
Sunday 8 December 2013

Vicky's Christmas Ornament Exchange

I don't believe it, two posts in one day!  The Advent Calendar post for today is on the previous post for those who have been very kind in following these (I think the best and luckiest photo I have ever taken!).  However, I had to share with you the lovely Vicky's Ornament Exchange.  I received a beautiful package from Stephanie at The Enchanting Rose.
Her gifts were certainly enchanting and beautifully made.  This rosette was just gorgeous.
The centre piece finished it off perfectly, especially as I love a red and white combination.
What struck me most was that Stephanie had picked up that I love hearts and had made these for the back.
And then there was this delightful brooch.
Again, with the heart on the back.  This will be adorning my winter coat giving me a smile each time I wear it.
Then some wonderful gift tags.  I feel they may be just too good to use!
Such gorgeousness in one package and such talent from Stephanie!

Thank you to Vicky and to Stephanie.  If you haven't already visited, go along to view their beautiful blogs on the links above.  And, for those of you who are following the Advent calendar each day, once again, thank you for sticking with this and keeping me going! 

Take care. 

♥ Chel ♥

(Remember that if you want to see a larger version of my photos just click on one and a slide will appear)

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  1. Send the gift cards to your family then you can collect them back after us.

  2. Everything looks fabulous, Chel. Lucky you! :o)

  3. Hi Chel, wow what beautiful things you received from Stephanie! I love everything. Have a wonderful day today. Julie 😃

  4. Oh, I LOVE the lace ornaments that Stephanie sent you! It's gorgeous. This exchange was so much fun. Have a great week ~ Anne

  5. Stephanie is quite the crafty lady! She is also a sweet and precious soul...:) She made you some lovely things. Thanks again for joining in the fun! Have a blessed Sunday...Vicky

  6. Those are gorgeous! Love the center of that rosette - it is a perfect touch. So much fun to be a part of Vicky's exchange!

  7. How beautiful, the workmanship is flawless. Lovely.

  8. Love the idea of the secret hearts Stephanie put on the backs of her beautiful creations. What a great collection of Christmas goodness. I have enjoyed seeing what everyone received as much as the giving and receiving of ornaments!

  9. What pretty ornaments. Such wonderful gifts!

  10. Such perfect gifts for you! I love those gift tags.

  11. You had lovely gifts as well. The ornament exchange was such a great idea!

  12. What lovely ornaments! The flowers are sooo pretty, and I love the tags. It's been so much fun to see what everyone has received.

  13. Hello sweet Cheryl :) I was so very happy to send you some handmade items, dear friend. And I am very thankful Vicky gave you to me :) I hope you enjoy the ornament for many years to come!

    Blessings to you!

  14. I must say, quite beautiful! Hello Cheryl, I am Debbie, Stephanie's mother. I too was in the exchange though I do not have a blog. I have met some lovely ladies through her blog. I must come again and visit you here.
    I love lace, and I have a tree in our master bedroom that is quite elegant, and on it I have a number of those lace ornaments that look stunning! Enjoy your's. :)

    Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. Debbie


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