
Saturday 28 February 2015

Saying Goodbye to February

Well, I thought January was quick, but I haven't a clue where February went!  Have you found that?  All of a sudden the days are longer and you can just feel and hear the life coming back into the vegetation.  Spring flowers are now filling my house, their cheery smiles in red and yellow really have lifted my spirits.

Outside, the sun is reflecting through the skeletons of last year's colourful show.

And some regular visitors are singing their sweet songs while sitting down posing for my new camera (more on that in my next post).  We are seeing quite a few more chaffinches in our little plot.

More gerberas have been bought and are sitting on window sills giving that blast of colour that I have needed over the last week.

But, tomorrow March comes bouncing into the calendar with so many other colours to grace our eyes and I will be enjoying playing with my new camera to capture those little moments for you.  For now though, I give you yellow, my first daffodil in the garden that is about to unfurl into life...(and Coco in the background photo bombing!)...

Thank you so much for your comments last week, they were gratefully received and I feel a lot better but a bit behind with reading (I will get there!).  

Oh, and Mr Teen - latest news is that he passed his driving theory test yesterday!!  Just the practical to go!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Take care.

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  1. Hi Chel, it's so nice to see the pretty flowers and I bet they look gorgeous in your home. The photo of the bird on the branches is so pretty. Another camera wow I bet it's a nice one. So glad that Mr. Teen did well on his driving test. It is still so cold with ice and there is still snow on the ground. It's too cold to melt with more snow on the way tomorrow. I feel like winter is just dragging along here. I can't wait for SPRING! Lol! Have a wonderful weekend and week.
    Julie xo

  2. Lovely photos ! You over there in England always get spring showing up faster then we do over here in Canada , I remember my uncle Arthur over there with is prize gardens teasing us as he was already in his gardens by the end of March and we not till May lol ! I am soo looking forward to spring , Thanks for sharing have a good day !

  3. I have a cheery indoor bouquet, but only white outside my windows. Lucky you to have flowers starting to bloom.

  4. Hi Chel! Oh, the bird is so precious! All of your photos are lovely. I'm so happy the driver has passed phase #1. Good for him! Applause!

  5. Lovely flowers. Time flies in full speed, I didn't even feel much of February yo be honest.

  6. We are 1/6th of the way through the year already. I find that incredible. Well done Mr Teen.

  7. We are not there yet with the spring flowers, so glad to see February go unusual cold and snow this year.
    Great for Mr. Teen and Miss Teen will be next?

  8. Wonderful photos, Chel. Congrats to Mr Teen! :o)

  9. Yay for Mr. Teen!! And I'm with you! I haven't a clue where February went as I can hardly believe we are in March!! Loved seeing the stunning colors that are gracing your home! Happy weekend friend! Nicole oh and love that shot of coco!

  10. AMAZING photos, Chel - that's the best pic of a chaffinch I have ever seen! Well done to Mr Teen. x

  11. well done on Mr. Teen passing his test. Love the photos; hoping Spring will appear here shortly in Canada

  12. Yes, I can't believe it's almost March! Lovely flowers. Congrats to your teen for passing another driving test.

  13. Gorgeous photos! I am so looking forward to Spring especially more so this year it seems!


  14. Beautiful photos when all we're seeing is "50 Shades of White!" here in Virginia. I cannot wait for spring!!

  15. I'm with you - where did February go! I lost about 2 weeks being sick so that took out a major chunk of this short month. How lovely to see the spring flowers - our daffodils are up but not yet blooming. Soon, I hope. Grape hyacinths are dotted here and there around the garden and lots of tulip leaves are poking up through the dirt. Such an energetic time of year.

  16. Happy March dearest Chel! And have fun with your new camera - these photographs are so beautiful!
    Lots of love and hugs!

  17. I like that first photo which speaks to me of March and spring and nature waking up, How lovely to have your first daffodil in the garden. I love it when the birds start making their presence felt as well. The weather doesn't know what to do around here, so it's doing everything!

  18. It must be a sign of a busy and productive life that time goes by so quickly, but I still wish it would slow down :-)

  19. Don't you just love daffodils, a sure sign of spring. Congrats to Mr. Teen :)

  20. Things are certainly starting to come alive in the garden now.


  21. Que bonito post, me he paseado por tu bloc y me ha encantado.
    Te animo a hacer una ojeada en el post de esta semana y seguro que veras algunas ideas realmente interesantes.Deseo que te guste y si es así me alegraria que te hicieras seguidora. gracias por visitarme.

  22. Hi Chel,
    Love to see your flowers - also the withered hydrangea with petals like lace!
    Yes, we're ready to welcome spring :)
    Enjoy your weekend, Nina

  23. Beautiful post Chel! Hello Spring! :)

  24. It's very scary they way this year is flying by!! Love your photos. Suzy x

  25. Ha! had forgotten it was the end of Feb! Congrats to your son, and thank you for your photos on such a snowy/cold Sunday here in western NY. Blessings

  26. Heading out to buy some spring flower this afternoon! Littlest Boy says he wants to pick them out so that can give them to me and say they are from him! So cute, eh? I'll still have to pay for them though!! Can't wait to hear about your new camera!

  27. Lovely cheerful photos Chel. Glad you're feeling better. Congratulations to Mr Teen.

  28. Hi Chel, I really enjoyed your colorful, cheerful photos. I hope you're all better soon.

  29. My daffodils are just like yours: about to burst open and I'm so eager for spring to arrive that I check on the daffodils several times a day ;)

  30. Well done Mr Teen!! I have no idea where time is going, but it seems to be flying past right now! xx

  31. February seems to go in the blink of an eye, doesn't it? Lovely birdie picture! x

  32. Birds and flowers - spring really must be here!

  33. I wish I was seeing some of that here. Maybe by the end of the month :)

  34. Oh Chel, your blog is so beautiful! Love your photos!

  35. Congrats to Mr. Teen! Lovely photos. I too am so ready for the colors of spring...and the temperatures too! How exciting...a new camera! Have fun with it and have a lovely week.

    Hugs, Vicky

  36. Many congrats to Mr Teen. Oh to be ferried around by the kids..... some hope! Enjoy your sparkly new camera - these are wonderful photos!

  37. OH this gives me some hope, I still have snow 6 feet up my french doors.
    Even my bird feeders are under 3 feet of snow.
    I should get a new camera. Is it true Kodak is out of business?
    Nice post. yvonne

  38. Congratulations to the teen. Your flowers are lovely. We've had a fwe daffodils blooming for weeks but most of them are just about to flower any day. I can't understand why the first few flowered so early.

  39. Such gorgeously uplifting Spring photos! Aw congratulations to the new driver! It's lovely that Spring is beginning, makes us feel much brighter.
    Best wishes
    Alison xx

  40. Just what I needed, a dose of Spring. :-))
    Yay, for your son. My oldest son will start his book work and class for Driver's Ed at the end of April.

    Have a beautiful week,

  41. Aw, love that cute birdie! Great pics!
    Happy Monday xxx

  42. Policemen are getting younger, too! Stunning photos, Chel.

  43. SO glad we're that much closer to SPRING!!

  44. Your post cheered me, Chel! I'm envious of your daffodils already blooming. We are still covered with snow, and more coming this week.

  45. Such beautiful photos! I look forward to hearing about your new camera!! blessings ~ tanna

  46. You're not the only one.... it seems like February was quicker than any other year. Beautiful pictures! :)

  47. Lovely send off to February, Chel - the little finches are very sweet. February does go by in a flash, but then again - the last 30 years have gone by that fast for me! I just want it to slow down...... We are seeing lots of spring color here, too. We have a very 'English' climate here. Hoping March is good to you - congrats to your son for passing the test! xo K


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x