
Saturday 23 June 2012

Peterborough Heritage Weekend

For once in this very bleak summer we are having, the sun is out on a Saturday!  Hubby and Mr Teenager decided on going fishing today, Mr Teenager's first time so very excited and up at the crack of dawn to tidy his room and get going (not bad for a 14 year old?!). 

With this in mind and with the housework completed last night and the house looking still tidy and clean, myself and my mumsy along with Miss Teenager and a friend, went into Peterborough to see the Heritage Weekend.  Well this has proved to be a fantastic event and one I would definately go to again.  It is held within the Cathedral precincts including the Bishop's garden and the Deanery garden.  And how wonderful to be met at the front of the Cathedral with a Spitfire.

So many wars were represented along with Tudors, Romans, Victorians etc, it felt quite serile walking amongst the different costumes, sights and smells.

I must admit the gunmen were my favourite, loading their guns and making the whole atmosphere jump when they fired.  It made me think how on earth you could fight a war with something so clumsy and time consuming.  The attention to detail was amazing.

And the noise...deafening!

This scene did make me laugh. The actors just taking a break - WW2 meets the Victorians over an afternoon tea!  However, the Victorians were the intruders because...

...the signs says it all!!

There was a jester, of course there had to be one, with his colourful costume and very greedy ferret which entertained the children and the adults alike.

All around was the wonderful surroundings of the Cathedral and buildings in the precincts.  The picture below is of the Bishop's orchard looking towards the side of the Cathedral.  So beautiful, and you completely feel that you are no longer in the middle of a busy city.
Of course, the Romans had to be there didn't they.  Even in costume they are intimidating and shouted out to everyone that as soon as they started marching, they weren't going to stop!

The Napoleonic War was represented and the soldiers looked fantastic in their refinery.

Of course, some members of the public had to join in.  We honestly thought that this man was part of the event.  No, he was a 'Medieval Biker' just come to have a look!!

The weather, albeit windy, was dry and the sun came out on occasion.  However the visitors that came to see this free event, were clearly enjoying themselves.  Miss Teenager and her friend went off to enjoy the shopping that Peterborough offers however they were soon pulled back in to the heritage experience and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.  Myself and Mumsy?  Well we had a wonderful time, looking at Victoriana - our favourite! and eating from a vintage ice cream van.  Very tempted to have a banana ice lolly like those we used to have many years ago but held off and had 99's with chocolate sauce...of course.

As for the fishermen?  Not a bite.  They weren't downhearted though as the rain kept off them and they spoke to quite a lot of like minded people.

X <3 X

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