
Friday 10 January 2014

Familiar Routines Once More

So the weekly routines start to take shape again after the initial madness of Christmas, the catching up over New Year and then the lounging around to rest and recuperate.  The shock of a Monday morning 6:30am alarm call with one eye open willing the time to be wrong and then the panic of trying to fit everything in before its time to leave home.  Oh yes, the year has started!

Everything is now a bit bare, both with decorations coming down and the beautiful sleeping skeletal trees, waiting for the sap to rise so they can breathe again.
The daily drives to and from work have been very dark with rain and wind hammering down.  Rainy days are a big positive in my life, I love the sound of rain hitting the window pane or the top of the umbrella, but when driving to and from work it is not as comforting as if curling up on a soft cosy sofa with the fire flickering and a black and white movie on the TV.  However, the sun decided to make an appearance towards the end of this week and I couldn't wait to dust off the camera lens and get my feet working again and just have familiar walks to the canal and around the Cathedral precincts.
The shadows were so beautiful to see once more.  It was chilly but no wind.  Heaven!  The red Cathedral flag against the comforting blue, clear skies was so uplifting.
And here I go again, gates and doors are a passion of mine, I don't know why, but it could be the fairy tale of what happiness may be behind the facade.  This little door is hidden behind some ivy and reminds me of the Secret Garden gate.
Nearby, the vivid red berries were such a visual delight.  Do you ever feel self conscious when taking a photo of something so 'everyday' while people pass you wondering 'why'?!  Well, they made me smile!
I took a little detour and went to see the memorial to Henry Pearson Gates who was the first Mayor of Peterborough

The memorial was moved from Cathedral Square to the Bishop's Gardens in 1967.  The detail of the stonework looked wonderful with the sunshine casting shadows to show more detail.
The building behind the memorial is the Almoners Hall and you can walk past this into the precincts.  This is the part where you start to feel as though you are in a different century and the modern world is being left behind.
I went a little further towards the canal and the beautiful swans (my mid week post has some of my little friends who posed beautifully).  This swan was just drying off his feet.
And the others were saying hello to a very kind lady who was providing lunch.
The shadows on the bark of the trees were inspirational to take shots of.  Something so simple but seeing the shadows once more made my heart skip.
The cycle paths were pretty clear and I could have easily walked the mileage to further places, however it was time to go back to work and finish off the week.
How I would love to hop onto this canal boat and travel on the calmer waters, but the routine of weekend housework, ironing and family life now awaits.
I hope you are all enjoying being back into your day to day routines and the weather is allowing you some normality.

Welcome also to some kind new followers, thank you for visiting, and thank you to those who are keeping with me, you are all so wonderful for dropping by.

Keep safe and warm.

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  1. It's so nice to see the touches of red even in the midst of winter. Hope you have something fun planned for the weekend. I have been enjoying the calm after the holidays. Sweet hugs!

  2. Oh I enjoyed that so much! Beautiful photos and I loved your commentary! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Charming pictures. I often wonder what those cycle path signs are supposed to represent, don't you? I see them quite often and they are distinctive but they really look as if they should be something.

    I only really like driving rain when I'm cosy and warm inside. Just glad that I don't live in a flood area. Happy 2014 to you.

  4. It looks so beautiful there Chel. So nice to see the sunshine and green grass. I have probably been scrutinized by passersby as I walk and take photos along the road here too. :) I'm sure some people wonder what I'm up to but I don't care. I enjoy seeing beauty in the small things like red berries or frost on a fence post. Have a lovely weekend. I hope the sun continues to shine.

  5. Thank you for taking us on this lovely walk, so nice to see such lovely places and your descriptions are beautiful too. That door in the wall looks like the way through to the secret garden to me too, it is just how I would imagine it to be if I were reading the book! xx

  6. Such lovely photos! Love the pops of bright colour. I am quite enjoying being back to my routine too.
    Marianne x

  7. Thank you for the walking tour, Chel. You may well be correct in thinking the arched doorway leads into "The Secret Garden"; perhaps there are some neglected roses and a singing bird on the other side.


  8. What beautiful photographs, I so empathise with you about doors, I have a thing with them too! xx

  9. Beautiful shots. Wish I were there.

  10. Lovely post, just getting back into the swing of things here! X

  11. Beautiful images, Chel, sometimes it's a good thing to get back into the routine of daily life. And I am certainly with you on your love of doors....sigh!!

  12. My husband thinks I'm crazy when I stop and take a picture of a leaf or a crack in the sidewalk! Lol, he's a banker and doesn't have an artistic bone in his body - love his heart! I LOVE the berries and always enjoy you sharing your world with us. Thank you!

  13. So good to see the sun shine again after all the rain. Beautiful swans, the river looks high though.

  14. My goodness you live in a beautiful place...if that was where I lived, I'd be out all day with the camera, no housework done.


  15. Lovely post. And a side to Peterborough I didn't know existed! It is on A Bit About Britain's hit list...

  16. Hi Chel, wow the weather looks so nice by you! I love all of your photos you shared and it's so pretty on the grounds where you work! I love the boat too and it would be fun to be on one! The swans are so nice swimming in the water. I like that everything is back to normal too but I wish the weather was warmer where I live. We had snow today! Have a wonderful weekend and week. Julie

  17. What a lovely, grace-filled blog! I loved finding you today. It's so exciting to "meet" bloggers in other wonderful parts of the world. I'm your newest follower! May God's peace and blessings abound to you and your family throughout this brand new year!

  18. SO beautiful. I really do want to come visit.

  19. What a beautiful walk you have near your work. I like the idea of posting about something that is so much a part of your everyday world. Everyday to you and very exotic to some of us.

  20. You have GREEN ... ah ... I am envious!

  21. Beautiful sunny pictures, Chel. Very cheering. Xx

  22. Itr;s such a shame that people don't stop and see beauty in everyday things. A camera is a good prompt to make you notice things.

  23. Such a wonderful place to spend your lunch break!


  24. Oh, your post has cheered me no end. The sun is out here, finally, and I think I need to get out for some fresh air. For us, the back to homework grind has started - I'm encouraging my girls to get it out of the way so we can spend the rest of the weekend having fun!

  25. Beautiful photos Chel! What a great way to spend some free time while at work ... I'd love to step back in time with these old buildings & monuments. I love the Secret Garden door ... so inviting ;) I'm back to routine here too, and I can't believe we've got through the first week already. We're under a black cloud of rain today, so after a week of bitterly cold weather, I guess it's not too much to grumble about. Wendy x

  26. I love to think of all the history hidden in the walls and behind the doorways of the cathedral - Peterborough is certainly fortunate to have such a beautiful structure to overlook the city and provide such a magnificent venue to spend a lunch break, or attend what must be a great service inside those imposing walls. Do they have a wonderful choir? If so, have you heard it Chel? I used to love going to Exeter cathedral as a child - it was always a special day out with parents or friends.

    Lovely photos - know you truly enjoyed a dry, sunny day for a change!
    Have a fabulous weekend.
    Fondly, Mary

    P.S. - 70F expected here today with thunderstorms, BUT also the possibility of tornadoes! Yikes, the weather is certainly crazy this winter.

  27. Hi Cel,

    Lovely photos from a lovely town, or at least, a lovely part of your town. A wonderful place to go for camera ramble.

    Here in the wilds of Shropshire life is back to normal too, although it’s still very wet underfoot. There was some very unaccustomed sunshine today.

    Thank you for visiting and following my blog. I am returning the favour with pleasure.

  28. Beautiful pictures. I love the street with the old houses!

  29. Beautiful photos, what a lovely place for a wander. I love doorways too, and I know exactly what you mean about feeling self-conscious when taking photos. I'm getting tougher though!

  30. I don't think I'd want to do anything else but take pictures if I lived around there. My car & camera would be packed for daily excursions and adventures. I especially love the swans !

  31. Such beautiful scenes, it must have been lovely to wander around there. I'm glad you're getting back into your routines without too much stress, I am sure this coming week will be easier. :)

  32. I have only been to England once in my life, back in 2005, while visiting a close friend, who lives in Rustington, West Sussex. Your beautiful photos of your serene, historically infused surroundings, look a lot like some of the boroughs we were lucky to have walked through and appreciated. I can totally relate to your passion for those 'everyday' subjects, and like you, have developed an obsession for doors and gates, the more weathered, the more wonderful.

    Thank you for sharing a familiar routine for you, a great escape for me!


  33. Chel,
    I have put you blog in my sidebar so I can keep up with your beautiful photos and posts. I have visited before but, I missed the Sweetbriar Cottage. It is beautiful. I like gardening too, though I have so many little people around me I don't seem to do as much as I used to. Have a happy week!

  34. Beautiful photos and words, Chel. As always, you manage to make the "ordinary" really special. :o)

  35. Thank you for visiting my blog . I love your blog and seeing what goes on in your neck of the woods . I am now following . Thanks for sharing . Have a lovely day !

  36. What a lovely post, filled with some wonderful photos. I enjoyed stopping by.

  37. Gorgeous bright photos. I'm craving some sunshine. All is grey here. January is a month to get back onto an even keel after the festivities. Lovely in its own way.

  38. I had to stop by and click the like button! Beautiful photographs, the stonework looks gorgeous in the sun, and that blue sky really lifts the spirits.

  39. Beautiful photos you took while on your walk. I love old doors too. Thanks for stopping by today and your nice comment.

  40. Love the picture of the very red berries. One time I stopped to take a picture of a leaf, zooming in I saw a teensy frog and he stuck out his tongue to catch a bug. So neat, never know what you may see while focusing on everyday beauty like those berries. I like the shot of the door with the ivy, you have so many pleasant shots here to gaze upon.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x