
Sunday 12 October 2014

Autumn's Beauty at Burghley House

For the last couple of weeks I have been dreaming about crispy brown leaves beneath my feet, so when I heard it was going to rain, and rain hard, I knew I had to get to Burghley and risk the showers before things started getting all mushy.  So, are you ready for a gentle walk my 'deers'?!!
The Elizabethan Burghley House was standing beautifully in its grounds with the mist clearing... and still dry!  We were being very lucky with the weather this time around.
The last of the summer roses surrounded the driveway's flower beds and the smell was incredibly strong along with the lavender that danced by their feet.  White roses on one side and red on the other, all equally strongly scented.
However, I suppose I had better get keep with the rules!
Our walk was shared with deer of all sizes and temperaments.  These two were enjoying some play jousting with their antlers.
There is still green in the trees but the slight change was there to see, especially beneath our feet.  At last, we were able to hear the crispiness beneath our feet.
The trees are amazing in the grounds.  They seem to look as though they have been corkscrewed out of the earth.
The avenues of trees looked nearly ready for their sleepy slumber that would follow in the next few months.
Our walk took us through the metal gate and onto the bridge to give gorgeous views of the House and lake.
The autumn colours gently showing through the green.
Our walk then followed the lake back to the house and the sun started to make more of an appearance.  It was warm but not summer warm - warm with the autumn bite.
It was so quiet on the bridge and we didn't want to leave here.
The house was beginning to be bathed in the sunlight.  It's always a joy to see and visit this landmark  (past posts are here, here and here), but to just walk around the grounds is free to everyone.
I've censored the statue that stands in the driveway of the house (too many 'grapes' on show!).
Mumsy had a lovely reflective time walking around as my Dad hasn't been too well lately, so she was just able to be quiet for a while.
And so, it was time to head back as the storm clouds had finally appeared on the horizon.  Time to leave this one snoozing... where's his blue badge?!!
Autumn has come, slowly, but the comforting colours are appearing.
So, how's the season changing in your part of the world?

Oh, and this shot was taken by Miss Teen of me and Mumsy...
Just look at those leaves!!!

Have a wonderful week.

Take care.

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This week I am sharing with:


  1. Beautiful photo shots I especially enjoyed the deer and tree shots, autumn is kinda here it's still kinda summer here still although some leaves on some trees are falling and changing but, not all. It sure has cooled down at nights though!

  2. Beautiful photos Chel, I especially loved the Deer and the trees.
    Jacquie x

  3. Burghley House, what an enormous building and I know England is full of these beautiful heritage buildings, I love visiting your country. Your pictures of the deer are magnificent, especially the one on the parking place for disabled, haha. The old trees look stunning too. I enjoyed this very much.

  4. I love Burghley House Chel and Stamford is a wonderful place.

    What a magnificent deer!


  5. Oh my goodness I can practically smell that particular 'autumn' smell from your photos. That place is truly gorgeous and no wonder you just had to get there to capture it before the weather sweeps it away. Lovely for your Mum too as sometimes we just need a bit of quiet time to restore our souls to face whatever comes next.

    Re: the deer - I don't see him displaying his badge but if you think I am going to go and tell him his 'erse is parked in the wrong spot then you've got another think coming!

    I once challenged a cop I knew who had parked his vehicle in a yellow boxed, do not park here zone and he told me that under every police vehicle is a designated parking space.....! I think the Monarch of the Glen might argue the same....!

  6. Some fabulous photos, especially the stag and trees,

  7. What a beautiful place to visit, love the trees and the Deer photos, great post.
    Amanda xx

  8. Breathtaking!! I wish you could see the smile on my face. Thanks for sharing. Blessings

  9. Beautiful photos, Chel. :o)

  10. Hope your dad is ok. Lovely walk. My favorite shot is the one with the white roses. Autumn is in full swing here. This weekend was gorgeous.

  11. Chel, these are such beautiful photos. How I'd love to roam those grounds and enjoy the beauty. Those trees are magnificent and so huge. Thanks for taking us along on your walk. Hugs. Pam

  12. Wonderful photos, Chel, that make me want to pack a bag, grab my passport and get over to England before this autumn ends. Instead, I'll visit via your blog. What a beautiful place for a wander. The deer are magnificent accessories to the castle and forest. Enjoy your week.

  13. Beautiful photos Chel - you have Talent!

  14. Hi Chel, wow what pretty photos of the deer and of Burghley House. The grounds there are just gorgeous. The leaves on the trees are starting to turn colors now and the leaves have fallen on the ground and are brown. The weather is starting to get cooler here too. Take care and have a nice week!

  15. What a gorgeous place to visit just before the rainy days set in. Lovely photos taken from the grounds. Miss Teen did a great job of you an your mum standing in those gorgeous leaves! Happy Autumn to you!

  16. such a wonderful walk Chel …. thank you for bringing me, too, with you!!!!
    happy week, xxxxx Ale

  17. Absolutely stunning photos, Chel. I'm holding off posting about Burghley because my photos aren't very good but, even after I've visited again, I know they'll not be up to your standard. Gorgeous!

  18. Wow - amazing shots. Love that first one - so astounding.

  19. I loved coming along on your walk. The changing autumnal colours are beautiful and I loved the photo of the deer under the
    disabled parking sign.
    Ali xx

  20. That deer is so perfect, I thought he was a statue. I love seeing these beautiful old houses. This one seems particularly elaborate to me. I love the huge old trees too. Thank you for sharing.

  21. I love the deer in the disabled parking! That is so funny. I hope that you and your Mum had a lovely peaceful time and that your Dad is well again soon, or as good as he can be in any case. xx

  22. How beautiful, Chel! This is what I love about having blog friends - they take you to the best places on earth! I love the history here- even evident in the trees. The house, the bridge, the deer, the trees - so lovely. I hope your Dad is feeling better soon. So nice that you got to spend the day with your Mum and daughter. xo

  23. Such a lovely place to be able to stroll around and take photos. I just love all the deer...they are so big! Our fall season is off to a slow start. It's still getting up to 90 degrees during the hot! Praying it cools off soon though. I do love this time of year. Have a blessed week my friend.

    Hugs, Vicky

    1. Prayers for your dad as well....hope he feels better soon!

  24. Chel, the grounds and the house are beautiful. And I loved seeing the pretty deer. Awesome post and photos.. Enjoy your week!

  25. Wow this was an awesome post. What a beautiful place to visit. I enjoyed all your wonderful photos.

  26. Beautiful pictures of a truly beautiful place. It's autumn here too and the colours are fantastic. The leaves seem to be staying on the trees a bit longer than usual for some reason.

  27. We recently visited here... I love the sculptures in the garden. My favourite is the person encased in the brick wall.


  28. I thoroughly enjoyed your series of photos - they are outstanding.

  29. Wow, so beautiful! Your photographs are amazing. Loved seeing the stags.

  30. You have an amazing blog, Chel. I would love to visit your country one day...the green rolling hills, old homes, sheep, some of the best cheese I have ever all intrigues me.
    Have a wonderful week.

  31. Lovely to meet you! Your photos are spectacular, as though I could walk right into them. I loved the London Zoo photo of the reptile house, as I have read all of the Harry Potter books several times over!
    Teresa in California


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