
Sunday 29 March 2015

Peterborough Cathedral - A Day of Two Helmets!

I love days that start off normally and then the extraordinary happens.  A feast for the eyes jumps out and smiles are all around you.  This happened last Friday with two separate highlights but I must start with the afternoon and finish with the morning.  As you probably know, Richard III was interred at Leicester Cathedral last week and at the front of the coffin as it travelled through the streets amongst crowds, there were two men in armour on their horses.  Well, on Friday, one of the horses and its rider came to Peterborough Cathedral to advertise the Heritage Weekend which will be on the 20 - 21 June.  I urge you if you are in the area, to go and visit because it is free and also full of real entertainment, you will not be disappointed I promise.  So, I joined some work colleagues and photographers and took advantage of some free time to capture some moments.  It was wonderful to catch the cathedral in the brass with full sunlight.

The Cathedral's reflections were also emblazoned on the chest plate of the suit of armour...

... and for those who follow me on other social media will have already seen the reflections on his protective shield of steel on his arm.

As well as the white horse, a spectacular black horse was visiting too.  It's long eyelashes sung out to me.

Once mounted it was time to ride to the front of the Cathedral.

The black horse was also mounted and with flag raised, it was time to join its equestrian friend.

With photographers poised it was time to pose for the cameras.

Such a beautiful backdrop with the sun shining, it was just perfect for shadows and reflections.  The entrance is being revamped at the moment, but it won't be long before the barriers and the new ramp are completed.

And then, it was time for a charge towards the cameras.  This was all in aid to advertise the jousting that will take place in front of the Cathedral during the Heritage Weekend.

And now we will go from one helmet and transport from centuries gone by...

... to some from this century...

As I said at the beginning of this post, I was starting in the afternoon and finishing with the morning.  This was just a training exercise and the Cathedral was in no danger, but coming from a family of fire fighters and being married to a retired one, I had to record this crew as they rose up in the air.

Having been on the scaffolding last year, I knew how wonderful the view was going to be once they got up to the top, but I wasn't sure just how far they were going to go.

The architecture they were going to see as they got higher was going to be spectacular.

Higher and higher it rose.

Once they got as high as they possibly could, I zoomed in (I love my camera!), and yes, that moment had arrived - out came the phone to capture the moment for the fire fighter!

A wonderful Friday full of capturing moments.

Now, on the subject of the Cathedral, I hope you don't mind but I would like to give a shout out for one of the Vicars of Peterborough, Revd Canon Ian Black, who has a great Twitter account (here) and posts amazing pictures of day to day life at the Cathedral and St John the Baptist Church in Cathedral Square.  He also has a blog which I am sure some of you lovely bloggers would enjoy (his blog is here).

Can I also thank you for all your comments over the last couple of days.  I have been in London so I am a bit behind, but I will be visiting you soon.  I'll be sharing my trip with you next week (if I ever get to the end of the amount of photos I took!).

Have a wonderful Sunday and week.

Take care
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This week I am sharing with:


  1. It is like I am there!! Very beautiful. I think I would enjoy living there. Thank you Chel. Blessings

  2. Oh my this was enjoyable! You have so much history there. The firefighters at the end are amazing- that ladder really goes up high! Love the shot of the firefighter taking a picture while way up there!

  3. What great shots, Chel. You really do think about your photos - which is more than I do! Wonderful stuff.

  4. stunning cathedral. They don't make buildings like that anymore........

  5. That looks so cool! I'm a medieval nerd...I wish I could have seen all of that in real life!

  6. Wonderful!!! I am sure that the man in the armour thought that you were taking his picture, when really all you wanted was the reflections in his armour!! I hope that next week goes well at work and that come the week after you can sit back and relax until the next big season comes along! xx p.s. off to check out that blog! xx

  7. What a wonderful posting with so many interesting things to see, starting with the magnificent cathedral! I love the horses all dressed up and the shining suits of armour! Great pictures of the firefighters going up so high. Amazing!

  8. That looks like a fascinating day, I always love learning the history of our cathedrals and churches, such architecture! Katie x

  9. What an amazing place, the men in all their armour and horses looked very in place didn't they. Also I had no idea those ladders could go so high! x

  10. Wonderful, saw some of that on the Telly

  11. What great photos you took! It is an amazing place, we have a similar one out by us but nothing this grand. I love history and architectural elements!

  12. Fabulous photos, Chel. :o)

  13. Wow wow wow. Wonderful reflections on the armour. Great capture. I've never been to the cathedral but will definitely make a point if ever I am in the vicinity. Thank you.

  14. Chel- Those are just SPECTACULAR photos. That ladder was way UP in the air there!!! Love the close up of the firefighter taking pictures of his own. xoDiana

  15. What a magical moment that must have been to see the majestic horses with the men in armor on their backs. I wish I could have been there too. I'm an amateur medieval historian and have been following the whole Richard III saga. I'm so glad he was reinterred at Leicester Cathedral. Plus history has been corrected as to his demise and other events. Thank you for sharing your day! I enjoyed it too. ~:)

  16. What an exciting day. Thanks for the awesome photos!


  17. What a crazy day! So much excitement - I bet your family didn't even believe when you told them about it! I love a man on horseback. Throw in some plated armour and I swoon! Not to mention firefighters!! I am glad to see they are just as excited to take pictures of the cathedral precincts as you are!!

  18. That would test my head for heights.. rather them than me!

  19. Brilliant post as usual Chel and that title definitely is one of the most intriguing! Looking forward to your trip photos too.

  20. We will be in the vicinity in June but unfortunately will miss the Heritage weekend. I have already asked hubby if we could make a detour to Leicester Cathedral though.

  21. Your photos are amazing. And, how lucky are you to be standing there while history is being made!

  22. Wow Chel, your photos of the cathedral, the horses and Knights and the firefighter are all just amazing! You must LOVE working there. How exciting and never a dull moment! I'm so looking forward to your London post and I'm sure the photos will be amazing! Take care and thanks for sharing those photos. Have a nice week.

  23. Love your photos of the knights and their horses!

  24. The horses are beautiful and so patient

  25. Wow! Wow! Wow! Such beautiful creatures and amazing architecture! And, how HIGH that bucket goes! blessings ~ tanna

  26. Wow what a wonderful day Chel. Love those beautiful horses. Gorgeous. How fun with the firefighters too. I did not know your hubby was a retired firefighter. My hubby is a fire chief too! What a fun day.

  27. I love these photos of the reflections of the cathedral in the brass and also the armour. How fun it would be to attend these events. Thank you for sharing them. Have a wonderful Easter week. Blessings. Pam

  28. Amazing pictures! I will show your post to some of my pupils who are currently studying Middle Age in history so they can see the beautiful helmets (the first ones that is).

  29. I love the contrast between the horses and the fire truck. I am amazed how high that ladder goes.

  30. Wonderful photos, the horses look magnificent, I particularly like the close up of the eye.

  31. Chel, I was scrolling through the post, reading and enjoying the sense of historical moments that you had captured, and then the firetruck came What a way to bring me back to the future.

    Being there must have been so interesting, all that shiny bits and horses with uniforms...wonderful.


  32. This was a very enjoyable tour, Chel - full of history and amazing photos, well done!

  33. I love the reflections and details in your photos. I really enjoyed your post.

  34. They sure needed hefty horses to haul all that armor. - Margy

  35. Wow, what a spectacle! The men in armour look amazing in front of the cathedral, and then the firefighters were a very different kind of spectacle. I don't have a head for heights, so am in awe of anyone who is prepared to go that high!
    Cathy x

  36. Fantastic photos, Chel! Love those amazing reflection shots. It must have been wonderful to have been there. Sorry to hear your weather has turned bad. :-( May you get lots of sunshine again soon.

  37. I have a blog friend who just moved to London is that anywhere near where you are? she could use an encouraging friend or someone to have lunch with sometime. She is a blogger too.

  38. Hello dear Chel!
    Oh my! I loved your photographs - it was a bit like stepping back in time! :-)
    Such an amazing cathedral - I do so hope I can visit it one day - it really is magnificent!
    Have a blessed day!

  39. What fantastic photos, Chel and I do love to see a man in uniform! Have bookmarked the Heritage weekend site, thanks for sharing xx

  40. Wow - magnificent architecture and I love the action shots and close-ups.

  41. That is very cool! I had a good laugh at the modern day helmets. Love the last photo of the photo-taking!

  42. This is a wonderful collections of photographs, Chel. I especially like the ones where you caught the reflections in the brass and the shiny armour. It looks like it was a day full of colour and grandeur.


  43. I'm liking your composition of the horse and your reflection shots.
    Thought I'd check in her to get any ideas for my trip to Peterborough tomorrow. Due to changed circumstances, I'm left with an advanced all day rail ticket so I'll no doubt be exploring every nook and cranny in order to improve on my 2010 set.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x