
Saturday 1 February 2014

January - Having Time To Stand and Stare

So January has now left us with a huge yell, not a quiet weather month by any means.  It's been a lively, moody teenager who wants to make a statement and test all boundaries. Cold, wet and drearily dark where the usual winter walks have been quite difficult to enjoy.  January greeted us with truly awful high winds and flooding.  It's been soggy, really soggy!  I feel despair for the people who are affected by the rivers breaking their barriers and homes destroyed, as cliffs give up their fight with the unforgiving sea.  I have used January to reflect, recover from the festive season and getting back to the regular routines.  The thing is, I love rain, it calms me, it makes me feel comfortable at home, but the jet stream has outstayed its welcome now and the flooded fields and flood barriers need to rest.  With my January mosaic I realised just how little my camera has captured life this month.  
For those who are regular readers, you will know I have been looking at things differently this month, seeing the ordinary as extraordinary.  Thank you SO MUCH to those who have left comments and taking time out of your busy day to do this, they were all so humbling, no... extraordinary!  Mumsy reads my posts with your wonderful comments and felt inspired to send me a poem.  You may know it from the funeral in 'Four Weddings and a Funeral':

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs,
And stare as long as sheep and cows
No time to see, when woods we pass,
When squirrels hide their nuts in grass,
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams of stars full, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
Hyacinth roots - growing in a glass.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

This beautiful poem was by William Henry Davies and called "Leisure".  I have put a link here for more information on his extraordinary life.

I hope you are all keeping safe and warm and thank you again for your lovely visits and comments.

Next week... a visit to my home town... LONDON!!!

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  1. You have had a great January and this is a good way to look back on it! Hope that you enjoy your visit to London. xx

  2. What beautiful photos, and how lovely to read that wonderful poem again. It always makes me slow down. Loved this post Chel.

  3. Hello, Chel

    The William Henry Davies poem is one that speaks to me; I particular like the admonition in the lines:
    "No time to wait till her mouth can
    Enrich that smile her eyes began."

    To not wait for Beauty, even for that brief a moment, would be a foolish waste.

    I hope you enjoy your London excursion.


  4. All the rain only makes me melancholy I do try to be chipper but it is hard. Good riddance January that is all I can say - roll on spring. Lovely photos and poem - good choice Mumsy.

  5. I love this post Chel. And what a beautiful poem. I love rain, but not constantly. I must have sunshine! A Spring rain followed by sunshine is an absolute delight. January is a great month to reflect. Looking at things as extraordinary makes every day a joy!

  6. Fantastic post and photos ! I am soo glad January is over it was such a up and down month weather wise . So far it has been pouring rain best part of the day and still raining . The temps are very mild 36°F or for us 2°C best part of all that snow we had is melting thank goodness and the 4 Robins I saw yesterday well I hope these are all signs of an early spring . Thanks for sharing . Have a good evening !

  7. Lovely post, poem and photos Chel. You have had quite the month of stormy weather as I guess has the whole northern hemisphere. I think it safe to say we are all happy to see January gone and hope for better in February. Take care! Pamela

  8. I'm so very glad your Mumsy shared this poem. I don't remember ever hearing it and haven't seen that movie. I'm going to copy it into my journal tonight! Lovely photos my friend. I so appreciate you showing us your beautiful country through your photos. Sweet hugs my friend, Diane

  9. Love that poem and of course that was a great movie also.
    Chel, your January posts have brightened many a winter day through January - thank you

  10. Oh Chel, this is just lovely! That poem was perfect for your stunning photos. I so enjoy taking time to see the extraordinary in the ordinary. Thanks so much for sharing my friend. Have a beautiful Sunday...:)

    Blessings, Vicky

  11. The poem is lovely, so apt for those in life who tend to rush through and not take time to stand and stare. We all need to do that, more of that. Your photos are a perfect accompaniment to the poem. Thank you for sharing.

  12. A beautiful collection of images for your month...and yes, it is time to let the sun shine and the rains end.

  13. Not so many photos in January maybe, but good ones nonetheless.
    I read the poem many years ago but it was nice to see it again.
    I also enjoyed reading W H Davies's book "Autobiography Of A Supertramp".

  14. A lovely post, your photos actually look bright & happy.

  15. Chel, what a lovely poem and beautiful collection of January images. Wishing you a happy February!

  16. Have a wonderful time in London. I hope things dry out for you soon.

  17. Hi Chel!
    I like Mumsie's poem.

  18. I really enjoyed reading your post Chel and how lovely to include your mumsie' s poem, what a team! :-) x

  19. Such a lovely photos mosaic. I love that poem too.
    Marianne x

  20. I'm hoping that February's weather is drier than January's. And warmer. And less windy. I don't ask for much, do I? :oD

  21. Absolutely beautiful poem!
    I didn't know you were a Londoner! That's awesome, I want to be an honorary Londoner, but my accent always gives me away! :)
    Much love to you my friend,
    I hope you have an amazing week,

  22. Lovely post, and a great group of photos.

  23. Hi Chel, I love the sound of rain and curling up on the couch but not being out in it and all the time! I loved the poem your mom shared and the photos! Do have a nice week and stay dry! ☔️😀 Julie

  24. Beautiful, Chel - photos and words. Yes, January is a time of nature's rest and renewal to prepare for the busy task of regrowth and rebirth in spring. Love your reflections and inspiration. You always write from the heart and your photos reflect your beautiful words. Thinking and praying for those suffering through this terrible winter. Hugs xo Karen

  25. What beautiful photos to compliment the poem.

  26. Beautiful post and some lovely words, thankyou


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