
Thursday 25 April 2013

Spring Means New Life

I don't know about you, but for those in the UK do you feel a change in the weather?  Have you felt how warm the sun's rays are?  Have you panicked at the weeds that have suddenly made an appearance and how quick the seedlings have burst out of the soil?  Dare I whisper it?  Has spring finally arrived?  Judging from the blossom that has appeared on my plum tree, I have a feeling it has.  
Now to those lovely people who read my blog regularly you may notice something a little different.  I've had a little bit of a spring clean on my blog.  This is mainly due to the beautiful weather we have been currently having, the blossom that has now burst on the trees, the seeds germinating and the smell of freshly mown lawn once again.  So the header banner has a more springy feel and I have tidied up bits and pieces.

Also I haven't had a chance to go out on a rambling tour this week.  Mainly because I have been working at home due to the office re-decoration, but also because I now have the dreaded 'lurgy'!  How I would love to just curl up at this moment.  So a tour of the garden will have to suffice this week!

Before I start I must really say thank you all so much for your wonderful comments last week about my friend's passing.  She was incredibly special and I have been smiling with the memories that she has left me.  She was a rare individual and so positive about everything around her.  I am blessed to have known her.  This also made me think that life is for living and was very naughty and treated myself to a new camera!  I have mentioned a few times before that I wasn't exactly happy with my last one so after the last difficult couple of weeks I thought, yes, be selfish, buy something for me, something to really cheer me up, something where I can record real images of life, let's capture it properly.  So here it is, a deep red Nikon Coolpix L810, 16mp, 26x zoom, and really easy to use.  I fell in love with it from the first shot!  So clear, so clever and no need for photo editing to put forward the shot I originally wanted.  I am happy with the world again!  Ideally I would have liked a DSLR but I have a film loading one and use this with a tripod for a specific 'patient' shot.  So, this one is ideal!
But hey, let's have some photos from my new 'baby'!  I didn't know what to call this camera (the Fujifilm was called Flo!), I was going to ask for suggestions, but my thoughts are that I bought it with Val's love for life, her love of colours relating to Betty Boop, so it is hereby christened 'Val'!  So come Val, let's go on a short tour of the spring garden.

So firstly, my blog title this week is Spring Means New Life, and today this chrysalis (which has been under the care of Mr Teenager) decided to do just that, spring into life.
I took the delicate, crumpled butterfly outside onto the kitchen window baskets (which have equally been bursting into life) and it turned to say thank you.
Once dry it turned out to be a Cabbage White, hopefully it will find another garden to wreak it's havoc on!

In the greenhouse, things are getting very busy.  Lettuces, tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, peppers, spring onions, courgettes and runner beans are all racing away.  Here are my peppery lettuce leaves and the start of my tomato seeds (I have had to cheat a little by buying some established too!).
Then in amongst all this was this sleeping Hummingbird Bee (well, I think it is, glad for some advice here)!  We knew we had a couple from when we saw them hovering around the blossom but they are far to quick to capture.  This one was very photogenic though and slept through my daring close up shots!  (Isn't 'Val' amazing?!)
The Daffodils and the Narcissus are all doing well around the different parts of the garden.  These beauties were put in my kitchen window baskets all those months ago and I am surprised that they bloomed this year!
These are in my main raised border in the garden.
These are in my herb garden.
The typical trumpet types are everywhere!
And then tulips!  We were so worried that there wasn't going to be any this year.  The Spalding Flower Parade are really going to be hit for next week's event (which apparently is the last!) - more to come next week on this.  We have a wooded type area next to our garage where we let things naturalize and these certainly haven't let us down this year.
At the back of the house we have a couple in full bloom.  
You can even see the pollen!  This shot reminds me of vanilla pods and custard!
Then there are hyacinths!  But my favourites are the tiny grape hyacinths.  Again planted in my kitchen window sill baskets.  
But shall we take a break from the flowers for a moment while the birds have a feed?
Remember I told you that I will be an auntie very soon (next month!).  I have been very busy with a pram blanket which was harder as we don't know what they are having.  The inspiration was from Jan Eaton's 200 Crochet Blocks (Pattern 189 - Willow).
 I have done this in grey and white as this will fit in with most colour schemes and it has come out in a lovely lacy pattern.
The edging was done using triple stitches and bobble stitches.  All done, now waiting for the arrival.  So excited!!
 Now back to the garden.  This is the front of the house, very pitiful compared to the rest, however the weeping pear's blossom is coming through now and the greenery is starting to appear.  This will be my project this weekend to add some more colour and interest.
There are daisies in the lawn but I don't mind that at all.  More wildlife buzzing around that way, and what speaks of summer more.
And lastly, saying goodbye to the winter rose (helloborum).  This will soon be surrounded by peace lilies and gladioli.
So, VERY happy with 'Val' and my new spring like blog posts.  Hopefully back to normal 'tour' business next week with the Spalding Flower Parade.  I'll try and get a good position for you.

Now off to my sick bed and sleep!

Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to catching up with your posts.

P.S.  Don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin before the 'deadline', and I'll also be updating my Facebook page a bit more to include other photos throughout the weeks.

Take care.

This week I am sharing with:


  1. Wow Chel your blog is looking amazing - well done. And as for 'Val' - what a treat - the photographs are so clear, Mr K and I think that one of the bee is a prize winner! Sorry to hear you've got the rotten lurgy - I'm just getting rid of it and can't wait to have enough energy to get out and about again. Whoop for the daisies x Jane

    1. Isn't this lurgy awful Jane?! Currently my temp is 102 but I will not be beaten! My cheeks are basically the same colour as the camera!! We go well together. I was really lucky with the bee taking a nap otherwise there would be no point in even attempting it. Hope you recover quickly! Take care. Chel x

  2. Forgot to comment last time: I'm sorry about the loss of your friend. I hope you're doing as well as can be in this kind of situations..
    Your blog looks all spring ready now. 'Val' makes beautiful pictures, just perfect to remember your friend.
    Take care, Liefs Else X

    1. Thanks Else, I just keep smiling with the memories that she left us, which can be a rare thing in this day and age. Yes 'Val' does take good pictures. Really pleased with her. Have a great weekend. Chel x

  3. Lovely photos especially the insect ones.

    1. Thanks Sue, I was really lucky to capture them in a more docile mood. Have a great weekend on your plot. Chel x

  4. These are beautiful images! Good for you for treating yourself to something special. Life is short, and we should enjoy it.

    I'm sorry about your friend. It's always difficult to lose someone very special.

    1. That's what I thought, and she used to read my blog, especially when I had been to Spalding (she loved that place). Have a great weekend. Chel x

  5. Your photographs are simply beautiful, such lovely clear detailed images. I adore the pram blanket you made.
    M x

    1. Thank you so much! I have just got the seal of approval from my sister in law, so I think the colours are right. Take care. Chel x

  6. Dear Chel,i'm so sorry about for friend.Wonderful pictures!!I must have this camera!!Great captures!!Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Thank you Dimi. I can't wait to get better and get out there for some landscape shots again. Have a great weekend. Chel x

  7. Your tulips are much further on than ours. Ahh the joys of living in Scotland!

    Fabulous photos. May you and Val have a long and happy career together. :o)

    1. Thank you Anne. The Spalding Flower Parade was on the news last night and they are worried that they may have to use crepe flowers instead!! Oh dear! Have a wonderful weekend in beautiful Scotland! You lucky thing! Chel x

  8. Hope you're feeling better soon. Great pics with the new camera aka Val.

    1. Thank you June. Yes, temp still high but feeling a bit more positive with myself (as long as I don't cough...ouch!). Take care. Chel x

  9. I love your new header....I noticed it right away! I recently changed mine too to feel more springy! Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well....I do hope you feel better soon! Great pictures....I am green with envy over the new camera! Not really, but I do look forward to the day when I can purchase one. Love her name and she's a beauty! I so enjoy my visits with you!

    Blessings Sweet Friend,
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

    1. Thank you Vicky, I also enjoy my visits to you. A simple thing as changing headers makes everything look so different doesn't it? Take care. Chel x

  10. Hi Chel. I'm sorry about the passing of your good friend, Val. Good for you to buy a new camera. I've been looking for one with a better zoom and that takes great close ups. When I saw your camera and the beautiful pictures it takes I shoed my husband and he was impressed. I have a Canon S5IS now but I need a better long distance zoom and better close up. I've been debating whether to get a DSLR with interchangeable lenses but not sure if that is too much hassle for me. I like the point and shoot so much but I just need more umph to it. Know what I mean? It's nice to get tips like this from fellow photographers. Your garden is coming along beautifully. I saw those hummingbird bees for the first time last summer. They wouldn't sit still for a photo though. :) Amazing creatures they are! Have a great Friday. Pamela

    1. Thank you Pamela. From what I have experience so far with this camera is that the shots are on a par with my SLR, it still has a little weight to it. The only downside is that it doesn't have a view finder (I feel so stupid every time I go to look through it!!). However the screen is anti glare and so far I can still see the shot I want to take. Yes, very lucky with that sleeping bee, especially as this was one of the first shots I took with this camera. Couldn't be happier! Have a great weekend. Chel x

  11. What a time you are having - but you always come up with wonderful things for us. Love love love the tulips - and that hummingbird bee is amazing - I'd not seen one before. Great photos and blog!!!

    1. Thank you JoAnn. I do try! I'm hopefully going to have more tulips next week at the parade, if they find some! Chel x

  12. Wow what wonderful photographs you've taken with Val. They are fantastic, so vivid and clear. It's great to hear recommendations for cameras. There are so many out there that it can all get very confusing.
    I also love the new header on your blog. But could you do a favour for me please Chel, would you mind making the writing a little bigger. I'm a jam-jarrer and it nearly killed my eyes reading your post. Pretty please with sprinkles on!
    Rosie xx

    1. Thank you for your feedback Rosie, your wish is my command!! I hope this is a bit better. XXX

  13. Beautiful photos Chel and great close up shots. Hope you feel better soon. Keep your chin up - spring is waiting out there.

    1. Thanks Elaine, temp 102 but after another good night's rest I'm sure I'll be fighting fit again! Chel x

  14. Wow, your photos are brilliant, a wonderful recommendation for this camera! What a great camera you have scored and I love the colour! I take most my photos with a Lumix super zoom, similar to this but older and not so many MP and a smaller zoom. I find it so convenient and light to carry compared to a DSLR.

    1. I agree, my manual SLR is so bulky and I miss so much so this has been ideal! Chel x

  15. I think it is lovely that you christened your new camera 'Val.' The photos are stunning. I think if there had been a deep red (a favorite color, like my KitchenAid mixer!) available in the Nikon Coolpix when I was looking for a new camera, I probably wouldn't have been able to resist it. As it is, I went with the Panasonic FZ150 (my photos of England were all taken with my old camera). Does the Nikon Coolpix have manual settings options on it? Your yard is beautiful!

    1. Thank you, I think if there was a deep pink that would have been even better but this red is GORGEOUS!! This camera doesn't have a manual over ride but it has a camera menu which gives a variety of shooting and playback options (portrait, landscape, sports, night portrait, party/indoor, beach, snow, sunset, dusk/dawn, night landscape, close up, food, museum, fireworks show, black and white, backlighting, panoramic, pet portrait and 3d), as well as an easy auto mode for snap shots. So far these have come out really well, however haven't tried the 3d yet. Chel x

  16. Gorgeous series of photos! Have a great weekend!

  17. Hi Chel, I love your new camera (Val) and the color red is so pretty! It was so nice that you treated yourself to a new camera and it will be easier now for all your uploading of photos. Enjoy! You have such a pretty flower and vegetable garden and you are lucky to have a greenhouse! I love the baby blanket and the color combination too! Take care and I hope you get well soon. Julie - from across the pond. USA

  18. great pictures! love the macro photos!

  19. What a lot of lovely images. I don't know which I like best, but the two birds among the buds and the shot of deep inside the daffodil are winners!

  20. Yep, a Nikon bridge is the way to go... to start off with!!
    I did so with a Nikon P100, a versatile marvel even for macro.
    Well done, I love your butterfly!
    Cheers Chel!

  21. I don't know what to write as a comment. ;-) There is so much in your post. Firstly, your new camera: I love the colour although I know it's not the important aspect of a camera at all. And look at these beautiful photographs you took. I especially love the two birds on the fence. The baby blanket is beautiful too. Have a nice weekend. Regula

  22. Your pictures are absolutely amazing! You're really talented.

  23. thanx for your lovely weekend flowers! :)

  24. I came to visit from A Favorite Thing and have decided to stay! I'm a new follower of your wonderful blog. Your photos are fabulous and inspire me. Love your new camera. How sad about your friend, but you will have her memories always. I think it very sweet to name your new camera after her. I look forward to reading some older posts and getting to know you.


  25. Your pictures are beautiful. LOVE your new camera friend. take care

  26. Terrific shots. Hope you'd find time to visit my entry.

  27. From your pictures I'd say you and camera Val have already become very good friends! Boy, what a difference a good camera makes in the close-ups. Lovely , clear, concise.

  28. I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend, too. It is so hard to lose someone special in our lives. I love your photos and the gray and white crochet is gorgeous. I have new appreciation of this work of art! Sweet hugs!

  29. First of all, let me express my sympathies on the loss of your friend. I am so very sorry.

    Spring has finally arrived stateside as well - thank goodness. Your photos are lovely - Congrats on your new camera!

    I took some pictures of those winged creatures last year and was told, via the internet, it was a Hummingbird Moth. Of course, it may go by another name in England.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  30. Chel, this is my first time visiting your blog. I'm popping over from Claudia's, and let me first tell you how much I love the UK. Those plants are fabulous, and I always enjoy looking at English gardening magazines of cottages with roses. I cannot get over the profusion of flowers you can grow there. So pretty. And I love the Scottish fields in summer.

    Thanks you for sharing this with us. I enjoyed visiting very much. We have already had our spring in Florida, and the days are warm and sunny in preparation for even warmer days in sumner.

    Before I forget, I loved seeing the pram blanket. Beautiful. Lucky child who receives that gift. My sister crochets, and I know the time and talent it takes to create something that lovely.



  31. P.S. Sweetbriar is the name of a college in Virginia that my husbands' aunts attended.

  32. Beautiful flower shots! Keep having fun with that bee camera. ;)

  33. Wow there are a lot of great photos here on your blog. Have fun with your shiny new wonderful looking camera!

  34. Your garden is looking very springlike. The season always comes, even when winter seems to linger on forever. Val takes great shots, what a wonderful time you and she will have together.

    I'm following via feedly.

  35. Stunning pictures, you and Val did very well.

    Herding Cats

  36. Gorgeous shots, all of them!
    I think I would have named the Nikon something like Nichole. :)
    Maybe Nyla? There was a lady in our neighborhood growing up named Nyla.

    It's hard losing a special friend,
    today I return to the place I grew up to pay final respects to one of the greatest humans I've ever known on this earth.

  37. Such amazing shots - I love the one of the hummingbird bee...just gorgeous. What a nifty camera.

    Nina x

  38. As always beautiful natural photos. Your new camera is amazing! I want one now! I'm just catching up in blogland as I've been absent for a little while. So sorry to hear about your friend and so lovely that you have named your new camera after her. Gorgeous baby blanket too! Thankyou for sharing a lovely post. Karen x

  39. Chel, even if I had a Val I could not take pictures as gorgeous as that. Every flower was so beautiful! So sorry about your sweet friend. You honor her by naming your camera that brings shots of beauty to share with us. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  40. Hi Chel, just hopping back to let you know that I am featuring you at SYC.

  41. I am so sorry about your friend passing. Your pictures are great. Your garden is beautiful.. Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home.

  42. Gorgeous spring photos! So sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing on The HomeAcre Hop! Stop by to say hi to our new co-host and share more of you great posts!

  43. Oh my goodness the photos are fabulous...I especially like the plum blossoms.

    My thoughts are with you Chel, it's so difficult to lose a friend and I am so sorry.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x