
Monday 4 August 2014

We Will Remember Them

On the anniversary of the announcement of the First World War, my thoughts go to all those who died and those who continued to live through the horrors of the First World War.  In particular to my Great Great Uncle Ernest George and other members of the family who lost their lives at the front and to my Great Grandad Christopher who was captured and returned to his family at the end of the War after their years of angst as to whether he was alive or dead.

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  1. We will remember indeed, and never forget. xx

  2. I am so glad that the papers and news shows over here are full of articles about the anniversary. When I was a girl there were many Great War veterans still living and the stories were told over and over. It doesn't seem that the world has learned anything from it all.

  3. I still have the photo of my grandfather in his WWI Marine uniform.

  4. I will be putting out the lights except one candle at 10pm tonight.

  5. Lovely tribute Chel. My father was overseas in Britain, France and Belgium during the great war. He was just a teenager and lived the horrors of that awful war and it's battles and managed to survive. Thanks for the reminder from Lyn above, who stated about the candle being lit. I heard this would be done and had forgotten. I hope I remember later this evening. xx Pam

  6. Lovely. We will indeed remember them. CJ xx

  7. Beautiful tribute Chel...:) Have a lovely evening.

    Blessings, Vicky

  8. Very nice Chel and of course the poppy is just my thing!
    All the best,

  9. Thanks for your post Chel, we will remember them indeed.


  10. We turned our lights out and put a candle in the window while we watched the service on the TV last night xx

  11. Thank you Chel dear - you made me pause and remember all who gave their lives. That truly was a horrendous war in which almost a million lives were lost……….and still men continue to fight which is so sad.

    Mary x

  12. We must never forget, we owe everything to the people who fought and died for us. Thanks for posting.
    Ali xx


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