
Sunday 11 May 2014

So, Where Shall We Go On Our Journey Today?... Thaxted, Essex

As I write this post in my study, the warm creamy light from the desk lamp fills the corner of my work area while outside the heavy clouds have blocked the sun and the rain heavily makes an appearance.  I love this cosy weather, it reminds me of autumn days and evenings where a warm home is a very happy place to be.  After last week's warm bank holiday weekend, I was really pleased to see the weather forecast to say that it was time to take out your umbrellas and boots once again.  Quite happily I was more settled to stay in and carry out a big tidy up of the house and then play around with my blog a little (only to revert it back!).  While looking through my camera card, I had forgotten about the little stop off we had made to a little town called Thaxted while we were returning home from our darling Sweetbriar Cottage trip (in case you missed it the post is here).

Thaxted was a town that myself and hubby used to drive through on the way home to Essex from work in London.  Full of history and beautiful buildings, however this little break before we set off home back to Lincolnshire was very brief and only a few photos were taken while we frequented our favourite fish and chip shop (my, how much I miss Essex chips!!).

So let's just have a little break before the week starts.  Have you got your cup of tea and a Bourbon biscuit? (yes, a treat for me who is dieting and putting on 1lb last week... grrrrr!!).
Isn't this a fantastic building?  This is the Guildhall and built c1400's.  I love the way this beautiful structure has stood proud in the Town Street for about 600 years.  Amazing!  I have put a link here for some facts about this interesting place.  Believe me, if I would have had more time on this day I would have captured more closer shots, but as I said earlier, this was a fleeting visit to replenish some hungry teenage stomachs!  

Looking down the Town Street you can see all the colourful painted buildings.  It is quite idyllic.
Along this street, next to a striking cerise gift shop, there stands a grand house with a comforting lavender blue door.  The colour of the house is plain to those that surround it, but notice the blue plaque by the door?...
The composer Gustav Holst lived in Thaxted from 1917 to 1925 in what was known as as 'The Steps' in his day but now the house is known as 'The Manse' (I have put a link here for more information on this fabulous composer).  However, I was mesmerized by this wonderful door with its brass door knocker and intrigued about what the house would look like inside.
Connected to this house was the colourful Gift shop.  Again, I would have loved to browse around the products inside but a more detailed visit would have to be in order at at later date.  So, to wet your appetite until the next time I visit there, here is a link to their website... Gifted
Across the road from here was this gorgeous shop.  It reminded me very much of my 'Old Curiosity Shop' (I really must get on with this!).  I imagined that this shop would be full to the brim with all sorts of essentials.  I was going to put a link to the shop but, as predicted, it is a 'jack of all trades', with basic links to it being a book shop, newsagents etc etc.  An essential role to this town.
 And so, after our delicious fish and chips and suitably refuelled bellies, we walked back towards the car in this tiny corner of the town.  The typical English countryside town with old beams on show, boot scrapers, door knockers, a church steeple, a coat of arms and yes, the wonderful red telephone box (working!).
No doubt I will be back at some stage and will have more time to have a proper look around, but I hope you have enjoyed this quick stop off from what was a very busy day!  The sun was shining that day... no, still raining outside and I am still cosy!

Wishing all of you a very Happy Mother's Day.  We had ours last month, so I hope you have all been spoiled, or are spoiling those special ladies in your lives.

Take care.

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  1. What a wonderful series of photos! Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Love going on your journeys through pictures. I love the door on the house where Holst lived. I take lots of pictures of doors, windows and shop windows that invite me in. Mother's Day for me begins at 2:30 pm late lunch with my youngest daughter, then back in time to catch a movie with one of the older ones. The other two called with their wishes.

  3. What a beautiful little place, definitely worth a return visit. I'll be looking forward to your next visit and more of your wonderful photos.
    Ali xx

  4. Is it as quiet as it looks - very picture postcard.

  5. Beautiful photos. I'm sure I've been through this little town many years ago. I recognised the old Guildhall. Thanks for sharing, x

  6. I enjoyed your views of the town and when you get back I hope you will post more pictures. Love the Lavender blue door. I have an inkling to paint my front door that color. I love seeing pictures of sweet areas such as this.

  7. What a charming little town. That door is just lovely! Looks like a nice place to park and walk around. I love little towns like that! Hope you are having a lovely Sunday evening.
    Blessings, Vicky

  8. What a quaint little place. You chose some beautiful photos, even for such a quick visit. I look forward to another visit! Wendy x

  9. Thanks Chel for showing us your little stop off for fish and chips. It looks like a charming little town and oh how I miss England so much and the fish and chips! Take care and have a wonderful week. Thanks I had a wonderful Mother's Day.

  10. Oh I always love your pictures we are definitely going to England in a few years, I will have to ask you where to go and how to get there. You can be our 'tour' guide.

  11. Thanks for your customary excellently composed photo-tour, Chel. For something off the cuff, it seemed pretty good to me! It's years since I went to Thaxted - there's a lovely mill there, I seem to recall.

  12. Hello, Chel!
    Thanks for the tour.
    Hope you enJOYed a wonderful Mother's Day. :-)
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  13. What a beautiful place, I can see why you liked it and miss it so much - aside from the fish and chips of course! xx

  14. I really enjoyed your post on this pretty town and it's very old and historic buildings. The Guild Hall has a really interesting roof. Have a wonderful week!

  15. Thanks for showing us your quick stop. It looks like a village to explore further one day. The Guild Hall is interesting. I haven't yet clicked to read more about it, but I wonder why all the beams are painted over. I thought the Tudor style usually left the wood dark.

    1. I am curious too, so I am just waiting for a reply from one of the Thaxted historians to come back to me. I will put an addition on the post when I hear back xx

  16. The village is lovely... I hope you'll get inside the gift shop for us next time!

  17. I love seeing buildings in other countries, they are so different from what you see here in the US. Loving that reddish colored building.

  18. It looks fabulous, Chel. Thanks for taking us around! :o)

  19. I can imagine that you would love to get inside those places. We look forward to your going back.

  20. Yes, love that sturdy looking building and the town in general, a lovely getaway...

  21. A great tour, Chel! I would have loved to poke around in those shops, and had some fish and chips. The first building is something - I wouldn't have guessed it to be 600 years old!

  22. What a charming village. Love that old old building!

  23. What a lovely read Chel. Thank you for the tour. It's been a while since I visited Thaxted but it reminds me of Lavenham which I love and visit often!


  24. It looks very pretty. Another place to add to my 'must see' list!

  25. Thanks for taking me on this tour,
    wish I could visit there.

  26. What a nice little village. Amazing that the building is 600 years old! Just imagine the things it's seen!

  27. So wonderful pics/houses, thanks for sharing!! Have a sunny weekend :-)
    Nata xxx


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