
Sunday 3 November 2013

A Gentle Walk With Deer

One of the walks that I had to do before winter sets in was the grounds of Burghley House.  Both myself and Mumsy absolutely adore the place in Stamford, Lincolnshire and just wanted to see the autumnal colours in the beautiful English countryside.  The weather was perfect, the colours were inspirational and the company exquisite, just me and mum.    It was quiet, oh so quiet!  Just the sounds of the birds on the lake and above our heads and occasional voices from those who were on a similar walk.  Even the deer were undisturbed by the very few people around them.  We almost walked straight past this magnificent beast who was camouflaged by stony surroundings.
Burghley House is a pure gem in this country.  I could look and drink in the different views for hours and hours and would never tire.  It is the quintessential English manor, unchanged and a perfectly understandable backdrop for films such as Pride and Prejudice along with the famous Burghley Horse Trials.

Even the turrets are magical and your mind starts to wander to classic fairy stories.  Can you imagine Rapunzel letting down her hair from here?
And the prince climbing these golden gates?
The countryside surrounding this house is the memory envoking kind that never disappoints.
And amongst this, the amazing deer either taking it easy...
... or being a bit more curious.
Such beautiful, gentle creatures.
The oak trees carry an appropriate warning as the limbs of these old, aged trees are extremely heavy.
Every twist and turn is full of wonder and life.
It would be so nice to take shelter in this tree on a rainy day.  I could quite happily live there as a wise old owl.
Our walk was slow, unrushed and happy.  Joined along the way by various curious eyes and hoofs as we collected acorns.
Lion Bridge stopped us in our tracks with its stone lions guarding each side.  Regal and showing status to those who had lived at the house over the years.
The view from this bridge is that of a film backdrop.  Can you imagine Mr Darcy emerging from the lake?
The stone of the bridge is so interesting with its different colours and the texture was so comforting.
This ladybird totally agrees with me and sat with us for a while soaking the sun's warmth on a late October day.
On the other side of the bridge the sheep rested before their walk back to cover.
The house enjoying the last remnants of sun for that day.
On the way back to the car we saw a stag resting by the side of the pathway.  The beautiful backdrop of the house was so perfect against the sheer beauty of this beast.
I bit the bullet and thought,  I wonder, would he like some acorns?  He awoke, I quietly and gently approached, stretching out my hand with some delicious acorns.  He was very happy to oblige in a very magical moment and very gently took the acorns.  My heart skipped so happily as he slowly rose to his feet and walked towards me for more.
He walked to mumsy too and played out the most amazing memory, something we had never set out to capture.  I think he was smiling as much as us!
And so, it was time to say goodbye to this beautiful place.  The next time we will see the trees the leaves would have abandoned their mother.
Shall we take one last look at the countryside?  Yes, let's!

We are celebrating a birthday today too!  My baby girl (Miss Teenager) has now turned 14!  How the year's have flown and how she has grown.  So, lots of teenage angst I daresay today, a perfect time for me to pick up the crochet hook once more.  Granny squares are calling me!

I hope those of you who were in the path of the storm last week suffered very little damage.  We didn't get as much bad weather as predicted so are thankful for that.  Can I also say thank you once again for your kind comments regarding hubby.  He is still improving and will find out the full results next week.  He has read your comments too and they have made him truly smile with gratitude.  Thank you.

Also, thank you to my new followers.  I will get round to visiting you too shortly (once the birthday cake has been eaten and cleared away!).  Welcome along.

Have a wonderful week and keep safe with the fireworks this week!

Take care. 

♥ Chel ♥ 

 (Remember that if you want to see a larger version of my photos just click on one and a slide will appear)

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  1. What an exquisite post!!!! Such a beautiful place. .....and the deer...I just adore them...we now have them here in our back yard which I still find unbelievable . When we were children it was something just to see one in the mts hours away.
    I just can't get over the pictures...the quiet would be the icing on the cake for me....I crave that kind of quiet more than anything.......just the birds ....
    Thank you for such a wonderful way to start my day!!!!

  2. Wow Chel what a privilege to have the deer eat from your hand - and manage to take a photo at the same time! Wonderful creatures. I often think when I am wandering through somewhere as beautiful as that 'what a lovely place to be a (insert appropriate animal here!)' Warmest wishes to hubby and happy birthday Miss Teenager! Jane x

  3. Gorgeous pictures, and what a magnificent building. I can appreciate what you mean about drinking in the views, I had to keep scrolling back.
    How tame the deer are, I suppose they have just got used to people being there.

  4. Fabulous post, Chel. How lucky to have the deer eating out of your hand.

    Happy birthday to Miss Teenager. Enjoy the cake! :o)

  5. How wonderful to have the deer eat from your hand. I like Burghley (and Stamford) - it seems ages since we were there - so it was lovely to see your photos of the house and parkland:)

  6. Oh I love this post! It's very fairy tale like. Seeing she animals resting about the property is a wonderful sight. The moment you caught with the stag is surely one to remember for a long long time! Seeing those golden gates gleaming next to the aged stone is quite something. Love the distant views. It's quite a place!

  7. What great photos! And Chel how wonderful was it for that buck to come right up to you - not like wild deer would obviously but a very special experience.
    And you have a 14 year old daughter, and my grand-daughter is 14 this month! Amazing!

  8. What a stunning place and amazingly tame animals. Wonderful! xx

  9. It was a pleasure "joining you" on this walk around these beautiful grounds, Chel.

    I'm glad your husband health is improving; Happy Birthday to your daughter.

  10. I simply cannot imagine living where you close to those beautiful, historical places. The architecture surrounding you is stunning. I especially enjoyed the photos of the deer. They look different than our deer, but are just as beautiful. They are such magnificent creatures. What a special moment to share with your mom when the deer ate from your hands...:) Wishing your daughter the happiest of birthdays! Enjoy the special day with your family my friend.

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  11. Beautiful photos especially the deer - what a treat to get so close!

  12. What a lovely place! Yes, it looks like something out of a movie backdrop. Cool that the deer are so friendly. Nice close-up shot of the smiling deer!

  13. What a stunning place. An amazing house and such beautiful parkland and countryside. Your photos are fantastic, and it really sounds like a wonderful day. Wishing your husband the very best for the coming week.

  14. Fantastic experience feeding the deer! They are magnificent animals, well apart from the one that wanders into the garden and eats my flowers..
    Have a great week and hope the news continues to be good.

  15. Happy birthday to your daughter and best wishes to your husband. This place looks so nice to visit, I would love to see it in person. The gates are incredible. How wonderful to be able to get some close to the deer! They look so friendly and sweet, I would have enjoyed that too.

  16. Absolutely beautiful! What a gorgeous place to enjoy a walk in nature and to be so close to the deer there. Just lovely Chel! Have a wonderful week.

  17. What a wonderful place to have a walk and how fantastic that you got so close to the deer.. stunning photos.
    Happy 14th to your daughter.. enjoy the cake. :o)

  18. Thanks for sharing your walk. Your photos are beautiful. I think you've made a new friend in the stag.
    Ali x

  19. I so enjoyed this post Chel -- the animals are amazing and so is your photography. Thank you!

  20. Happy Birthday to your daughter.
    Love the walk you shared with us. Magical moments, indeed. Beautiful photos.

  21. happy times and a lovely stroll for us Chel, thank you for sharing!
    Happy (belated) birthday wishes to the 14th year old young lady and the best to hubby!
    Great photos Chel!

  22. When you were talking about Stamford I was sure I had been there and YES! I have, I used to live in Peterborough and remember going to the town of Stamford once. What a gorgeous place, I've never been to these Estate though and I would love to feed the deer and walk the grounds, you always visit the most amazing of places!
    Happy Birthday to your Teenage Princess!
    I'd like to think that my daughter will be little forever, but I know those hormones will kick in eventually!
    Oh and I forgot to mention... your photography is lovely! Love the lady bug!
    Much love,

  23. A very happy birthday to your daughter. Looks like you such a lovely day out.

  24. I enjoyed that walk very much and I can't really believe that this stag acted like a cat, feeding from your hand! Happy birthday to Miss Teenager and well wishes to your husband!

  25. Happy Birthday to you sweet daughter. What a sweet age and happy time. I took my time looking at these photos and just soaking it all in the early frosty morning. What pleasure to walk around those beautiful grounds and how amazing to feed that huge deer. Enjoy your day and thanks for giving my day such a nice start. Hugs!

  26. Historic house, beautiful countryside and sweet wildlife all beautifully photographs. Must visit :).

  27. What a stunning place to visit and your captures are just breath-taking....that 2nd shot is a definite calendar cover!! And Happy Birthday to your daughter, hope her day is filled with joy!!

  28. Oh my goodness, Chel! What an amazing place to take a walk with your Dear Mother! Oh, I can just imagine the wonderful, peaceful sounds of leaves falling and the lovely scents of acorns and leaves under foot. Truly spectacular - and the deer! A fairy tale come to life. Happy birthday to your sweet daughter - such a magical age with the world at her feet. Glad to hear that Hubby is coming along health-wise- sending positive thoughts for those test results. Thank you for taking us along on your fabulous walk. Hugs xoxo Karen

  29. Hi Chel, wow I love the photos of Burghley House, it is just beautiful. I bet it was so nice to be with your mom alone. Burghley House reminds me of the castle from Downton Abbey! What amazing photos of the deer and the one that you were feeding. I would have loved a day like that. I'm so glad you had a good time. Happy Belated Birthday to your daughter! Take care and have a good week. Julie

  30. A very happy birthday to your daughter! And oh my does this look like heaven! How wonderful that you were able to get away for a peaceful day with your mom! The scenery here does not even look real! I would be framing some of your shots as well! Amazing!!! And oh that sweet deer!!! All the best this week sweet friend! Nicole

  31. Wow - what a fabulous set of shots! Such a beautiful place too.

  32. All I can say is, WOW!

  33. A wonderful series! Magnificent architecture and grounds and humorous playful animals, all in a day!

    Please consider yourself officially invited to participate this year's 5th Annual Gratitude (word) Quilt. Instructions (it is very simple) and a link that explains the origin of the word quilt can be found at the top of my blog. In past years there have been participants from every continent except Antarctica. If I’ve already invited you, I apologize... I am trying to reach as many people as possible, and sometimes forget whom I’ve already left this message for in a comment. My intention is most certainly NOT to spam you. I hope you'll join us, it is really amazing when all the words unfurl on November 27th, Thanksgiving Day in the United States.

  34. Wonderful captures! The golden gate is so special, and the deers coming so close ... and the sweetest ladybird!

  35. We aren't traveling this year while my husband recovers from major surgery. But, so many bloggers have taken me on some fantastic virtual tours. All your tour needed was Colin Firth.

  36. How absolutely fabulous! Wonderful views and surroundings. I agree with Art and Sand: Colin Firth would complete the tour!

  37. lovely photos. we just don't have place like that over here.

  38. I was back in England last August and never got the chance to visit this wonderful place. How I wish I could visit again soon. I miss it so much. Beautiful countryside there. Following you now

  39. Wow, stunning photos. I've never been there, but would like to visit. I love the shot of him looking up at the camera with his gorgeous spotty coat on full show. Thanks for sharing!

  40. What a beautiful place and the deer are just amazing. It's so easy to see why it's used as a location for tv and film. Happy birthday to your daughter, I hope she enjoyed the day.

  41. I was hanging on every word of your beautiful post with it's gorgeous photography....and to have that buck eat out of your hand must have been the most amazing thing...Happy Birthday to your daughter.....

  42. this is a beautiful post!

  43. Entrancing photos, truly a fairy tail place. The close up shots of the stag are wonderful !


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