hide and seek. Snarf is often playing hide and seek, one of his favourite games and next month he will be 13. I cannot think of loosing him....
    You shall miss Coco so much, but think of the good times you had with her.
    A big hug from Janneke

  15. Oh my gosh...I'm so very sorry. I can imagine how heartbroken you are. Sending lots of hugs from Canada.

  16. I know the pain, so sorry you have lost your sweet Coco.

  17. Oh Chel, how horrible. Thank goodness for her that you were with her at the end. Sending you a hug. x

  18. Oh, Chel no words can ease the heartbreak and emptiness you must feel. Take time, take care, think on those happy memories and know that we are all thinking of you today.

  19. I am so sorry to hear about poor Coco. It hurts more than words can say when we lose a dear furry friend. Sending you a hug, Chel xx

  20. This very sad loss of that beautiful little Coco this morning is such heartbreaking news. I know just how special she was to you dear Chel. Please know we are all thinking of you. Take time to sit quietly later, to remember the good times, and just how wonderful her life was with a family who cared for her so much and made many years full of special moments and much love.

    I hold you close dear friend and hope your sadness will eventually be eased knowing Coco was loved so much. I'm glad you have that sweet and recent photo of her peeking out in a playful mood knowing she was happy always.
    Mary X

  21. Dear Chel, I am so incredibly sorry for your loss! I am sure even though Coco is not there, she will always be by your side! Sending hugs and love xxx

  22. I'm so sorry, Chel. It's never easy to lose a beloved pet. Take care.

  23. Chel, I know exactly what you're going through. I'm crying for you. Much love and hugs.

  24. So sorry for the loss of your sweet dog.

  25. I am so sorry to hear about your beautiful Coco! I know that she remains dearly loved by you and your blog readers who have been treated with adorable pictures of her. Best wishes xoxo

  26. I'm so sorry to hear this news, having been through it myself, I know how absolutely heartbreaking it is.

  27. So sorry that you have lost such a dear companion xx

  28. So sorry to hear this chel x

  29. I am so very sorry. I am a dog lover and have two. So, I know exactly how you felt about your Coco.

  30. Oh Chel, I am so sorry for your loss and will be thinking of you! Do take care.
    Julie xo

  31. So sorry to hear that your much loved dog is no longer with you. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved animal.

  32. I'm so sorry Chel, a sad time for you. Big hugs X

  33. I am so very very sorry Chel. Hugs and all love to you and your family. xx

  34. Chel, I am devastated for you. You must be in such shock at losing her so suddenly and traumatically and this will be a hard night for you. Our furry friends mean such a lot to us that their parting rips out a chunk of our heart. I am so sorry for your loss and have given my two a huge hug from a lovely lady and sweet Coco as instructed.

    Be kind and gentle to yourself, just as Coco would have wished.
    With love

  35. Huge hugs Chel. There is so much I would like to say about losing such a dear friend but by the same token I know that it is such a personal time. Just know that I will be thinking of you and sending you a huge amount of love and positive vibes. We must try and meet up in London some time x Jane xxx

  36. Oh Chel, my heart feels very sad that you and Coco. I am glad that you and Coco got to see each other and to share your love for each other before she had to go. Please know I am thinking about you and Coco. I am sending a big hug your way from Virginia. Christa

  37. I am so very sorry to read about the loss of your most precious and beautiful Coco. I hope you are finding comfort in your memories that can never be taken away, and in knowing your will see her again one day.

  38. I'm so sorry, Chel. I know you're heartbroken. I know that pain - I lost my Lucy two years ago unexpectedly. It's heart wrenching. You have my heartfelt sympathy. Hugs

  39. So sorry for your loss. I have a dog and know what a special place they hold in our lives and our families.

  40. I'm sorry, Chel, for the loss of your sweet Coco.

  41. Oh dear, Chel, I'm so very sorry for your loss.
    A big hug.

  42. Sending lots and lots of hugs. So very sorry x

  43. Chel, I am so very sorry to hear about your sweet Coco. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers....

  44. I am so very sorry, losing a furry companion is an ordeal. I suppose it is the price we pay for loving them.

  45. Oh Chel I am so sorry for this profound loss. I know the pain of losing a fur baby. My heart goes out to you. Hugs.

  46. I'm so sorry Chel to read your sad news. It must have been such a shock for you but of some comfort to Coco that you were with her at the end xx

  47. I am SO sorry and sad for you, it is heart breaking to say good bye to our 'loved' ones. understand your break. take care of you now.

  48. So sorry Chel, take all the time you need. It's hard to lose our four legged family members.


  49. I'm so terribly terribly sorry for you loss. It sounds like your Coco had a very happy life with you. Please be kind to yourself.

  50. Dearest Chel, my heart is so, so, so heavy for you! I am terribly sorry for the pain you are going through right now and I am sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers, sweet friend. Sending you lots of love and happy hugs!

  51. Chel, I am so very sorry to hear this sad news about your sweet Coco. I know first hand how hard it is to lose our furry friends. I've lost many over the years and it never gets easier. I know you are hurting and grieving right now and that is understandable. Just know that we all care and feel your loss. May you find comfort in your sweet memories and knowing that Coco is not in pain now or suffering. May you someday find it in your heart to allow another sweet animal into your life to bring you the same joy and love as Coco did. Sending furry hugs and human ones too.

  52. I'm so sorry, Chel, to hear about little Coco. I know how painful it is to lose a pet, and I'm thinking of you at this sad time. I hope that you are comforted by the happy memories that you have of her. Take care of yourself,
    Cathy x

  53. Oh Chel, I am so very sorry to hear the sad news about your beloved Coco. It's terribly upsetting when a much loved pet dies. I hope you find some solace in your memories and photos x

  54. Dear Chel ~ I am so, so sorry to hear this incredibly sad news. My heart goes out to you. {{hugs}}

  55. Dear Chel, I'm so sorry that you have lost your beloved Coco. Perhaps it was a blessing for her to go quickly, and even though I'm sure it was a terrible moment, you were there with her at the end. I'm sure that would have comforted her. Take care, and big hugs to you. Wendy

  56. Oh, my Dear Chel - I am so very sorry for your loss! My heart breaks for you ! Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers right now. These little fur people steal our hearts and leave too soon. An extra big hug for you, Dear Friend. xoxo Karen

  57. Chel...I am so very sorry that you had to go through such a traumatic loss. They take up a space in our heart...that just can't be replaced.

    Hugs to you.


  58. Chel...I am so very sorry that you had to go through such a traumatic loss. They take up a space in our heart...that just can't be replaced.

    Hugs to you.


  59. Oh, Chel, I am so sorry for your loss! I know first hand how painful that is. Pets are without a doubt members of our families, adding so much joy to our homes. My heart goes out to you -- please know you are in my thoughts.

  60. I'm so sorry to read this news. Coco was so often on your blog that I felt like I knew her. I understand how sad you must be right now and I can feel it too. I hope you can find comfort later in the thought that she was happy with you. I'll think of you and I'm off in the garden to give my cats a kiss in memory of Coco.

  61. Oh, gosh. I apologize for the delay in reading this post. My heart is broken and my eyes filled with tears that you've lost little Coco. If you ever want to talk, just e-mail. Sometimes it helps to take to a "stranger" during times like this. Please know that I am praying for you and your family right now. I so understand.
    Luv and Hugs From America

  62. Hi,
    I am sorry to read the news. I do know how pets are just like family. My dog Molly is my best buddy. She is getting older and I can tell the difference in her. I will be praying and sending a hug to you.
    I am sorry for your loss.
    xx oo

  63. So sorry to hear about Coco.

  64. I am so, so sorry for your loss. Coco was so beautiful...and I know how your heart is breaking. Its coming up a year since Bebe left here, knowing it was coming before long, but not thinking it would be that day. I am hugging mine, a little more today. Prayers for comfort and peace. The tears will stop in time...but it takes time. Big hugs.

  65. Oh Chel..... As soon as I saw the first words of your post, I knew and my heart breaks for you. I am so very sorry about Coco.

    I'll being saying a pray for you.


  66. Im so sorry for your loss. I have two dogs and always think in that things!
    I know how you feel I lost a dog last year..

  67. So sorry the hear this sad news Chel.
    I know Coco will have enjoyed the happiest of lives with your family. hopefully that fact will give you some comfort. Thinking of you.
    Lots of love
    Jacquie xxx

  68. awww I'm so sorry for you and your family. My furry baby died 6 years ago and I still miss him, the house is so quiet. xx

  69. Apologies for reading this post late as I'm always behind with commenting but genuinely sorry to hear of your loss. The Photo you show interacts with the viewer depicting Coco's character.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x