
Friday 20 February 2015

Five on Friday - Half Term Moments

There are times when you notice you are doing too much clock watching, especially when you stop and have a break from work and the kids are on half term.  This week let's stay up late, let's have a lay in, let's eat when we feel hungry, let's just do what we want when we want.  Yes, this week has been one of those very happy weeks where there have been no pressures and my two teens are clearly happy for me not to be around!  A quick tidy up in the morning and the day is mine!  So, as I am joining the lovely Amy at Love Made My Home's new link up 'Five on Friday', here's five of my openly selfish and decadent happy moments that I have enjoyed enormously this week. 

1. With more time at home this week I needed to bring some new colour into my home so that I can enjoy some planning time on my laptop and notebooks with a bit of cheery colour too.  Roses, gerberas, sunflowers etc but the best thing... my new pen and notebook from Paperchase.  Very me don't you think?!

2.  Choosing paint colours!  I get so excited when I start to let my creativity go wild - but then hubby will reign it back in!!  One thing I know is that the colours will be paired up with some white bar stools.  Yes, goodbye to my shabby chic white painted table and chairs, time to update a little (but still be pretty neutral for the new colour scheme).

3.  Lovely long walks with Coco on the Fens while the sun shone.  It was incredibly uplifting to take her on extended walks that were not lined by street lamps and cold dark paving after work but instead, soft grass and pathways.  The smell of freshly turned earth filled our nostrils and we happily stopped quite regularly to sniff the air and admire the flat landscape.  Coco was very happy and walked perfectly on her extended lead with no pain showing (for those who don't know, Coco has Syringomyelia and her walks depend on how much pain she has from her head and spine on the day).

4.  "Do you fancy a coffee?" hubby asked when we escaped from the house for a little shopping.  The pleasure in enjoying a flat white Costa Coffee with no interruption, no clock watching and no take out.  Just sitting and enjoying the moment!

5.  Of course there has to be a train journey too, so we are now off to Canary Wharf in London Docklands.  A very happy place for me to relive time that I used to have with my Grandad before and during the Docklands regeneration.  A perfect way to round off the week (blog post on that later!).

So, these are my five happy moments for this week.  Planning, colourful, relaxing, company and travelling.  A wonderful half term week!

Don't be shy, go along and visit Amy's link up to visit others with their five... and maybe join in!

Take care.

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  1. Sounds like a great week to me. Flat white is my favourite coffee. I too live walking in the Fens when visiting family in Sutton and love being in London by the docks also. Enjoy the last of half term

  2. How lovely, sounds like the perfect week. Enjoy the weekend too.

  3. Sounds a lovely week! I adore Paperchase stationery too. How lovely to remember those special times with your grandad. Coco is so sweet-looks like she loves her walks in the sunshine!
    Best wishes

  4. Five lovely happy things Chel for sure!! Those paint colours are lovely aren't they, I cannot wait to see more and to hear about your latest London trip as well! You have had some great moments this half term. Thank you so much for joining in! xx

  5. Glad that you enjoyed your week, and Coco did too.

  6. Don't tell me your a carrot cruncher living in the fens. Only jokeing though I like to see some hills myself. My wife chooses the color, I paint, least the walls I do. I don't have much idea of what to do with decorating. Don't think th epen with work on the laptop but I do have the occasional coffee at Costa as well

  7. What a wonderful week, and great pictures! Love your Paperchase book and pen...their products are so gorgeous.
    Happy weekend!
    Helen xox

  8. Your half-term sounds very relaxing indeed! I'm looking forward to walks where my feet are on solid ground again rather than snow and ice. My daughter is home for reading week, but the feeling in our house is a bit unsettled as she's been seeking out summer employment. frustrating! I hope you have a wonderful time at the wharves! Wendy

  9. Five lovely things! Love your new pen and notebook. Glad you have enjoyed your week:)

  10. Oh Chel, is so nice when there is half term and no schedules and just relax time! I do love your pen and notebook (it makes it so much fun when you need to write)! I LOVE any kind of flower and of course coffee! Enjoy your day and weekend!
    Julie xo

  11. Somehow my heart skipped a beat when I saw the paint chips... Choosing colours is so fun! I hope you'll share the transformation. So nice that Coco wasn't in pain and could share your walks.

  12. Gorgeous happy moments! I love your new notebook.
    Marianne x

  13. Like your new pen and notebook. What a lovely week you've had, hope you have a good time in London x

  14. Hi Chel. I LOVE the break from the usual routine that school holidays bring. Even though there are still chores to be done, they don't seem so arduous when I can choose when to do them. Lie-ins have been the order of the day here, too. Hope you are feeling refreshed and restored. x

  15. Sounds like you have had a good week. Yay for new stationary

  16. Yup sounds like a great week to me you had ! Lovely colours and photos ! Oh I fancy one of those coffees YUMMY ! ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

  17. I love colour charts, and match pots! That's the fun bit of decorating.
    Flat white sounds a bit like a paint colour itself..

  18. Sounds like you had a great week, Chel. I wonder what colour of paint you'll choose? :o)

  19. Lovely goings on, Chel! Love the colors you have your eyes on - so pretty! So nice to take a brisk winter walk and glad that Coco was up for it, too. Looking forward to your upcoming trip to London. Hope your weekend is full of sweet things. xo Karen

  20. Wonderful choices, Chel. Weeks when we can call our time our own are so wonderful! Glad that Coco was able to walk out in the fresh countryside air.

  21. oh God I love paperchase. The week is nearly over, hope it's been a good one!

  22. Five perfect "moments" from a usually busy life... It IS the little things, isn't it Chel? They do make the bet moments in life. I'll have to give that flat white a try next time I am at Starbucks. So many people seem to have really enjoyed it!

  23. I enjoyed hearing about all of your moments. I had to click to see what a flat white was...Oh, yes, I'd like that for sure! Glad you had a great week, Chel!

  24. A great week! Now have a great weekend!
    I like these five faves as a way to reflect back on things.

  25. I enjoyed your five things. I do hope that Coco can keep carrying on. Poor little thing. I want to hold her and make all the troubles go away. Hope your winter is milder than what we're experiencing in the States. It's been a brutal here. Have a great weekend! God bless. ~:)

  26. Five very happy things indeed! I've also had a very relaxing week at home ignoring the clock and doing mostly what we wanted when we wanted - bliss! Have a good weekend :)
    Cathy x

  27. A lovely week! I am obsessed with paint colours and paint charts at the moment...currently stuck on deciding what sort of white would look best, it's going to take time!! ;) x

  28. Had our first Costa Coffee in January when we were over for a funeral. Their lemon muffins were great, and the Latte was good.

    Gill in Canada your newest follower.

  29. Oh my, that Costa Coffee looks good.
    I am jealous of the no clock watching. Sounds wonderful!
    Thank you for sharing your fun week and five happy things. :-))
    xx oo
    I can not wait for the paint project and see what you are up too. :-)

  30. You know how to have fun, Chel! Aw, I do love the idea of half-term. We don't have that, but it's a brilliant way to do school holidays!

  31. I am always a bit sad to go back to school after a holiday but it has been so grey and dull I am quite looking forward to it....but don't tell anyone!
    Love your half term moments. xxx

  32. Isn't it great to not "HAVE TO" just a carefree day. Lofe is short enjpu it. That coffee looks so good.


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