
Tuesday 27 May 2014

So, Where Shall We Go On Our Journey Today?... A Spot of Jousting at Burghley House

Did you notice?  I've been moving things around on here and changed my banner.  Nothing like a good refresh is there?  Now then, I haven't written a 'journey' post for a little while, so in good old British spirit,  me and Mumsy went totally unprepared for the rain and dreariness of a typical late spring day (well, make that me being unprepared!).  Where best to go than a place that would no doubt give so much enjoyment to wellies and wax jackets.  So, here we go, tea in hand? Rich tea biscuit in the other?  As I take you around the Food and Country Fayre at Burghley House in Stamford, imagine the sound of squelchy wellies in mud and the sounds of dogs barking and horses hooves.  Ready?  You are about to go through time.
It was a very dreary day which didn't show the house off to its best, but if you want to see it in the sun, my past posts are here and here.
The shows at Burghley are never a disappointment with so much to do.  It takes a whole day to see everything, and there are so many different things to see throughout the day, as well as many crafts to marvel at.
Usually we leave the craft option to the Sandringham Craft Fayres during the year so that we can just enjoy standing ringside to see the entertainment at Burghley.  The sheep herding...
... duck herding...
... classic cars and bikes...
... a beautiful Rolls Royce...
... steam both large and small...
... and food!  Oh my word, the food was delicious.  What made this so wonderful was that even though the event was huge, we only saw ONE burger van!  Just one and that was supplying gourmet burgers.  All other food stops were serving burritos, paella, chinese - the list goes on and on.  We went for the freshly prepared paella with perfectly cooked mussels.  And, to take away, some Beaver Pie!  Don't worry, no beavers were harmed in the making of these, it refers to the ale used!
All in the beautiful setting of Burghley House.
Now, me and Mumsy do love a re-enactment and after a lot of walking around, we came across a Living Heritage section with people re-enacting times gone by.
BUT, in the bigger ring, people were beginning to gather.  Are you sitting comfortably for the main event?
The booming voice, the red sleeves, yes this man wanted people to take notice of the display about to happen.

Magnificent horses and armour started to dash through the centre ring.
We just knew that this was going to be good.
Especially with the backdrop of Burghley House.  It transported us back in time.
But then, to break the calmness, we had the villan...
The Evil Knight!  His outfit befitting him and his horse looking menacing.  His helmet was placed on his head and he was ready.
It was time to joust!
His horsemanship was amazing, at one with his horse, it was mesmerising.
They all took it in turns to go charging towards each other.
But the Evil Knight was always the one to watch.
Their competitiveness continued as they showed how they could continue riding while trying to pick up a hat.
The Evil Knight unfortunately missed.
And fortunately, this ball of fire did not make contact with him.
You can probably tell, I am a sucker for the bad lad and what made me laugh was that they called him 'Bert' and his horse... 'bunty'!!

The shows continued with the horse boarding (my post from last year is here).
And colour filled every part of the grounds.
As for Coco? She received a present when I returned to use for the hot summer days (??!!), a new sun hat!  No, she ISN'T impressed!
 So, the boots are caked in crispy dry mud now and luckily I didn't slip in the muddy grounds (a first!).  Another happy trip out enjoyed immensely, even in the poor weather.

I hope you all have a wonderful week, no matter what the weather or the state of the ground.

Take care.

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This week I am sharing with:

Our World Tuesday
Also sharing on the 13/01/15 with Stephanie at Roses of Inspiration Party:
The Enchanting Rose


  1. It looks huge fun, poor Coco how long does she keep it on for?

  2. Wow- that looks like a fun event! I especially enjoyed the pictures of the re-enactment on the horses. I slipped on some mud at a garden center not long ago- I managed to stay upright but I was definitely caught off guard by it!

  3. That looks like a fantastic day out. I saw some jousters a couple of years ago, they are so impressive. I like all the fuel cans, who would have thought they could be so decorative.

  4. Oh how fun!! It seems I was right there with you (thanks for the pictures and the post!). Thank you for sharing and yes, I did notice your little changes around here. Blessings

  5. Oh my word what a splendid day out Chel! I have enjoyed myself and not one spot of rain fell on me and my wellies are still clean! Brilliant photos, I really loved the jousting ones. Thanks for the trip! Lxx

  6. Wow! If you'd only told me sooner! ;-) Sounds like a terrific time. I could have spent all day just watching sheepdog trials with maybe a bit of jousting thrown in. What fun!

  7. I love how the sheep are looking at the sheepdog.

  8. That looks sensational.

  9. It looks like a really great day out Chel! Glad that you had such a good time. The jousting looks as though it was action packed the whole time! Rather a change of pace from the duck wrangling - but just as much fun no doubt! xx

  10. Totally enjoyable post!! Boom, Bobbi, and Gary.

  11. Fabulous photos, Chel. I'm amazed Coco kept her sunhat on long enough for you to take a photo! :oD

  12. Your photos capture all the colour and excitement of the day. Incidentally a historian friend assures me that the horses used by knights of old were huge and more like cart horses than race horses. Hollywood will have nothing of this, of course.

  13. What a small world!! I know someone else that went here too!! I would love to see that jousting event! I'll be in London this summer... fancy a meet up for a cuppa?
    Much love,
    Tammy xx

  14. This event looks and sounds like such fun Chel! What a fun day out with your mom. I love the bright colors against the grey of the historic old buildings in the background., striking! The food sounds so tasty! I'm sure your senses were on overload with all the sights, sounds, and smells! I'm glad you have a movely day with your mum and shared it with us!

    Blessings, Vicky

    1. I almost forgot! The new header is gorgeous!

  15. What a great day out, even with the weather not co-operating completely. It sounds like a wonderful fair, so much variety and isn't it good not to have all the food booths full of burger and chips or hot dogs.
    I think your new blog look is lovely and fresh and Coco is looking rather 'cool' in her new hat.


  16. Fantastic pictures Chel. Looks like a great day out - the jousting looks amazing - and you are right about it being colourful. Like your new layout too.

  17. I have only been to one festival where they had jousting. So much fun. I love those colors popping in the dreary day you had! (

  18. What a wonderful day out you must have had, great photos.

  19. What a fun adventure. I loved seeing all of this. Horse boarding - never heard of that before, looks interesting.

  20. Super photos. What a fun adventure.

  21. The new banner is so lovely Chel. Thank you for yet another glorious tour with you and your mumsy :-)
    Tracey xxx

  22. What amazing photos, wish I could be there ! You have so much to see and do that is filled with a history spanning centuries. Love this post !!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Hi Chel, your banner is so pretty! It's so nice to make a few changes to the blog. What an exciting day you had with your mom! I loved all the photos of your day. The knights are amazing and I bet that paella was delicious. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  24. A lovely series of shots!

  25. Nice new banner! I could imagine you two had a lovely tour. Food and country fairs in Britain are so special we always try to visit one when we are in England. We are just back from Yorkshire and on our way to Hovingham, our destination, we had a stop in Stamford and a walk around, I was impressed by the second hand book shop with prepared or stuffed boxing hares and foxes as decoration and for sale. I hope you understand my English, because I do not know the right word is it a stuffed or a prepared animal? Anyway it was fun!

  26. Thanks for sharing your day out. The photos look fab, Love how you've edited the colours, x

  27. This was a great day trip that you've taken us on, Chel! I can't get over the grandeur of Burghley House! WOW! I'd love to go here.

  28. Hi Chel, me again...Just letting you know I am doing a little feature of those who participated in the April photo diary - should be posting it tomorrow.

  29. I know I have said this before {maybe if I keep saying it than it will happen}, but I want to come visit you! Oh what fun! I think I looked at this post three times :) Great photos, Chel - I felt like I was right there enjoying the day. And the Beaver Pie made me giggle :) Hugs to you!

    Thanks for sharing at Roses of Inspiration.

  30. Great pictures. Looks like a great place to visit.

  31. That looks like an incredible event that you captured beautifully! Do I spy a Cavalier King Charles spaniel there?

    1. You certainly do Kira. That is little Coco, my nine year old fur baby! xx

  32. Hello my dear! Just wanted to pop in and let you know this post was featured today at Roses of Inspiration :) Hugs to you!

  33. I came over from Roses of Inspiration and must follow your blog. What a charming day, horses, knights, jousting and a noble home. I think the evil knight must have a fan club, he is quite the handsome man.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x