
Friday 5 September 2014

On the Wolf Trail

After the last full London trip with so many wonderful things to reflect on and digest, I felt the need to visit the romance and open spaces of the seaside.  I wanted to walk along the cliff tops listening to the gulls, sink my toes into the soft sand and drink in the atmosphere around the light house at Old Hunstanton.
Myself and Mumsy wanted to spend some time together and walk along the Wolf Trail.  No, there are no real wolves in Old Hunstanton, just wooden ones!  The Wolf Trail tells the story of St Edmund, the first Patron Saint of England.  The trail takes you from the cenotaph to the lighthouse and the wolf statue.  
Legend has it that St Edmund surrendered to the Vikings and was then tied to an oak tree where he was tortured.  He would not renounce his religion so was then used as target practice by the Viking archers and was then beheaded with his head being buried in a forest.  After a month his supporters went to search for his head and heard St Edmund's voice shouting 'Here!'.  They were shocked to eventually find his head between the paws of a motionless wolf, who then stood up and quietly retreated to the depths of the forest.

The wolf sculpture was unveiled in 2011 and was designed by Jean Mulligan.
The sad thing along this trail were the occasional cut flowers blowing against the flimsy chicken wired barrier between the grassed area and the ever crumbling cliff edge.  Along with these were the contact details of the Samaritans, a last attempt to say there is someone to listen.  Heartbreaking.

We were now at the simple but romantic lighthouse, no longer in active use, but used as a rental holiday home.  Can you believe that this was built in 1666!!
Standing in front of the archway, it gave such a perfect frame to this beautiful building.
But we had finished the wolf trail and wanted to walk down to the sand dunes and back along the beach.
And this time, the danger was not walking off the cliff top, it was now the cliff falls.
This end of Hunstanton has so much space and of course, acres of sky.
Giving the perfect opportune moment to fly a kite!
And listen to the chatter of the gulls in their cliff side homes.
Along with watching the little boats sailing amongst the sand banks.
Stopping occasionally to look at a barnacle or two along the beach.
These were attached to the photogenic skeleton of a steam trawler called Sheraton which has graced Old Hunstanton's shores since 1947!
I just love getting up close to the skeleton of objects and seeing the structure that gives them their personality.
Looking at this structure made me think of whale bones on a shore.
With the wolf filling its belly for the winter!
Our walk was a lot shorter today, with fresh sea air and open scenery.
 Ice cream to enjoy along the way.
 And vibrant colours of a different nature.
This was a relaxed day to enjoy some peace and quiet before the school and college terms began and it certainly worked a treat!

So now, with my birthday weekend here, I will be enjoying a busy and emotional day at Greenwich's Tall Ships weekend.  I can't wait to share this with you next week!!

Have a wonderful weekend and week.

Take care.

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  1. Happy Birthday to you!

    Happy Birthday to you!

    Happy Birthday, Dear Chel!

    Happy Birthday to YOU!

    Hope it's the best one yet! :-).

    I loved this beach walk. I am always awed by all that England has to offer. I loved the cliffs, the skeleton of the boat, and the Wolfe Walk. Interestingly, we are having issues with coyotes invading Florida. They are not native. I have seen three of them, with one being dead along the side of the road and two crossing the roads. Most people think we have marine animals, which we do, but we also have bear and panthers (which are endangered). Glad to know there were no wolves still there, but what a story about St. Edmund! And leave it to the Vikings. Don't even get me started. ;-)

    Sending warm hugs across the miles and the pond!


    Sheila :-)

  2. P.S. I loved the lighthouse, too! Amazing that it was built in the 1600's!

  3. Such fun, Chel! Wow, you gave us a lovely tour! I wish you the happiest of birthdays this weekend!

  4. Dear Chel
    I love Hunstanton and spent many happy hours there as a child (I think I said as much in your last post about it!). It is sad that it won't be that long before the lighthouse falls off the cliff - when I was little, it was much further away from the edge. It is a wonderful place and your photos bring back all those happy memories, fish and chips on the Green, the funfair with the Helter Skelter and Gallopers, the crazy golf, the playgrounds, the roller skating rink, the boating pool...
    Thanks for sharing.
    Happy Birthday.
    Best wishes

  5. Nothing like a bit of bracing sea air. And those fabulous huge blue skies.
    Have a very Happy Birthday weekend.

  6. Happy birthday Chel. I hope you have a lovely day with your family.
    I've just been having a catch up on your recent posts.
    My sister has just been in Britain on holiday and after reading your post about St. Paul's I encouraged her to climb to the top. She got as far as the whispering chamber(?) and said that was far enough, lots of stops on the way up and sore legs afterwards. But she enjoyed the whole trip. I'm looking forward to seeing photo's one day.
    I love looking at London through your eyes, always full of interesting information and photo's. Thanks.


  7. Happy Birthday to you Chel! Wow what a great post and such great photos. I love the light house, the wolf sculpture and the cliffs and the beach! Wishing you a wonderful time and big hugs to you! Take care and have fun.
    Julie xoxo

  8. Well - firstly, very happy birthday; as L&McC said: I hope you have a good time! Loved the post - informative and thought-provoking The first photo, and the shots of the skeletal ship, are particularly good. Enjoy the tall ships!!

  9. I always LOVE your blog, your pictures and your travels ... keep showing us where to dream.

  10. Happy Birthday dear Chel! I hope you are celebrating splendidly. I enjoy your walk along the seashore. So many great things to see. Blessings, Pam

  11. I have been to Sunny Hunny many times but never knew about the Wolf Trail - we are off to Norfolk this weekend - maybe we will be able to fit in a walk there this time. Loved your pictures - looks like a gorgeous sunny day - a breath of sea air is always makes you feel better doesn't it. Happy Birthday Chel.

  12. Each time I visit your blog, I'm so happy to be amazed by the beauty of your pictures!!!! Thank you !!!!!
    Buon Compleanno (=Happy Birthday!) !!!!
    xxxxxxx Ale

  13. A beautiful place with some interesting history! Your photos are breathtaking, as always. So nice to have this time to spend with your Mum and hope you have a Happy Birthday! xo Karen

  14. Happy birthday - lovely photos, It's strange how often wolves feature in saint stories

  15. Lovely tour to the beach side. You made spectacular photos. The wooden wolf, the archway with the lighthouse, the icecream against the sky are some favourites but they are all beautiful and interesting.
    Wish you a very Happy Birthday !

  16. The ship does look just like the bones of some decayed animal doesn't it. They don't call them the ribs of a ship for nothing!! xx

  17. How incredible it must be to stay in that lighthouse! Your photos, as always, are works of art. Could it be that we share the same birthday, Chel? Mine is the 7th -- when is yours? HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

  18. Lovely tour, and happy birthday,
    Best regard from Belgium.
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  19. What a lovely walk...just what I needed. I so enjoy looking at your world through your camera lens. You capture things so perfectly. Hope you have a lovely Sunday afternoon and Happy early Birthday!

    Blessings, Vicky

  20. Beautiful walk and looks like a realy nice place to visit, so need some time near the sea...
    Amanda xx

  21. Fabulous post. So much to see and take in but I enjoyed it very much. Loved the way you framed the lighthouse. Those cliffs are gorgeous and the shots of that old shipwreck were fascinating.

  22. I hope you had a wonderful birthday weekend that is just a foretaste of good things to come. I love architecture and museums but there's nothing like the seaside or mountains for relaxation and restoration. That wide beach is just beautiful. Lighthouses are always romantic.

  23. Thank you for taking me along on your walk. I think that place should go on my bucket list. Happy birthday!

  24. Happiest of Birthdays! I love this walk. I love seeing London but this place had a peace about it and the beauty was breath taking. I would enjoy a walk there.

  25. Happy belated Birthday wishes! I enjoyed this post and seeing the lighthouse. That arched entry is a perfect frame for a picture- you captured it beautifully! The story about the saint and the wolf is very interesting! That old trawler really does remind one of the whale's skeleton. It looks like a perfect day was spent and being with your mother is a treat I'm sure!

  26. In each photograph I see a poem. Wonderful work. So nice to meet you!


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