
Thursday 21 February 2013

A Winter's Day in Norfolk

Now then, call me mad if you want but it is a week off from work and the kids are on half term, so I suggested to my two and my mum to have a day at Hunstanton and to fit in a visit to Norfolk Lavender (this would also give my hubby a rest from us being noisy in the house).  The weather was not promising to say the least but I was determined that we were going to have a good day out no matter what the weather threw at us.  Once we got there, we got out of my nicely warmed car and were greeted by the fresh, icy cold blast from the North Sea.  At first there was not a soul to be seen.  The beach was empty, the 'pay 20p telescope' stood lonely at the side without children clambering over it and begging their parents for money to see the ships on the horizon.
The skies were grey, the wind was bitter, our cheeks were a painfully bluey red, but I was determined that as we were here, we must go on to the stoney sand!  To the right of us was the town with a few walkers.  No aroma of chips on the sea front, no sounds of the hundreds of people that would usually be sitting on the beach.  Just us!
To the left of us would have been the fun fair and the 'Wash Monster'.  But again a few walkers, no sounds of the screams from the fun fair or the horn blowing from the 'Monster' as it emerged from the sea.  Just us!
In the distance the wind farm stood in the still waters, no jet skis, no kites, no water skiers.  Just the blades turning with the wind.
Beneath our feet, the colours of the shells and stones were perfectly set against the sand and brown of the sea weed.
The breakwaters looked forlorn without the children running up to them with their crab nets and buckets to see what they could find in the rock pools.  (However, I took this shot which is something I have been waiting to do for years!).

They showed their barnacles and sea life amongst their decaying wooden legs.
A "mermaids purse".  What would the past occupant be doing now?
The seabreaks showing some sea litter.  Were these fishing nets?  What stories could they tell?
Well, judging from my family's faces, hands and teeth chattering, it was time to have a lovely warming coffee and lunch at Fishers.  Lovely battered sausage and chips and cod and chips for Mr Teenager.  Notice the sauce jug of curry sauce for Miss Teenager!!  Delicious, warming and ready to set us up for Norfolk Lavender.
For those of you who have bought Norfolk Lavender products, well this is where it is made.

This is Caley Mill and to the left of this photo you will see where the old water wheel used to turn.
and here is the view over the parapet.
and here it is with sound!!!

The lavender fields are obviously no where near the purple mounds of loveliness of summer, but still the smell fills the air.

 The distillery is empty.

But the animals were out to say hello.  The rare breed chickens were amazing.  The second from left was very strange!
This rooster was a bit camera shy at first and hid his head!  A bit frightening really.
But others were happy to have their snaps taken.
Now how about this for a guinea pig village...
To finish off we had a brief walk around the grounds.  Snowdrops beneath the trees.

A wonderful rickety fence at the side of a bridge.

Reflections of the skeletal trees in the water.
And the redness of the Dog Wood against the gradual returning green of it's surroundings.

So now back in a warm home, tea next to me and sharing my day with you.  Quite a long one and I hope you are still with me and made it to the end!

I hope your day has been a good one.

Take care.

I am sharing with GYB Blog Hop, Sunny Simple Sunday


  1. What a brave soul you are - I can just imagine how ditheringly cold it was. How worth it though for those lovely shots - I especially like the one of the seaweed and stones. I bet you will enjoy the cosy warmth of your beds tonight! x Jane

  2. What a lovely day - brisk and fresh. I love the zigzag of the breakwater. What great photos are to be had on a day when the beach is empty.

  3. LOVE it all... keep showing the pictures since I am in Oregon, the USA I can see part of the world through YOUR blog.

  4. Beautiful photos - you held my attention all the way through. Lovely photo of the breakwater, the sea, the mill and grounds, especially the snowdrops under the trees, and the sweet little animals. The guinea pig village is so darling. Thanks for sharing, as I, too am from the Pacific Northwest, right above Oregon in Washington and this is a treat to see your part of the world. xx

  5. What gorgeous photos. You captured the icy temperature of the beach perfectly! Norfolk Lavendar looks like a wonderful place to visit regardless of the weather. And those snowdrops - spring is COMING!!

  6. Lovely photos but it does look very cold - the east coast is perhaps not the warmest place to be on a winters day. We were in Hunstanton during the Christmas break brrr.

  7. Hey, new follower from the GYB Blog Hop. What gorgeous photos. Looking forward to checking out your blog some more. :)


  8. I would love to go there sometime....especially when it's warmer. The walk on the beach would be perfect and then to go to the lavender fields would be a dream come true! How gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your photos! Hugs, Diane

  9. Hi again Chel - hope you don't mind but I've nominated you for the Liebster Award over on my blog. Pop over for the details x

  10. I can smell the lavender now - ah, a sweet scent of heaven! Beautiful photos. I lived in France for a couple of years and miss those misty winter days - call me crazy, but I loved that weather! <3


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